Zed Shaw - Ruby has dodged a bullet


Phil Rhoades


Here, here!

Hear, Hear!

Philip Rhoades

Pricom Pty Limited (ACN 003 252 275 ABN 91 003 252 275)
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Sydney NSW 2001
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Robert Dober

1. Well ... there are a lot of Ruby and Rails books on the market. But
there are a lot *more* books on how to deal with "difficult" people.
Francis' point is valid. Behavior like Zed's is unacceptable. It is
grounds for immediate dismissal in every organization I've ever been a
part of, and always will be. Behavior of that kind drives productive
people away.

2. Can we afford to lose such a brilliant mind? First of all, since this
is a "community" and not an "organization", I don't think there's a
notion of "loss" here. That is, we couldn't really have kicked him out
if we had somehow "met and decided that he should be expelled." So yes,
if we have indeed "lost" Zed Shaw, I think we can afford it. There are
lots of brilliant people who are easy to work with, although anyone can
be pushed to the limit.
I honor your POV and will never argue that mine is more correct,
especially as you express it with great respect, allow me however to
be clearer than I was - my fault. I was not thinking about us but
society in general, your reasoning might still be valid though of

3. I also want to say something about programming and behavior a little
more generic than just Ruby, Rails and Zed Shaw. Decades ago Gerald
Weinberg wrote a book, _The Psychology of Computer Programming_. Bear in
mind that this book was written in a day and age when programmers were a
scarce resource. I just checked Amazon and the book is still in print,
and the Amazon page links to Weinberg's blog if you're interested. The
point is that:

a. The psychology of programmers is different from that of some (but not
all) other professionals, and
b. There are enough good programmers that one in general does *not* need
to tolerate unacceptable behavior. That was not always the case.
One should never tolerate inacceptable behavior but are there not
other ways to deal with it than 0/1?
Well my hypothesis and more so John=B4s was that "intolerable" behaviour
is sometimes caused by problems we might face all once in a while and
therfore nobody should throw the first stone, if you feel however that
it is regular behaviour you are of course 100% right.
But you said it yourself, this is not the place to judge people, voila
why I took the role of the Advocatus Diaboli.



Robert Dober

But you said it yourself, this is not the place to judge people, voila
ERRATUM: That was James, oh my bad

Luis Lavena

"Like Zed, we all have some differences with other users in the
"community. Zed didn't stab all the members of it, nor Ruby nor Rails,
"but lot of folks must agree that Rails is becoming the next Java."

Well he wrote:

'I don't want to be a "Ruby guy" anymore, and will probably start
getting into more Python, Factor, and Lua in the coming months'

And to me this sounds as if he hates Ruby as language, but without
giving any concrete evidence what he dislikes about ruby as language.

"don't want to be a 'ruby guy'" doesn't mean he hates the language. he
just hate being labeled like that.

In my case I don't hate but really piss me off that every time I try
to get feedback on proper support for Windows (which I professionally
use), get silly answers like "hey, move to a real OS".

I don't insult your OS choice, whatever distro of Linux you're using,
nor even critize users using OSX and telling us that's the OS every
developer should be using. Come on guys, di-ver-si-ty.

Also, underneath that "angry filled post" there is some logic. If
you're a freelance developer, you should have feld that sometime, the
anxiety of job to put food on your table (and pay the bills), but
there is a also the need of recognition from your employers and your
peers, and not being used just for your name.

Have a nice year!

Patrick Aljord

this reminds me of the really hot girl rant who complains that despite
her hot body she always go for the wrong guy who only want to get in
her pant but I might need some sleep though :)


PS: Zed we love you and thanks again for Mongrel

Sam Smoot

In my case I don't hate but really piss me off that every time I try
to get feedback on proper support for Windows (which I professionally
use), get silly answers like "hey, move to a real OS".

Off Topic: I really do think OCI's use of VC6 is a big factor in this.
Not only do I have to buy VMWare, a copy of Windows, and go through
*hours* of inconvenience, but I have to dig up some compiler that's no
longer offered or supported when MS offers free alternatives for
download (VCExpress)... It's really frustrating. Not directed at you
of course Luis. Appreciate your hard work at bridging the gap. :)

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky

Sam said:
Off Topic: I really do think OCI's use of VC6 is a big factor in this.
Not only do I have to buy VMWare, a copy of Windows, and go through
*hours* of inconvenience, but I have to dig up some compiler that's no
longer offered or supported when MS offers free alternatives for
download (VCExpress)... It's really frustrating. Not directed at you
of course Luis. Appreciate your hard work at bridging the gap. :)

Well ... let's open this for discussion. Austin, John, Charlie, please
feel free to jump in. :)

1. Microsoft has a Ruby product in the works, which is called IronRuby.
It is as I understand it an open source project, under development by a
small team including John Lam. I haven't heard the latest status, but as
of RubyConf 2007 it was still "under construction".

2. jRuby will run anywhere the Java Virtual Machine runs, which means
Windows is included.

3. You do *not* have to buy VMware to run Windows on a Linux box
provided your hardware has the recent enhancements that allow Xen to run
unmodified guests. Xen is a bear to set up from raw source, but as I
understand it, it is fairly painless under RHEL 5/CentOS 5 and some
recent versions of Fedora. You *do* have to read the documentation, but
there *is* documentation. :) I can't offer you any advice for
Macintoshes ... I've never owned one and odds are I never will.

4. While there are "free as in beer" Microsoft compilers, the "free as
in freedom" compilers for Windows are dominated by the gcc port to
either MinGW or Cygwin. I haven't checked recently to see if one is
newer than the other, but both are true open source environments.

So there are lots of options for people who want to run Ruby on a
Windows box, ranging from the One-Click-Installer and Instant Rails to
loading Cygwin and using the Cygwin pre-compiled Ruby. Or you can build
your own from source on either Cygwin or MinGW.

The Cygwin Ruby is slightly faster on my workstation at my day job than
the One-Click Ruby, but not enough to justify a switch. But a Ruby
recompiled with gcc from source for, say, a P4, probably would be
significantly faster -- maybe as much as 30 percent. I for one think
that's enough motivation to switch from the One-Click, but there is also
the "religious" issue of whether you want to use a fully open source
tool chain or not.

Luis Lavena

Keeping the OT ;-)
Off Topic: I really do think OCI's use of VC6 is a big factor in this.
Not only do I have to buy VMWare, a copy of Windows, and go through
*hours* of inconvenience, but I have to dig up some compiler that's no
longer offered or supported when MS offers free alternatives for
download (VCExpress)... It's really frustrating.

The choice of VC6 wasn't mine, nor original from Curt Hibbs or Andy
Hunt for what matters.

I always bring this up, since there is some confusion on the
fundaments of Ruby being compiled with VC6:

- Curt was using VC2003 (7.1) back in 2006, the pain to maintain not
just Ruby but all the extensions compiled for it was overkill

- There has been always an "official", naked/barebone build of Ruby
for Windows made by Nobu at garbagecollect. Curt and the others at One-
Click Installer just fill the gap which was simpler at that time.

- Discussion about VC2005, MinGW or whatever compile you name always
raise in this list or ruby-core, but noone really take big steps on
this, besides some contributions from Austin Ziegler to allow ruby be
built with VC8, which is radically different beast compared to VC6.

- VC8 bring just a big nightware to the whole thing, even is
"free" (as microsoft states it), you require build everything with it,
which translate to a hell of project maintainance.

- Build with MinGW also requires proper testing, which I've tried to
get some assistance on this list and also on ruby-core about serious
issues (blockers) without success too (hey, maybe I need to learn
english, since I think noone understand what I write).
Not directed at you of course Luis. Appreciate your hard work at bridging the gap. :)

I know you don't. I even had my differences with other developers on
this list, ruby-core or #ruby-lang, and sent my apologizes when

You must thank Zed, Curt, Nobu and Austing, without them and their
comments I wouldn't be so active, lack of feedback is negative, more
when you're working in your free time.

I must accept the fact I'm not a easy person to deal with, and that
many "companies" will not like my attitude for a "team work".

On a On-Topic thing, if you remove the cursing and bad words from
Zed's lengthy post, you will find a deep, not-so-far-from-truth
reality. Now replace 'Rails' with J2EE, dotNet or even SAP, and you
will find that this new virus is infecting the community is nothing
new, is a old decease that existed way before Ruby became "mainstream"
due Rails. I can call it a 'suck-energy-from-community' decease.

Anyway, I cannot comment on the personal relations or the
personalities Zed mention in his post, since I haven't dealt with them
and cannot discuss these personal issues in such open way like Zed
did. But again, that is Zed's POV and his ideas, agree or not with

For what matters, Zed was the only developer back in 2006 (or even
2007) I've met that from day zero shown openness and desire to get
Mongrel working on Windows. Hey, he even setup a Windows box and
installed FreeBASIC just to build mongrel_service there!

Some folks may consider my comments useless since I can be Zed's
friend. I hope he consider me that way, since I respect him as human
being and his work. All this time we've chat, mailed or IM we talk and
share ideas with respect.

Hope other users don't follow the main line of this thread and start
doing the first thing they critize from Zed.

Everybody have a nice week!


Luis Lavena

Todd Benson

1. Well ... there are a lot of Ruby and Rails books on the market. But
there are a lot *more* books on how to deal with "difficult" people.
Francis' point is valid. Behavior like Zed's is unacceptable. It is
grounds for immediate dismissal in every organization I've ever been a
part of, and always will be. Behavior of that kind drives productive
people away.

True, but I think we need the occasional fringe behavior in any community.
2. Can we afford to lose such a brilliant mind? First of all, since this
is a "community" and not an "organization", I don't think there's a
notion of "loss" here. That is, we couldn't really have kicked him out
if we had somehow "met and decided that he should be expelled." So yes,
if we have indeed "lost" Zed Shaw, I think we can afford it. There are
lots of brilliant people who are easy to work with, although anyone can
be pushed to the limit.

From a business perspective, I agree.
3. I also want to say something about programming and behavior a little
more generic than just Ruby, Rails and Zed Shaw. Decades ago Gerald
Weinberg wrote a book, _The Psychology of Computer Programming_. Bear in
mind that this book was written in a day and age when programmers were a
scarce resource. I just checked Amazon and the book is still in print,
and the Amazon page links to Weinberg's blog if you're interested. The
point is that:

a. The psychology of programmers is different from that of some (but not
all) other professionals, and
b. There are enough good programmers that one in general does *not* need
to tolerate unacceptable behavior. That was not always the case.

I know of a lot of very smart people that would hire the person for
precisely his use of foul language and bad attitude.

The only thing I don't like about that blog, though, is the focus on
people who use Rails and how evil/idiotic they must be. But, I just
think that sociologically, a scaffold (Rails) that allows people to do
things when they really _don't_ know how to do things can be
frustrating for some coders.


M. Edward (Ed) Borasky

Luis said:
- Build with MinGW also requires proper testing, which I've tried to
get some assistance on this list and also on ruby-core about serious
issues (blockers) without success too (hey, maybe I need to learn
english, since I think noone understand what I write).

I can't help you with ruby-core, but I *can* test MinGW (and Cygwin,
which I prefer) versions of Ruby. :) I think the real issue isn't
performance or open versus closed source, though. The real issue is that
a large number of Windows "workstations" are inside very tightly
controlled IT environments, and *anything* other than approved software
is frowned upon. That includes One-Click, MinGW, Cygwin, and lots of
other things.

Now if you're talking about *servers*, I'd be inclined to join in the
chorus of "get a real OS". ;) Seriously, though, Windows servers *using
all of the native Microsoft tools* have an unjustified bad reputation.
They're fine tools, the performance is competitive with the LAMP stack
(now), and the .NET development environment is world-class. But why pay
the Windows license fees for the base server OS if you're going to run
Apache, MySQL or PostgreSQL, and Ruby/Rails or PHP? Why not just get
Debian, Fedora, CentOS (free), or even RHEL, which is cheaper than
Windows Server?

James Britt

Jay said:
Ruby was around before USENET??

You may have a different recollection of ruby-talk of a few years ago
than I.

What struck me was how much it was unlike other lists.

James Britt

"The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance, but the illusion
of knowledge."
- D. Boorstin

James Britt

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky said:
3. You do *not* have to buy VMware to run Windows on a Linux box
provided your hardware has the recent enhancements that allow Xen to run
unmodified guests.

There are free versions of VMware one can use as well.


Sam Smoot

There are free versions of VMware one can use as well.


Right, well, I meant on my Mac.

The point was it's just a huge pain, and I've asked about Windows C-
extensions here before and I obviously still have no clue what I'm
talking about when it comes to VC6 vs VC8 vs whatever... ;-)

I will say I don't personally know any Windows/Ruby people using
anything but the OCI. Even now that I have a fair amount of experience
with *nix machines, just the idea of getting Cygwin running scares me.
I won't say it's not an option for Windows devs, but I will say I
don't think it's realistic for Cygwin/MiniGW (for Ruby specifically)
to ever gain anywhere near the deployment OCI has.

Anyways, back to Zed: Despite some people claiming "it's not that
hard", people willing to write robust, stable, C extensions for Ruby
are very few and far between it seems. Pure Rubyists are a dime a
dozen in comparison. At least that's my perception of things.

Giles Bowkett

I will say I don't personally know any Windows/Ruby people using
anything but the OCI. Even now that I have a fair amount of experience
with *nix machines, just the idea of getting Cygwin running scares me.
I won't say it's not an option for Windows devs, but I will say I
don't think it's realistic for Cygwin/MiniGW (for Ruby specifically)
to ever gain anywhere near the deployment OCI has.

I have to agree there. I've used Cygwin on Windows a bit but it's just
not the same.
Anyways, back to Zed: Despite some people claiming "it's not that
hard", people willing to write robust, stable, C extensions for Ruby
are very few and far between it seems. Pure Rubyists are a dime a
dozen in comparison. At least that's my perception of things.

Smart people always complain that their cleverest acrobatics are not
that hard. (Diplomatic no, smart yes.)

Giles Bowkett

Podcast: http://hollywoodgrit.blogspot.com
Blog: http://gilesbowkett.blogspot.com
Portfolio: http://www.gilesgoatboy.org
Tumblelog: http://giles.tumblr.com

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky

James said:
There are free versions of VMware one can use as well.

Yeah ... I personally own a VMware Workstation 6 (Linux host) license,
however, so I don't in general mess with them. ;)

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky

Sam said:
The point was it's just a huge pain, and I've asked about Windows C-
extensions here before and I obviously still have no clue what I'm
talking about when it comes to VC6 vs VC8 vs whatever... ;-)

Well, briefly -- in most cases, a Ruby extension written in C needs to
be compiled and "linked" (converted to a DLL) with the same tool set
that was used to compile and link the Ruby executable. So ... if you
rebuild the Ruby executable with gcc, you need to recompile and relink
any C-language extensions that way as well. And people who provide
binary gems for Windows Ruby need to provide them compiled with the same
compiler/linker that was used to build Ruby. So there needs to be some
kind of working consensus as to who does what when with which tools, or
nothing works except pure Ruby.
I will say I don't personally know any Windows/Ruby people using
anything but the OCI. Even now that I have a fair amount of experience
with *nix machines, just the idea of getting Cygwin running scares me.
I won't say it's not an option for Windows devs, but I will say I
don't think it's realistic for Cygwin/MiniGW (for Ruby specifically)
to ever gain anywhere near the deployment OCI has.

I use both the OCI and Cygwin Ruby *occasionally*, but I'm always
careful not to lock myself into either. I've never used MinGW, but I do
have it on the machine because some other open source software depends
on it.

Cygwin is easy to install and maintain. You go to www.cygwin.com,
download and run "setup.exe", and you get a graphical installer that
downloads stuff and puts it on your machine. I originally installed it
because I didn't want to buy a commercial X terminal emulator for
Windows, but I have since installed the whole enchilada. You *can* run
all the LAMP-stack servers on it, and you can run Rails on it. But it's
not the "preferred" way of doing those things.

Tomas Pospisek's Mailing Lists

3. You do *not* have to buy VMware to run Windows on a Linux box
provided your hardware has the recent enhancements that allow Xen to run
unmodified guests. Xen is a bear to set up from raw source, but as I
understand it, it is fairly painless under RHEL 5/CentOS 5 and some
recent versions of Fedora. You *do* have to read the documentation, but
there *is* documentation. :) I can't offer you any advice for
Macintoshes ... I've never owned one and odds are I never will.

You can also instead use VirtualBox which is pretty much "click and run"
(aka 'apt-get install virtualbox') at least under the Debian flavour of
Linux. And it also runs under Windows...


Jari Williamsson kirjoitti:
If Ruby was very much designed to make the programmer feel good (which I
personally feel to be very much the case, my eyes opened by Giles'
excellent blog post at
Zed clearly needs 2 new languages (one for the computer world one for
the real world). IMHO.

Well... Given that Giles there is one of those 'good coders' who snipe
at people who he sees as inferior coders... I must say you are on the
wrong track Jari. Tahvoja ne on molemmat

I say Go Zed! Tell it like it is! 8)

My perceptions are similar to his in regards to these strange
better-thab-thou-ex-php-wanna-be-coder-characters accumulating around
the Rails. And its time to ditch the (ruby-)rose-colored glasses that
seem to have been falling on peoples eyes in regard to anything

Sometimes it seems to me almost ALL rails 'experts' I meet or have any
kind of dialogue with JUST CAN'T WRITE GOOD CODE. Or know it when they
see some. They make snide comments in order to hide their poor skills
etc. *puts a leash on forthcoming rant*

And I am not even CS person, just an artist whose life is on "The Web."
But I like coding. And code. I must say I have NO idea about rails
code/deployment/maintaining qualities, Ive only used Heroku.

It seems to me the Rails community really has some self-studying to do.
Happy New Year to Matz and the whole Ruby community! Thanks for a great

Yes! Ruby is sweet like sweet red grapefruits and I hope all your 2008
is sweet too!


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