Arne Vajhøj
Do you see some Ctrl-D or Ctrl-Z in my code? Except
as explanatory in a prompt?
Do you see some Ctrl-C in my code?
No but you ask users to enter it and complain
about its behavior.
Here is a reminder for you: The posed problem is as follows
IF sigint is supported THEN how sould
FileInputStream(FileDescriptor.in) behave?
I don't care about those platforms where there is no sigint.
The problem is then automatically resolved. The IF THEN
is trivially true.
If a feature is not generally available it does not really
belong in Java (well - a few exceptions has been mad over
the years, but ...).
And even though it is in the true spirit of Java to have
well defined behavior, then you should expect it if the docs
does not say so.
Could they do something in this area. I would guess so. But
given how few that seems to consider it a problem, then it
may very likely end up far down the priority list.