Ada vs Ruby


Marc Heiler

I guess I never expected this to become that big :)
(But all the better for the interesting tidbits covered here,
I even added Ada to the list of languages I will write a
few things, but right now I am playing with smalltalk)

Es scheint aber auch ohne hype recht brauchbar zu sein

PS: Und wenn du meinst es gibt zu wenige Beispiele, schreib ne Email
sag das denen!

Marc Heiler

Marc said:
I guess I never expected this to become that big :)
(But all the better for the interesting tidbits covered here,
I even added Ada to the list of languages I will write a
few things, but right now I am playing with smalltalk)

Whops sorry, pasted the wrong stuff and hit return - having too many
tabs open is confusing. :/

But what I wanted to say here is that the basic premise seems to be
that Ada is interesting/useful for large scale software whereas
Ruby seems/is not?

Maybe I should have called this thread not "Ada vs Ruby" but more
"Ruby on large production scale". :)

(But I admit, I am clueless about it. I dont even know if there are
"large scale python" apps out there. If there would be though,
I guess Ruby would be perfectly fine as well.)

Robert Dober

Whops sorry, pasted the wrong stuff and hit return - having too many
tabs open is confusing. :/

But what I wanted to say here is that the basic premise seems to be
that Ada is interesting/useful for large scale software whereas
Ruby seems/is not?

Maybe I should have called this thread not "Ada vs Ruby" but more
"Ruby on large production scale". :)

(But I admit, I am clueless about it. I dont even know if there are
"large scale python" apps out there. If there would be though,
I guess Ruby would be perfectly fine as well.)
It seems that this tread is to go on forever ;)
Do you not believe that Rails is already on large production scale?


Phillip Gawlowski

Hash: SHA1

Robert Dober wrote:

| Do you not believe that Rails is already on large production scale?

Depends on your definition of large. Twitter runs on Rails. But nothing
like Amazon, or let alone Google.

I have the feeling that most Rails applications are deployed in
intranets, to fill a particular, well-defined need, but nothing as
"general purpose" and exposed as Amazon yet.

- --
Phillip Gawlowski

~ - You know you've been hacking too long when...
...just when you finish writing the be-all-end-all program for your
computer (has everything-AI, MIDI, productivity stuff, excellent games,
desktop video, etc.) the entire computer industry upgrades to the "next
best chip."
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M. Edward (Ed) Borasky

Phillip said:
Hash: SHA1

Robert Dober wrote:

| Do you not believe that Rails is already on large production scale?

Depends on your definition of large. Twitter runs on Rails. But nothing
like Amazon, or let alone Google.

I have the feeling that most Rails applications are deployed in
intranets, to fill a particular, well-defined need, but nothing as
"general purpose" and exposed as Amazon yet.

Well ... the three "700-pound gorillas" in large-scale web application
deployment are LAMP (Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP), "assorted Java platforms",
and WISA (Windows-IIS-SQL Server-ASP). LMMR (Linux-Mongrel-MySQL-Rails)
is probably in the round-off noise, and I'd be extremely surprised if
anything that's turning a profit is running on any kind of Windows
platform using Rails.

As far as I know, Twitter is really it, and I don't have any clues at
all whether Twitter is profitable. I don't even know what their business
model or "unique selling proposition" is.

Phillip Gawlowski

Hash: SHA1

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky wrote:

| Well ... the three "700-pound gorillas" in large-scale web application
| deployment are LAMP (Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP), "assorted Java platforms",
| and WISA (Windows-IIS-SQL Server-ASP). LMMR (Linux-Mongrel-MySQL-Rails)
| is probably in the round-off noise, and I'd be extremely surprised if
| anything that's turning a profit is running on any kind of Windows
| platform using Rails.

Additionally, Rails gets lost in the "Server is Apache" reports of
Netcraft and others, unless they explicitly scan for
index.[hmtl|php|asp] pages.

Well, it is not like it matters.

| As far as I know, Twitter is really it, and I don't have any clues at
| all whether Twitter is profitable. I don't even know what their business
| model or "unique selling proposition" is.

Their exit strategy: users (and probably a cut from the
tweet-to-sms/sms-to-tweet charges), since they are not serving ads
(thank the Lord for that).

Though, Twitter is the most *visible* Rails application. What about
github, Gitorious, 37signal's range of applications? How those compare
user-wise would be interesting to see.

However, another interesting metric would be the amount of start ups
using Rails or Ruby to get a real fast time-to-market.

In the end, though, all this is more of an e-penis contest, than of real
worth. After all, Ruby is interesting enough to win over more and more
mindshare. ;)

- --
Phillip Gawlowski

~ - You know you've been hacking too long when... non-computer related situation you start thinking that whatever
you are doing, it could be done more easily in a shell script.
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Depends on your definition of large. Twitter runs on Rails. But
like Amazon, or let alone Google.

I have the feeling that most Rails applications are deployed in
intranets, to fill a particular, well-defined need, but nothing as
"general purpose" and exposed as Amazon yet.

The implication of this post, intended or not, is that there are tons
of large-scale public facing sites, none of them running any Ruby
code. There are relatively few large-scale public facing sites,
period, as compared to the number of Web sites out there now. There's
no indicator of how much Ruby code is in use performing non-Internet
related tasks. The point is, when Amazon, Ebay, and Google got their
start, Ruby would not have been a language that came to mind as a
first choice. Consider that these three date back to the mid-90s!

The corollary implication, intended or not, is that none of these
sites could benefit from Ruby or from Rails. The answer to that is not
clear. Much of the code on larger scale sites has been C/C++ or Perl
up to this point. Taking Moore's Law into account, it seems feasible
that at some point, improvement in Ruby's performance characteristics,
along with increase in affordable hardware capability would make Ruby
just as obvious a choice as C/C++ or Perl were when the initial
decisions were made to use them on these large sites. That point could
be now. Amazon is using Rails for some of their new stuff -- not sure
exactly what -- and I know it's on everyone's radar.

There are a number of Rails apps that are handling large traffic
volumes, and Twitter is not the only one. Distilling all Ruby-backed
sites to Twitter isn't fair to the technology, as there are millions
of pages served a day by Rails apps, as well as by some of the less
mainstream frameworks like merb, iowa, ramaze, etc. I don't have a
handle on that, but it's worth noting that the absence of a huge
catalog of "humongous site success stories" implies narrow adoption or
failure. (BTW: A number of the US political candidates, including at
least one of the presidential ones are running Rails applications.
They get lots of traffic :)

Just my $.02

Phillip Gawlowski

Hash: SHA1

s.ross wrote:
| On Apr 19, 2008, at 11:33 AM, Phillip Gawlowski wrote:
|> Depends on your definition of large. Twitter runs on Rails. But nothing
|> like Amazon, or let alone Google.
|> I have the feeling that most Rails applications are deployed in
|> intranets, to fill a particular, well-defined need, but nothing as
|> "general purpose" and exposed as Amazon yet.
| The implication of this post, intended or not, is that there are tons of
| large-scale public facing sites, none of them running any Ruby code.

No, it isn't. I was talking specifically about Ruby and Rails, and on
the front end of a web application, *and* adding the caveat that it
depends on what is considered "large".

Nothing more, nothing less.

(And let's face it, Rails is where you got to look if you want Ruby in
any scale of use that matters more than well within a statistical error

Anything else you draw out of it is a hasty generalization on your part.

| There are relatively few large-scale public facing sites, period, as
| compared to the number of Web sites out there now. There's no indicator
| of how much Ruby code is in use performing non-Internet related tasks.

There are a few RQueue installations performing well in RQueue's niche:
painless setup of simple clusters, where more traditional approaches
like Beowulf are too heavyweight to use or administrate.

Does that equal large scale deployment, especially compared to the
amount of code used by Google, of which a small percentage of code is
actually Ruby? It doesn't.

| The point is, when Amazon, Ebay, and Google got their start, Ruby would
| not have been a language that came to mind as a first choice. Consider
| that these three date back to the mid-90s!

Your point? There still is nothing even *close* to Amazon, much less
Google, despite Ruby being 15 years old, nor is there anything
approaching those usage numbers.

A payment processing system using Ruport and Ruby to generate a report
for Chrysler's management wouldn't be large-scale deployment, either.
After all, at most 87 000 people are affected directly on indirectly by
that use.

No internal application alone matters. The scale is way too small.

| The corollary implication, intended or not, is that none of these sites
| could benefit from Ruby or from Rails.

Fallacious conclusion.

| The answer to that is not clear.
| Much of the code on larger scale sites has been C/C++ or Perl up to this
| point. Taking Moore's Law into account, it seems feasible that at some
| point, improvement in Ruby's performance characteristics, along with
| increase in affordable hardware capability would make Ruby just as
| obvious a choice as C/C++ or Perl were when the initial decisions were
| made to use them on these large sites. That point could be now. Amazon
| is using Rails for some of their new stuff -- not sure exactly what --
| and I know it's on everyone's radar.

Being on everyone's radar does not equal actual use. It took enterprises
almost a decade to adopt Java. And *that* had Sun's dollars behind it,
as well as the commitment of a large corporation.

Something as risky as Ruby (development could cease today, with no
further work) is fighting an uphill battle in corporate environments.
Just ask the Red Hat or Novell guys how they are feeling about that matter.

While eventually Ruby will be making inroads, it probably won't be an
epiphany at Google compelling them to throw away their existing
codebase. It'll take a new player reaching wide adoption by users, as
well as founders and funders buying into Ruby (and not just Rails).

| There are a number of Rails apps that are handling large traffic
| volumes, and Twitter is not the only one. Distilling all Ruby-backed
| sites to Twitter isn't fair to the technology, as there are millions of
| pages served a day by Rails apps, as well as by some of the less
| mainstream frameworks like merb, iowa, ramaze, etc. I don't have a
| handle on that, but it's worth noting that the absence of a huge catalog
| of "humongous site success stories" implies narrow adoption or failure.

Touch luck. Twitter is the most visible Rails and Ruby application to
date. It has buzz, hype, users, and mindshare beyond merb's or Wave's
developers. Additionally, Rails has the most visibility outside of the
Ruby community as "ruby's killer app". Compare the Rails question ending
up in ruby-talk to the merb questions, for example. The amount of
false-positives in that area are strongly in favor of Rails.

| (BTW: A number of the US political candidates, including at least one of
| the presidential ones are running Rails applications. They get lots of
| traffic :)

So? Doesn't make them large deployments, nor something that lasts.
McObamaton 2008 will disappear sooner or later. Something like Amazon or
Twtter sticks around. A blimp of usage in a year does not a trend make,
nor does it mean large scale adoption.

Notice further, that the question wasn't really about the amount of
traffic, but usage.

And my assertion regarding Ruby and Rails deployment still holds: It's
mostly intranet, for specific purposes. Nothing as general as Amazon,
Google, or other applications.

Heck, Silverlight is having larger deployments (Aston-Martin for the DBS
site, Hard Rock Cafe's Memorabilia website, Halo official community
site) than Rails or Ruby together.

All your assumptions and conclusions are based on the mix up, that
mission-critical equals large deployment. Which is humbug. A few lines
of code can be more mission critical than the whole code base together
(see Ariane V maiden explosion, STS-1 aborted first launch).

- --
Phillip Gawlowski

~ I think we dream so we don't have to be apart so long. If we're in
each other's dreams, we can play together all night. -- Calvin
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Rimantas Liubertas

No, it isn't. I was talking specifically about Ruby and Rails, and on
the front end of a web application,
Your point? There still is nothing even *close* to Amazon, much less
Google, despite Ruby being 15 years old,

So is it about Ruby or Ruby on Rails?
Nothing as general as Amazon,
Google, or other applications.

Yeah, we have a bunch of amazons and googles on the every corner of the
internet, all written in all kinds of languages, except Ruby.




Anything else you draw out of it is a hasty generalization on your

Fallacious conclusion.

Touch luck.
All your assumptions and conclusions are based on the mix up, that
mission-critical equals large deployment. Which is humbug.

My mistake. I failed to grasp the significance and correctness of your
respectful discussion of these points.

Robert Dober

Ruby will most certainly evolve. The language seems to be designed so it
can evolve. What will be necessary, to ensure that the evolution of Ruby
is not haphazard and self-limiting, is careful analysis of each new change.
One of the more important changes that Ruby needs is a better model of
That is a point of particular interest, myself being a complete
ignorant of the concept, I would highly appreciate if you could kindly
either elaborate on this a little bit or giving some pointers or both,
if you insist ;).
I am not a Ruby expert, so I do not presume to
know what changes are most appropriate, but for design of large-scale
software such as that targeted by Ada, I think there could be some structural
and architectural improvements in Ruby.

Also, a newer language, named SCALA, has some design features that make
it very interesting. Other language designs, during future evolutionary steps,
could learn from the design of SCALA. As I look at SCALA and Ruby,
I see the potential for Ruby learning from SCALA.
Most important, when a language is not designed to evolve, or is designed so
it cannot evolve, that language is guaranteed to fall into disuse over time and
even become inappropriate for its intended niche.
I guess that will happen anyway but it can happen much later if a
language evolves into the right direction, on a strict term this is
indicated by the definition of evolution itself.
Richard Riehle

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