Yet Another useless Ruby 2 Idea


Jeff Wood

Understood, but at the same time, it's funny that you say Python has
sacrificed nearly everything ... this from member methods that require
self as the first parameter...

Anyways, yeah, not trying to cause a fight, but I don't particularly
see that as particularly readable... a newbie looks at the code and
says, but I didn't pass 4 parameters...

I find Ruby to be quite a bit easier on my eyes that Python ... I just
really like their list syntax ...

Anyways , just putting my $0.02 in.


Not to pick a fight, but that's just fine by me. Python sacrifices
nearly everything for readability. It's a language that revolves
around making code readable. If Python is occasionally more readable,
that's just fine. Ruby has a goal of being pleasant to write and work
with as well as being reasonably readable. I'd feel far more
comfortable when I work with Ruby, and it is usually quite readable. I
feel far more constrained when I write Python, but the output is
nearly always extremely readable.
The fact that Ruby can compete with Python in terms of readability is
a testament to how far it has come.
Dave Fayram (II)
(e-mail address removed)

"So long, and thanks for all the fish"

Jeff Wood

gabriele renzi

Jeff Wood ha scritto:
I'm not saying there are NO features of python that are cool... I like
their list comprehensions

but, I do dislike the whitespace formatting extremely.

not that this is important, but I was'nt suggesting indentation based
syntax, which I dislike for reasons (i.e. commenting may mess syntax)
that do not apply to implict terminators.

Anyway, I'm not really advocating this, see the 3rd word in the subject ;)

[ item*2 for item in items ]

which is the same as: items.collect { |item| item*2 }

I think their version is more readable...

but beyond that, they have a cool conditional clause for the comprehensions..

[ item*2 for item in items if item > 2 ]

items.cool_method_name {|item| item*2 if item > 2}

is quite doable in ruby, just collect when yielding gives you a
meaningful result, there are quite a bit of solutions.
cool_method_name is often suggested as compact_map, map_filter,
select_map and others, try googling for them.

BTW, python's generator expressions are much cooler ;)


gabriele said:
Jeff Wood ha scritto:
I'm not saying there are NO features of python that are cool... I like
their list comprehensions

but, I do dislike the whitespace formatting extremely.

not that this is important, but I was'nt suggesting indentation based
syntax, which I dislike for reasons (i.e. commenting may mess syntax)
that do not apply to implict terminators.

Anyway, I'm not really advocating this, see the 3rd word in the subject ;)

[ item*2 for item in items ]

which is the same as: items.collect { |item| item*2 }

I think their version is more readable...

but beyond that, they have a cool conditional clause for the comprehensions..

[ item*2 for item in items if item > 2 ]

items.cool_method_name {|item| item*2 if item > 2}

is quite doable in ruby, just collect when yielding gives you a
meaningful result, there are quite a bit of solutions.
cool_method_name is often suggested as compact_map, map_filter,
select_map and others, try googling for them.

BTW, python's generator expressions are much cooler ;)

With literal lambda's and an extension to #[] Ruby can easily do:

a = [1,2,3,4,5,6]

a[ { |i| i > 2 } ] #=> [3,4,5,6]

In the new notation BTW:

a[ -> i { i > 2 } ]

Facets already has this extension, but currently one must write:

a[ lambda { |i| i > 2 } ]


Jacob Fugal

not that this is important, but I was'nt suggesting indentation based
syntax, which I dislike for reasons (i.e. commenting may mess syntax)
that do not apply to implict terminators.

I'm a little confused then... how do you disambiguate implicit block
terminators without significant whitespace? Take for example the
following case, with no leading whitespace (to make sure it's not

module Foo
class Bar

That's it, just two lines, and I can define a module and a class.
Pretty nice. But what am I defining? Is the class ::Bar or Foo::Bar?
The implicit terminators could be chosen either way:

module Foo
class Bar


module Foo
class Bar

Now, the syntax need not be ambiguous to the parser. Just choose a
convention. But at that point it becomes impossible to do the other
without reintroducing an explicit terminator. That would only make
things even more confusing. Some terminators explicit, others
implicit? No thank you!

In order to keep all the options currently available -- most of which
I've used personally and all of which have been used by *somebody* --
explicit terminators are necessary. The only explicit terminators I
know of are symbols (for which I think the keyword 'end' works nicely)
or a change in indentation.

Jacob Fugal

Stephen Kellett

Austin Ziegler said:
No one is suggesting to stop now. Layout-based syntax, however, is a
stupid idea that should have died with punch cards.

Yes, I hate Python's syntactically significant whitespace.

Indeed. It is the most important 1 reason for me not using Python on a
regular basis. Seeing Ruby and knowing that it does not have
syntactically significant whitespace is excellent and one of the reasons
that made me look more closely at Ruby.

The number of times a visually correct Python script I've written
doesn't work because I've mixed up tabs and spaces (and then have to go
through finding out where the failure is) - you have no idea how much
this irritates. Its like paddling through treacle. I don't think I have
ever successfully written a Python script without falling foul of this
ridiculous concept.

Makefiles also mix up spaces and tabs and often fail if you put the
wrong invisible character in the wrong place. Its a nightmare. People
knew that Makefile syntax was daft before Python was born. Why anyone
would want to put that into a computer language beggars belief.
you want X, use Y". But we should also discourage the importation of
the worst features of other languages.

Well said.


gabriele renzi

Jacob Fugal ha scritto:
I'm a little confused then... how do you disambiguate implicit block
terminators without significant whitespace? Take for example the
following case, with no leading whitespace (to make sure it's not

module Foo
class Bar

That's it, just two lines, and I can define a module and a class.
Pretty nice. But what am I defining? Is the class ::Bar or Foo::Bar?

the latter, if you wanted to write the former you should have been using
the explicit form.
The rule is not hard, it's just "when there is no ambiguity, you can
omit", it's just like the use of parenthesis (or is it parenses?) around
And mostly like the ";" at the end of every line that we don't ever write ;)
But as was already pointed out this seem to be non obvious, and thus it
is probably a bad idea.

Now, the syntax need not be ambiguous to the parser. Just choose a
convention. But at that point it becomes impossible to do the other
without reintroducing an explicit terminator. That would only make
things even more confusing. Some terminators explicit, others
implicit? No thank you!

just like ";", and like () around arguments to methods, afaict

Jacob Fugal

And mostly like the ";" at the end of every line that we don't ever write= ;)
just like ";", and like () around arguments to methods, afaict

Regarding ";": Each statement *does* have an explicit terminator. It's
just that there are two choices for terminator: ";" or newline.

Regarding "()": This is somewhat different. Anytime you have a block
of code, you're for sure explicitly marking the beginning ("def",
"class", "module", "do"). Making the beginning explicit but the
terminator implicit would be like making the closing paren optional
when using an open paren.
But as was already pointed out this seem to be non obvious, and thus it
is probably a bad idea.

Yes, IMNSHO it is a *very* bad idea[1]. Even worse than significant
whitespace. ;)

Jacob Fugal

[1] Remember though, it's just this idea I'm ragging on. I've liked
many of your other ideas!

Daniel Brockman

gabriele renzi said:
I was'nt suggesting indentation based syntax, which I
dislike for reasons (i.e. commenting may mess syntax) that
do not apply to implict terminators.

What do you mean, "commenting may mess syntax"?
items.cool_method_name {|item| item*2 if item > 2}

is quite doable in ruby

Except you can't collect nil values that way.

Daniel Brockman

Stephen Kellett said:
The number of times a visually correct Python script I've
written doesn't work because I've mixed up tabs and spaces

I cannot believe you haven't resolved this trivial problem
by simply not using tabs. Make your editor refuse to save a
buffer that contains tabs, and make it refuse to insert them.
Makefiles also mix up spaces and tabs and often fail if
you put the wrong invisible character in the wrong place.

This problem is difficult to make with a highlighting editor.
Its a nightmare. People knew that Makefile syntax was daft
before Python was born. Why anyone would want to put that
into a computer language beggars belief.

The problem with makefile syntax is its dependence on tabs;
Python fixed this. Why anyone would want to still use tabs
beggars belief.

Jacob Fugal

Except you can't collect nil values that way.

With that syntax, no. This would be a great place for multiple block
arguments though:

module Enumerable
def filter_and_map( &filter, &map )
result =3D []
self.each { |el| result << map[el] if filter[el] }
return result
[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ].filter_and_map { |i| i % 2 =3D=3D 0 } { |i| i ** 2 }
# =3D> [ 4, 16 ]

Currently, this would have to written (the change to the method
implementation follows easily)

[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ].filter_and_map( lambda{ |i| ... }, lambda{ |i| ... } )

Although, once we have named parameters and have settled on a syntax
for lambdas, it wouldn't be so bad:

[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ].filter_and_map(
filter: { |i| ... },
map: { |i| ... },

I'm with many of the other posters in this thread, however, and find
the list comprehension syntax even better[1]. Oh, well.

Jacob Fugal

[1] I think that{ |i| ... }.map{ |i| ... } may be even more
readable than the list comprehension, but it suffers performance due
to two passes through each of the accepted elements.

gabriele renzi

Daniel Brockman ha scritto:
What do you mean, "commenting may mess syntax"?

well, if I write

def foozer(x):
if x >10:
print x
do other stuff

and I do comment out the "if" line, there is a syntax error
Except you can't collect nil values that way.

Well, you can retain this same syntax for the common case and with
various tricks (avoiding another method as argument) augment the method
to handle "useful nils".
My favourite option is comparing the return value with a given
parameter, defaulting to nil, so if you think you want to collect nils
you can do:

items.filter_mapping:)skip) {|item| fobbar(item)? item : :skip}

Or you could throw something to skip collecting, and catch it in
#cool_method. You could even write a "skip" method to throw stuff for you.

Stephen Kellett

Daniel Brockman said:
I cannot believe you haven't resolved this trivial problem
by simply not using tabs. Make your editor refuse to save a

I write lots of code in C++ and assembler, you get into a habit of using
tabs to format your code. This is very hard to leave behind, you press
tab without even thinking about it, its automatic. Watching most
software engineers at work, I think this is pretty much the norm.
Examining the source code sent to me for customer support/debugging
issues leads me to the same conclusion.

The idea of pressing tab and having multiple whitespace chars inserted
is horrible, it makes deleting what should be a tab a multi-delete
operation. Truly dreadful.

It is very hard to change your editing/typing style from language to
another when they should be the same. I want a language to be easy to
use. I should not have to use a special IDE/editor to display different
invisible characters - I should be concentrating on the code itself not
the issues around how it is typed. Its as if driving a car I should be
counting the number of kerb stones I pass rather than actually
concentrating on the job at hand. Or playing one mandolin I have to
count the number of frets each time a fret a note but on the other
mandolin I just play the instrument. Its just nonesense. Whitespace
should be that - whitespace, but Python thinks otherwise.
The problem with makefile syntax is its dependence on tabs; Python
fixed this.

I disagree. It is another form of the same problem - mixing different
forms of whitespace.
Why anyone would want to still use tabs beggars belief.

Because it involves less typing and makes formatting a lot easier?

I think you are in a minority on this, I've yet to meet anyone that
writes code that doesn't use them. In 24 years of writing software that
is a reasonable sample size.

Anyway, from the replies to this thread it seems that sense prevails and
Ruby users generally dislike the whitespace formatting idea.



[Re: tabbing]

Stephen said:
The idea of pressing tab and having multiple whitespace chars inserted
is horrible, it makes deleting what should be a tab a multi-delete
operation. Truly dreadful.

Configure your editor (?)

I press <TAB> to insert 4 spaces ... <BSPC> goes back to indentation
level of line above ... if no line above, it goes to start of line.

<TAB><TAB> inserts 8 spaces, *one* <BSPC> does the same as above.
You soon get used to it when it's predictable.

If I accidentally hit 7 <TAB>s when I meant 6 - tough luck
because there's no way to go back one; so, <BSPC> and <TAB> * 6.

Pressing <RETURN> aligns with current line (that's common isn't it ?).
If you're using "hard tabs", it aligns by inserting a <TAB> character;
"soft tabs" pads with spaces.

The single advantage of "hard tabs" is to save disk space, IMO.

See if there's an editor option (or two) which mentions backspace
behaviour and give it a tweak -- then spread the word ;-)

If you don't have the options, either demand them or change your editor.

Hopefully, everyone's code can then be viewed in everyone's editor.



The single advantage of "hard tabs" is to save disk space, IMO.

True, although with todays large hard drives, it's not paramount. It
think if the size-ratio of tabs to spaces were fixed (say, at the
compromise of 4, between 2 and 8) then I think tabs would be great.
Unfortunately as it stands, it's better to use spaces --they're
universally the same.


Sylvain Joyeux

And yet another troll on tabs vs. spaces ...

I'll definitely avoid using any language whose behaviour depends on the
editor used and/or its configuration.


Daniel Brockman

gabriele renzi said:
well, if I write

def foozer(x):
if x >10:
print x
do other stuff

and I do comment out the "if" line, there is a syntax error

Uh, this is much less of a problem with indentation-based
syntax than with delimiter-based such.

def foozer(x)
if x > 10
print x
do other stuff

Comment out the `if' line in the above code and you still
get a syntax error, but on a different line!

In general, with indentation-based syntax, what you see is
what you get, while with delimiter-based syntax, what you
see might or might not be what you get.

Stephen Kellett

Daniel Brockman said:
In general, with indentation-based syntax, what you see is
what you get,

As I've already described with the mix up with tabs and spaces the above
is not true.


Charles Mcknight

While I agree with your sentiment, I'd propose that Ruby didn't "steal"
ideas from other languages but chose to stand on the shoulders of giants
and "build" on those ideas. :)

Nikolai Weibull

daz said:
If I accidentally hit 7 <TAB>s when I meant 6 - tough luck because
there's no way to go back one; so, <BSPC> and <TAB> * 6.

Huh? That's weird behavior. Why not have backspace delete exactly the
number of spaces representing the tabulation-fill that your at? That's
how Vim does it anyway...,

gabriele renzi

mathew ha scritto:
Can you post some examples of situations where there is no ambiguity,
without treating whitespace as significant?

well, the same I wrote in the first message (i.e. a method after a
method, a constant after a method etc)

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