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Eleanor McHugh wrote:
| It's a lovely idea, but ponder the impact of Gödel's Incompleteness
| Theorems or Turing's proof of the Halting Problem. In practice there are
| program states which can occur which cannot be identified in advance
| because they are dependent on interactions with the environment, or are
| artefacts of the underlying problem space.
| That's why run-time error handling and fail-safe behaviour are so
| important regardless of the rigour of Q&A processes.
Sure. But to know these states, the software should be tested as
thoroughly as possible. I somehow doubt that anybody using something
mission-critical to flying or medical health wants to call the hotline
during the final approach of a plane or when a surgical robot gets
fantasies of being SkyNET.
Anyway, this problem is (AFAIK, anyway), countered by using redundant
implementations of the hardware and software (well, as far as possible,
anyway), to minimize the effect of unknown states.
I don't think that I ever heard of a pilot encountering an unhandled
exception during normal operation, for example. I guess we mean the
same, after all.
(At least I don't see a contradiction in our arguments?)
| Never rely upon suspicions when talking with people who actually know
| for sure. As I pointed out earlier in this thread I've written and
| certified cockpit systems (for both civilian and paramilitary use) and
| requirements have tended to be just as amorphous as in any other
| industry I've subsequently worked in. The main difference has been one
| of management realising in the former case that good systems rely on
| good code and that this is something a small percentage of developers
| can produce, whereas in the latter there's a belief that any two coders
| are interchangeable so long as the process and tools are right.
How does that rebuke my assertion that requirements are well understood
nonetheless? Requirements can change for many reasons, and not all are
related to the actual software, but possibly its implementation?
I mean, we pretty much know the physics that make flight work, for
example. That a different airframe needs different software to work is
obvious (can't trim a fighter the same as a jumbo, for example).
However, the math stays the same, "just" the implementation changes
(Which, as I fully recognize, is a challenge in itself). And, sooner or
later, the requirements have to, for want of a better term, gel into
something that doesn't change anymore (or at least not as easy as in
more conventional development situations)?
Mind you, I'm not discounting your expertise in the matter at all.
| Personally I'll always bet on a small team of motivated hackers
| determined to understand their problem domain over a larger team of
| professional developers with the latest tools and methodologies but a
| less consuming passion.
Same here.
| If I have a large safety-critical or mission-critical codebase that
| needs maintaining I'm more interested in finding developers who
| understand the problem domain than who understand the language it's
| developed in. Any half-competent developer will pick up a new language
| in a matter of weeks, but learning a problem domain can take years.
Well, I kind of assumed that as a given.
I'd be interested in the kinds of trade offs have to be made in this
particular problem domain (since I can't speak from experience, and
never claimed to, either, and didn't mean to imply as much).
I haven't worked on anything more mission critical than CRUD style apps,
and I can only infer from my knowledge what kind of problems development
teams face.
Still, it seems to be that no level of genius can create software as is
necessary for the Space Shuttle or a more average airplane, without the
level of testing the NASA or Boeing brings to bear for their software.
After all, smart people should recognize the difficulties they face when
working on mission critical software?
- --
Phillip Gawlowski
Twitter: twitter.com/cynicalryan
Rule of Open-Source Programming #48:
The number of items on a project's to-do list always grows or remains
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