7 Ruby Programming ebook


Leslie Viljoen

When I was in India last year I picked up a copy of _Design Patterns_ that
was 640rp (about 16USD). The same book (not the same quality of paper) is
99USD. The bookstores there were loaded with new, legal printings of
technical books, in English, but are marked as "LPE" (Low Price Edition).
The book says:

"This edition is manufactured in India and is authorized for sale only in
India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lank and the Maldives."

I really appreciate this, and other ways of getting the same books cheaper.
I buy a lot of books and I think it is relatively expensive in Africa
(but I suppose
mostly due to transport costs).

Cheaper (non-DRM) PDF versions and 2nd-hand books (abebooks.com) are
a real treat for me.


G.Durga Prasad

I was under the impression that publishers priced differently in
different markets. Is this not the case?


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True here in India,for some books, although they may be published
sometimes a year or more later.

Today I just purchased "The Ruby Programming language" by D.Flanagan
and Matz for Indian Rs.400( $10 ) . This book is priced more than $26
at Amazon.com.

This book can legally be sold only in the Indian Subcontinent and
some countries in African Continent.


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