M. Edward (Ed) Borasky
Nothing is 100 percent free of data loss or corruption. Not Linux. NotRyan said:This is the last I'll speak on this topic. I promise...
% curl -s http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk/CHANGES | egrep -ic
Including... SURPRISE! In the very latest release!!! and 5 in the last
year alone (since sept 2006 actually).
So does the storage type matter??? Hell no. Not with that track record.
BSD. Not Windows. Not Solaris. And not *any* source code repository or
other application built upon them, free as in freedom, free as in beer
or expensive as all get out. This is why we RAID our disks and perform
frequent backups, live mirror if we need hot backup, and pay our
operations staff.
There are only two kinds of data in the world: those that have been
backed up and those that have not yet been lost.