age of Python programmers



age 62
yes it is harder, less willing to "waste"
time on unnecessary complexity
but i know what questions to ask so it is a lot of fun

Ville Vainio

27 years, 4 of them with awareness of how much the other languages I
have/had to work with suck.

BTW, even though usenet might not really scale all that well for this
kind of thread, it's been delightful to see how so many are still
actively hacking at a respectable age. It really sets an example for
us younger ones, some of whom are possibly worried about how to
preserve the energy level of youth and whether they can still hack it
when they "grow up".

I'm also optimistic about retiring with Python, because *everyone* is
going to retire with Python in 2044 :).

Jorge Godoy

Christos "TZOTZIOY" Georgiou said:
You forgot to give us address and credit card details. Thanks in
advance for your reply.

To save time, we also accept your computer's login and password. We can
get all the details needed without bothering you. ;-)

Andrea Griffini

On Wed, 18 Aug 2004 12:20:31 GMT, "Lucas Raab"


Started around 15 with assembler (6502)

I'm very new to python, but so far I really like it.


Berthold Höllmann

Cousin Stanley said:
| One thing I've always kind of wondered is what is the average age
| of a Python programmer ??
| What age groups use Python ??
| Something to think about....
import time

tup_lt = time.localtime()

now_yr = tup_lt[ 0 ]
now_mo = tup_lt[ 1 ]
now_da = tup_lt[ 2 ]

dob_yr = 1946
dob_mo = 8
dob_da = 9

dy = now_yr - dob_yr
dm = now_mo - dob_mo
dd = now_da - dob_da

print '\n %d Years .... %d Months .... %d Days .... Old \n' % ( dy , dm , dd )

58 Years .... 0 Months .... 9 Days .... Old

For me it's

38 Years .... 0 Months .... 0 Days .... Old

Programming since more than 20 Years. UCSD Pascal on Apple //e and
//c, FORTRAN, C, C++ and Python since more than 76 Years.


Phil Frost

I work in a python company of 9 where the average age is probably 25.
I've been programming since I was 10 or so, first playing with basic on
a commodore 64 (old hardware by then) and then learning ia32 assembly and
working my way to higher level languages.

I never really thought programming was unpopular among young people, but
now that I think about it, the only person I've met in real life that
was a young programmer lives 1500km away, and we met on the internet, of

Furthermore, it seems now the way to become a programmer is to learn VB
and write crude programs through high school, then go to college and
learn Java, then find a job in web development. I wonder what portion of
programmers these days have a real understanding of how the hardware
they manipulate works? From this thread so far it seems like such
knowledge is more common among Python programmers, which I find odd
since Python isn't exactly a low level language. Perhaps it's because no
one learns Python until becoming frustrated with 10 other languages?

Jack Diederich

I wonder what portion of
programmers these days have a real understanding of how the hardware
they manipulate works? From this thread so far it seems like such
knowledge is more common among Python programmers, which I find odd
since Python isn't exactly a low level language. Perhaps it's because no
one learns Python until becoming frustrated with 10 other languages?

Or because the average age so far is well over 30; back then assembly was
de rigueur and not much before that and you are physically flipping bits
with a +12v probe (if you were lucky there was eight lights above the
eight metal contacts).

Until recently "computer science" was spelled "electrical engineering" and
arguably before that "mechanical engineering".


Arthur Rambo

The answer to the question about the Universe and Everything
incremented by one.


Started programming at 15 with the TI-59 (Texas Instruments), than
Basic on the TRS-80, Pascal on the Apple II-e and IBM PC, Lisp on the
Macintosh, and finally *Python* (the best language I've ever seen for
the kind of things I'm doing) on the IBM PC.


Lucas Raab said:
One thing I've always kind of wondered is what is the average age of a
Python programmer?? What age groups use Python?? Something to think

I'm only fifteen, having done the programming thing for a little over
two years now. Python is a new development for me; I've been using it
in the past year, and plan to stick with it :)

Eli Stevens (WG.c)

Lucas said:
One thing I've always kind of wondered is what is the average age of a
Python programmer?

25 here, Python newbie (less than a year, I think).

I'm sad that nobody else in this thread has spoken in hushed, reverent
tones about my gateway drug, LogoWriter. I was 10 when my fifth grade
math class went to the school computer lab and made the turtle crawl
around the screen. From there, QBasic, C++, C-because-school-made-me,
Java-because-work-made-me, Python-to-save-me. ;)

Handy tip: if you were anything like me, _don't_ go back and try to read
your old code. I had variable names like "qwer" "qwert" and "qwerty",
alongside classics like "a", "b" and "c."



Lucas said:
One thing I've always kind of wondered is what is the average age of a
Python programmer?? What age groups use Python?? Something to think

32, been using it for a decade.


Lucas Raab

Yeah, I did a non-closable window number on a friend on mine. Needless to
say he was quite annoyed.

Lucas Raab

Quite a few of Python's community member's is 45+. That sort of surprised
me. But don't get the impression that I thought everybody here was in their
20's and 30's.

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