Mike said:I have never seen or heard of Ruby in a corporate context. The single
exception (where I first came across it) was a supplier who was using it
with Watir for testing a Java application.
The shame they could not test Java with Java is overwhelming.
Obese platforms like Java are invented to sell to corporate managers.
If you supply services to corporates, what sort of case can you make for
using Ruby rather than Java, which is in use everywhere? (I'm not
thinking of Rails here, which is a rather specialized).
The main selling point is: Getting twice the features written, in half the time,
with 1/10th the lines of code, and with no bugs (under Test Driven Development).
Yes, Java supports TDD, but Ruby is a dynamic language. That makes everything
easier, including the testing.
In Java, you must declare the class hierarchy for every interface, and you must
declare which types are allowed in what variables. This overhead is remarkably
similar to the (Taylorist) principle that to do anything in a big company you
must first fill out your paperwork, in triplicate, get it approved by your
managers' managers' managers, bury it in peat for a decade, etc. Java is an
example of "overcontrol", yet that is exactly the selling point that Sun makes
to your managers.