Chris Patti
Here's a nice advocacy anecdote. A colleague vents, "So they hired him to
write the GUI, and he insisted on using C# because he claimed it would be
portable. So after he wrote a ton of cruft and we got rid of him, I tried= to
build Mono for Linux, and there were no RPMs, so I know how to build sour= ce
right? The dependency chain was a mile long, and I spent almost two weeks= at
That's like 20 or 30 engineering hours down the drain, folks...
Me: "Jeeze this stuff is obvious; that's why I always get permission befo= re
picking a language."
Colleague: "Of course!"
Me: "Except Ruby." [He knows I maintain portability by actually porting a= s I
Colleague: "Natch."
Don'tcha just love backing the winning horse that everyone else thinks is
going to lose? The Java & .NET sectors of the industry are in a pitiful
condition, and the bosses who grew up with C++ just keep asking for more.=
Beg to differ. I can't speak to C#, but Java is thriving. Look in
academic course catalogs. Look in the help wanteds. Look at the huge
body of open source java there is out there.
Tool to task folks, they all have their place. Consider promoting
Ruby's finer points and extolling its virtues rather than slamming the
Chris Patti --- Y!: feoh -- AIM: chrisfeohpatti --- E-Mail: cpatti@gmail.=
"The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by mean of
zeal,well-meaning but without understanding."-- Justice Louis O. Brandeis=
(Olmstead vs. United States)