age of Python programmers


Lucas Raab

Somebody should set up a website with a poll-type thing to enter your age
and see other peoples ages.

Peter Hansen

Phil said:
I never really thought programming was unpopular among young people, but
now that I think about it, the only person I've met in real life that
was a young programmer lives 1500km away, and we met on the internet, of

Most of the people with whom I went to grade school and high
school didn't know any programmers either. (And I was a programmer
at the time.)

There's a reason the stereotypical geek is considered antisocial...


Peter Hansen

Aahz said:
Robin Becker said:
Not too many late-30s, I guess. I've been programming Python for six
years, started at nine years old with BASIC.

Hi Aahz... I'll keep you company there.

Started with APL, technically, but didn't have a clue what I
was doing. Around eleven years old I think. Then BASIC etc.
Python for about five years, but greatly saddened it wasn't
for much longer (because of all the time wasted, especially
on Java and C++).


Marcos Eimil Pardo

28 years old, and getting more and more surprised with python, not only
a elegant, expressive, etc, etc. language, also useful as social life
maker ;D.

Daniel Harding

Lucas Raab said:
One thing I've always kind of wondered is what is the average age of a
Python programmer?? What age groups use Python?? Something to think

25 here. Started programming at 13 with HyperCard on a Mac SE. Been
through many languages since then and though the bulk of my employment
is currently in C++, I use Python whenever I can for side projects and
personal programming ever since I started digging into it about a year
and a half ago.

Rod Haper

Lucas said:
One thing I've always kind of wondered is what is the average age of a
Python programmer?? What age groups use Python?? Something to think

Just turned 57 here and still coding strong although I've started to
think of birthdays not in terms of a count up but rather as a count down
towards retirement and freedom. I started programming back in 1966 on a
Burroughs B5500 using ALGOL 60. A truly wonderful machine and
programming language - far ahead of their time. I've always considered
myself lucky to have started with a block structured language like ALGOL
because of the good programming habits it engendered. I've worked with
a lot of machines, languages, code and applications since those heady
young days but for shear productivity nothing beats Python ... and
besides it's just plain fun to use. I've been using Python for over
eight years now.

Alexandre Fayolle


Age 30. Started programming at 15 on an Atari 520STe, using GFA Basic...
Been full time Python programmer for 4 years.

Bruno Desthuilliers

Lucas said:
One thing I've always kind of wondered is what is the average age of a
Python programmer?? What age groups use Python?? Something to think
Well, I'm 37, but I may be some special case since I started programming
at 32... (well, I did some bits of scripting before that but nothing
serious, just a few lines of Hypertalk and VBScript...). So I'm not so
young, but still a young programmer !-)

Frithiof Andreas Jensen

I certainly wouldn't call these shockingly horrible bunches of IE-tags
thrown together with the intention of being regarded as "cool" a

They are retro-sites; just like 70's apparel became fashion again, so will
those sites!!

My 10 year-old daughter should have a future well set out in web design
given her liking of Purple backgrounds enriched with Pink, Yellow and Green
text - sometimes adorned with the "Blink" attribute!


Peter Hickman

Berthold said:
Programming since more than 20 Years. UCSD Pascal on Apple //e and
//c, FORTRAN, C, C++ and Python since more than 76 Years.

UCSD Pascal, ah that is a memory. The reason I never thought Java was such a big
deal was my exposure to UCSD, a whole OS as a VM (if my memory serves)!

Robin Becker

Lucas said:
One thing I've always kind of wondered is what is the average age of a
Python programmer?? What age groups use Python?? Something to think
so far with a count of 74 the average is 35.72

Oliver Fromme

Lucas Raab said:
> One thing I've always kind of wondered is what is the average age of a
> Python programmer?? What age groups use Python?? Something to think
> about....

I'm 00100001b (or 021h ... or if you prefer decimal, it's
33 years). Although I feel more like 27, which is the age
of my GF. :)

First learned to program in BASIC on an old Wang computer
(with magnetic ring core memory, no "modern" RAM chips) and
on a Commodore PET2001. I was 12 back then, I think. Then
went through various other languages (including assembly on
65xx, 68xxx and x86), and I think that all of them suck,
especially Perl and Java.

As a matter of fact, I also think that Python sucks, but it
sucks a lot less than all the others.


Ganesan R

Up that a nudge with me: 39

Down a nudge with me :). I am 32. Started with Basic on Spectrum 48K and a
IBM PC Clone. Some Z80 assembly programming on the Spectrum. Then Fortran,
Pascal and even (gasp!) COBOL. Moved on to C, C++ and Shell scripting. Found
Perl along the way, was delighted with it. Did a bit of programming in
Java. Dabbled occasionally in Tcl and recently C#. Found Python a couple of
years back. Nowadays Python has mostly replaced Perl for my scripting needs,
though I still fallback to plain old shell scripting occasionally.


Peter Maas

Aahz said:

It took slightly more than a decade to get rid of 16bit machines. I
don't think that anybody will use 32bit in more than 30 years. 64bit
rollover point is in 292,277,026,596. That really ought to be enough
for everybody :)

Mit freundlichen Gruessen,

Peter Maas

Nicolas =?iso-8859-15?Q?=C9vrard?=

* Oliver Fromme [13:32 19/08/04 CEST]:
I'm 00100001b (or 021h ... or if you prefer decimal, it's
33 years). Although I feel more like 27, which is the age
of my GF. :)

Well if everybody feels like the age of his GF/BF, I'm 75 although I'm
only 27.


I am 25. 2 years flirting with Python. Started programming when I was
8 years old. Basic and Assemblear. High school Pascal. University C.
Now C++ and Python.

Teenage programmers fading away. I think that you are at the height of
your skills in 30's.

jan bodnar

Stephen Ferg

Finally, someone in my cohort :). 52.

I'm 58.

Started programming in 1979 -- 25 years ago. Cut my teeth on Pl/I.
Later COBOL, Pascal, Basic, Java. For a while I liked REXX very much,
but it just ran out of steam.

Been programming in Python for about 4 years.

Perhaps we have a two-hump demographic: youngsters in teens and
twenties, and old farts in 50's.

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