Uri said:
NK> I do, we just disagree.
you can disagree and still be wrong.
Of course, and YOU need to realize that as well! For once in your usenet
see creationists and ID types. or
Off topic banter.
NK> It can be, if you're worried about comments having code that
will NK> potentially run that you don't want to run.
comments having code??
What you said, not what I said.
NK> You're a dick, you always are a dick here to anyone that doesn't
NK> mindlessly agree with you.
nope. i amnot a dick.
Yes, you are.
and i have no issue with reasonable
I guess that explains why you snap at so many people with rude,
inconsiderate and arrogant attacks so often?
you see incapable of it because you never defend anything
with facts, logic or deep understanding of perl.
Actually, that's just what YOU *always* claim when you don't agree with
someone. You've once again provided nothing of substance to dispute
NK> A true dick thing to say. My skills have nothing to do with
NK> disagreeing with you (oh God, AGAIN). Grow up.
EWWW!! i will switch to python now just because of that.
I wish.
NK> Yes, you've said that before, but you seem to enjoy being a dick
NK> and fighting with people. Learn to use your shift key while
NK> you're at it.
and learn to use the delete key.
Uh huh, you say such things, but you can't HELP yourself but to reply
and argue.
NK> Yes, that's all you seem to do.
Yes, in fact.
i help people who help themselves.
Irrelevant, I didn't ask for your help, and I don't need your help.
You sometimes help people, only because it's self serving, but you're
also a dick to a lot of people without any reason. If you have a
reason, it's all fair game, but you rarely do... because you're a dick.
How do you live with yourself?
and you keep proving yourself to be one.
Not really, you just don't like me because I don't tolerate your shit,
so of course you'll make such claims.
NK> You seem to think more highly of yourself than you are deserving
NK> of. You just can't deal with the fact I don't put up with your
NK> bullshit. You're not that important to me, I've got to be
honest. NK> I'm just posting here, and you being an arrogant twat
doesn't NK> really mean dick.
you don't put up with much.
I put up with plenty, until some asshole like you shows a persistent
pattern of arrogance.
I'm sure you do, but that's irrelevant to your shitty attitude on this
group towards a lot of people.
Why would you worry? You think too highly of yourself to ever worry
about anything but how you think any discussion on usenet means you
have to win some fight with someone.
won't ever have to try to place you in a perl job.
You've said that before, which is just another pathetic means you try
and act like you're a big shot. In fact, you're a dick. Like I said
last time, I would never WANT you to place me in a job, I would NEVE
seek your help. Your attempts to act like you are a god here are
ridiculous and pathetic.
NK> I guess that explains the literally thousands of archived posts
of NK> you being an arrogant prick to people any time that discuss
NK> something and don't agree with your stubborn methods. Who
NK> cares? Get thicker skin, for God's sake!
my skin is as thick as it needs to be.
Apparently not.
you are the one who seems to be
I suppose some arrogant **** like you would believe that when someone
doesn't put up with their shitty attitude, that it's THAT person whom
has the problem. I'm simply reacting to the way you treat people. I
don't give a damn who you think you are, you're not even half the man
you wish you were.
but you won't detect that. too bad.
Yes, it's too bad you don't own a mirror. At least I admit I can be
wrong, and I can be a jerk, but that's your entire existence. Don't
worry, I'm sure other long time members here will back you up and say
I'm the troll (like I care). To hell with any sarcastic, petty arrogant
prick that wants to jump on the bandwagon.
NK> Yes, I'm aware you think everyone else but YOU have the attitude
NK> problem. I also realize that you're such a fucking prick that
you NK> can't help yourself and you could never accept that anyone
but you NK> could be right about anything, including their own
feelings about
NK> a topic. In closing, I don't give a damn who you think you are
NK> and how you think you can treat people, you're a piece of shit
in NK> my opinion.
ooohh! cursing now.
Yes, it's pretty scary.
the last refuge of the incompetent.
Not really, since I'm just stating the facts that you are what you are.
You'll say anything to try and win your usenet fight.
i have yet to
spew vulgar invective at you as you aren't worthy of such bile.
Irrelevant. Unlike you, I don't base my opinions and claims of the
person you are on such trivial things of no consqeuence.
off-hand comments are plenty of trigger for you.
You could easily be speaking of yourself there. I'm not emotional about
it, I'm just calling it how I see it.
try learning some
more perl soon.
Again, you act like you aren't being lowly, yet you will never pass up a
chance to try and insult someone. You have no idea what I do or do not
know, and I'm not the only one that disagreed with you (some of those
people are known to be people that are just as, or more experienced
than even the great uri(nal cake).
it may cure your attitude.
My attitude has nothing to do with Perl, it has to do with your shitty
You leave and we'll see what happens. Oh, that's never going to happen,
you think you run this group. You don't.
and finally, exit() is the correct and inarguable solution to marking
the end of executable code in a top level perl script.
It's perfectly fine, but it's not the most appropriate and your excuses
about WHY you use it, are pathetic (and yet you want to claim you're so
much more of an expert than anyone else).
let's start to
discuss explicit or implicit return values next!
No need.
nal cake.