Goes to claims of understanding.
Good manners, common courtesy, spirit of cooperation, demonstration of
understanding, etc ...
Guilt manipulating lies and fabrications.
PROVE that your "manners" are "good"!
Prove that you are something to even bother about?
This ugly concoction is simply sick.
The claim is simply wrong. It's not a vast or even a simple
majority. With a typical newsreader it's possible to simply filter out
every post from the big web portals. Besides losing a vast amount of
spam you improve the signal to noise greatly and you lose nothing like
a vast majority of posts.
Now if you count all the spam sent through google then you might
approach half of some groups, but if you disregard spambots the
numbers are more realistic.
Why do you ask? Do you claim understanding of the organization and
governance of usenet?
How many people besides you have to disagree to prevent something from
becoming standard? Are you that powerful by yourself or is there some
minimum number of others required?
For the RFC's that existed before you discovered the internet, can you
invalidate those by simple disagreement too or is there a time limit
to your power?
Again with the "vast"; your understanding of the state of human rights
in the international context is underwhelming. It's hard to find a
topic with more fundamental disagreement globally.
Rights never stand alone, they are paired with responsibility.
Freedom of expression comes with responsibility and limits. There is a
clear limit that prevents expression that causes harm to others. You
can't falsely yell fire in a crowded theater or knowingly say false
things to harm another. Those limits derive from the burden to act
responsibly and consequences based on civil law.
Where did you read or hear this? I can't find anything that promises
freedom of expression on usenet with or without qualifications.
Is there someone there threatening you? Do you need help?
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