Claudio Grondi
Done. A completely new file was created.BartlebyScrivener said:Go to Options. Near the bottom, it will say "Edit Init.File" Click on
Have copy/pasted to it including bracesMake an entry on a separate line near the top as follows
(require 'python-mode)
Then save the init file.
(require 'python-mode)
No effect on reopening emacs, except:
(1) (initialization/error) An error has occurred while loading
c:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Admin\.xemacs\init.el:
Cannot open load file: python-mode
To ensure normal operation, you should investigate the cause of the
error in your initialization file and remove it. Use the `-debug-init'
option to XEmacs to view a complete error backtrace.
To summarize my evaluation of XEmacs here:
- nothing valuable for Python script development out of the box or
easy achievable in its Windows version.
XEmacs is out from beeing considered an option for someone looking for
an editor helping him doing his Python scripting.
My final conclusions (I am tired now of evaluating):
The only worth to consider freeware option to Wingide on Windows seems
to be SPE (or other Scintilla based free editors with the disadvantage
of not having specific support for Python scripting).
The best not free overall text editing tool on Windows is UltraEdit, but
for someone interested in an editor for the limited purpose of editing
Python scripts Wingide in its Personal Version is probably actual a much
better choice (and multiplatform).
As closing words I would like to encourage anyone to start using
SPE ( http://pythonide.stani.be )
and contribute to its development making it beside IDLE a further
standard editor for Python scripting having the potential to become one
day a serious competitor to Wing. Why? Just because I decided to start
using it and am eager to see it improving.