Why Python won't work on .net



what parts of "The CLS does have pointers to methods, but the situations
in which they can be used are limited by the code validator" and "in neither
case can the function pointer come from a variable" did you have trouble

Probably most of it. I was tired. :)



The subject here is imprecise. The issue is that .net performs very poorly with
dynamic languages.

Yes, I agree. While it would be *possible* to implement most anything
on .net, any language that isn't a close friend, thematically, to C#,
really isn't at home there. The underlying framework is really a virtual
machine designed to implement C#'s features.

Moreover, and more to the point, any other programming language which
does not use these primitives as intended (e.g., uses dynamic composition
to achieve inheritance instead of the framework's primary primitives to
achieve same) will be a second bastard child in the environment, with
glaring warts that will be obvious the moment interoperation is attempted.

Since the *main appeal* of .net is language interop, ...

Well, perhaps that answers the OP's question.


Tim Roberts

Gustavo Campanelli said:
As far as I've learned so far, .net is good for client server but not
that great for standalone because of the need for the .net runtime to
run things, which creates a large overhead.

Disk space is cheap and getting cheaper. Overhead is just not the issue it
once was. Plus, the run-time only has to be installed once, and it will be
included in all future Microsoft operating systems.
Performance is an issue too, as everything compiles JIT.

This is less of an issue than you might think. As you say, everything is
compiled the first time it is encountered, so anything used more than one
is actually native code. I'm also dubious, but people I respect tell me
that .NET program performance is surprisingly good.

Plus, the standard library is quite outstanding. It rivals Python's, and
exceeds it in Microsoft-centric areas.
I think that's why although .net is a great
idea, a lot of languages will remain language of choice for
standalone/no runtimes/speed critical/cross platform aplications. I
could be wrong, but I don't think I'm far from the truth.

There are rumors that the Windows release after Longhorn might be
restricted to CLR/.NET programs only. I don't know what that actually
means, nor what the sentencing guidelines are for violating the rule, but
there it is.

Fernando Perez

Allenabethea said:
Jython is 100% java coded python.
Python objects work with javacompilers and Virtual machines.

I am a hobby programmer so the technical reasons are probably beyond me...
Why is python incompatible with .net? Why can't python be coded in C#?

I see the the MONO project on linux/unix is advancing. .Net seems to be a
juggernaut especially if programmers will be able to use their favorite(most
productive) language to program in. (every language but python)

I am a new python tinkerer. I love the language. But what is its future but
as a legacy tool?


Some who I suspect know a thing or two about python and .NET seem to disagree:




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