ampersand subroutine


Andrew DeFaria

body { font: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; } p { font: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; } ..standout { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: #993333; line-height: 13px; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 10px; } ..code { border-top: 1px solid #ddd; border-left: 1px solid #ddd; border-right: 2px solid #000; border-bottom: 2px solid #000; padding: 10px; margin-top: 5px; margin-left: 5%; margin-right: 5%; background: #ffffea; color: black; -moz-border-radius: 10px; } ..codedark { border-top: 10px solid #03f; border-left: 1px solid #ddd; border-right: 2px solid grey; border-bottom: 2px solid grey; padding: 10px; margin-top: 5px; margin-left: 5%; margin-right: 5%; background: black; color: yellow; -moz-border-radius: 10px; } #code { color: black; font-size: 14px; font-family: courier; padding-left: 5px; } #line-number { color: #804000; font-family: Arial; font-size: 14px; padding-right: 5px; border-right: 1px dotted #804000; } blockquote[type=cite] { padding: 0em .5em .5em .5em !important; border-right: 2px solid blue !important; border-left: 2px solid blue !important; } blockquote[type=cite] blockquote[type=cite] { border-right: 2px solid maroon !important; border-left: 2px solid maroon !important; } blockquote[type=cite] blockquote[type=cite] blockquote[type=cite] { border-right: 2px solid teal !important; border-left: 2px solid teal !important; } blockquote[type=cite] blockquote[type=cite] blockquote[type=cite] blockquote[type=cite] { border-right: 2px solid purple !important; border-left: 2px solid purple !important; } blockquote[type=cite] blockquote[type=cite] blockquote[type=cite] blockquote[type=cite] blockquote[type=cite] { border-right: 2px solid green !important; border-left: 2px solid green !important; } Tad J McClellan wrote:
This time I was agreeing with Uri since cursing *is* the last refuge of the incompetent.
Which is why, of course, you choose to resort to it. Now that's funny!

And if you were trying to be sarcastic... you failed...

Eric Pozharski

That barfs

{73521:128} [0:0]$ perl -Mstrict -wle 'exit "keel"'
Argument "keel" isn't numeric in exit at -e line 1.

exit [ keel => pos ];

And why shell's I<$?> is 16 then?

{73537:129} [0:0]$ perl -Mstrict -wle 'exit [ keel => pos ]'
{73564:130} [0:16]$

Eric Pozharski

NK> A true dick thing to say. My skills have nothing to do with
NK> disagreeing with you (oh God, AGAIN). Grow up.

EWWW!! i will switch to python now just because of that.

No, please don't. You'll flame them away, and they'll flood c.l.p.m.
(as a revenge).


Randal L. Schwartz

Peter> WTF? That's just ... words fail me.

Indeed. We now use all of that stuff as "what not to do for the CPAN".

A. Sinan Unur

That barfs

{73521:128} [0:0]$ perl -Mstrict -wle 'exit "keel"'
Argument "keel" isn't numeric in exit at -e line 1.

exit [ keel => pos ];

And why shell's I<$?> is 16 then?

{73537:129} [0:0]$ perl -Mstrict -wle 'exit [ keel => pos ]'
{73564:130} [0:16]$

The return value is unlikely to be consistent across executions and
environments because it will be the least significant byte of the
anonymous array ref constructed above:

$ perl -Mstrict -wle 'print [ keel => pos ]'

$ perl -Mstrict -wle 'exit [ keel => pos ]'

$ printf '%x\n' $?

I think this is more expressive:

$ perl -Mstrict -wle 'no attributes -to_like => exit [ keel => pos ]'

A. Sinan Unur <[email protected]>
(remove .invalid and reverse each component for email address)

comp.lang.perl.misc guidelines on the WWW:

Nathan Keel

Tad said:

And, as I said, still nothing funny about it.
I sometimes do that.

Yes, you do.
But not this time.

Uh huh.
This time I was agreeing with Uri since cursing *is* the last
refuge of the incompetent.

If that was true, you'd be cursing all of the time.

Besides, if "uri" actually (gasp) used a curse word in response, you'd
not claim that about him. And, he does sometimes do it. I do when I'm
provoked, I care not to give you a clue if you can't understand that.

Nathan Keel

Franken said:
In Dread Ink, the Grave Hand of Nathan Keel Did Inscribe:

I'm promiscuous with syntax, so I'll drift in and out of groups. Uri
is as constant as the tide when it comes to caustic remarks, personal
attacks, being unhelpful and imflammatory.

And then you've got polesmokers like A Sinan Unur to pile on, again,
no pretense to help. It reminds me of childhood games of "smear the
queer." Finally, these 120-pounders get to throw around their weight,
because they have more experience with perl, and they can stand
between you and your programming goals.

It is clearly contrary to perl culture to abuse those who are still
transitioning from other languages. Peer review is a huge part of any
attempt, and with their dynamic of
1) insult first
2) read perldoc everything before you repost
3) insult more
4) pile on once they've pissed you off enough for you to tell them to
get bent

makes me disinclined to acquire more perl reference to work through.

I really wonder what uri's first language is. I bet he thinks his
english is perfect.

I don't think Uri's first language is English, and perhaps it's a
language barrier that makes him come off like an arrogant, conceited
asshole, but make no mistake, I'm not on anyone's side of this because
I dislike that prick, and while I understand he's skilled in Perl, he
takes that excuse to fight with people about things that are of nothing
more than opinion. Big deal if I react and call him a curse word, it
might seem desperate, but there's nothing left that's constructive to
say, and he's hardly as important, skilled or smart as he thinks he is.

The treatment of people in this group by the regulars is long known and
it's nothing new. Cyber bullies (as ridiculous of a term as that is)
will always be cyber bullies. They react poorly to people that don't
react themselves in a positive way to their abuse and condescention.
So what if Uri knows Perl better than I do? I'm perfectly willing to
learn and admit if I'm wrong, and I'm not blinded by my own arrogance
like Uri is. It gets old. I really dislike some people online.

Nathan Keel

Andrew DeFaria wrote:


That all said, I felt some valid, good points were made. I just don't
see the reason for such vile and vicious actions and then such
"surprise" when someone reacts and says "You know what, you always do
this, because you're a prick" and that's all there is to it. I fail to
understand why some people think they can be abusive and treat people
like garbage and exude their arrogance onto others trying to impress
them, but if someone doesn't respond in a positive manner to that crap,
then "oh, they've gone too far now", as if they were whatsoever having
a civil discussion until that point (since they weren't).

What is the harm of being friendly and civil, is what I wonder?
Instead, people treat you like shit, and then make disparaging claims
to try and look like the better person (ignoring their own attitude),
and rather than seeing that I have simply reacted to what was given,
they use it to say "See, he's a problem". Sure, everyone else has the
problem. People that think like that are doomed to be dumb, no matter
how skilled they might be at a specific programming language... and I
honestly wonder in the end if people are that stubborn and stupid about
other things. I hope more people understand things for what they are,
but I have no real hope for it.

Franken Sense

In Dread Ink, the Grave Hand of Nathan Keel Did Inscribe:
**** you, you aren't my boss. I know that's difficult for you to
accept, but you don't control everyone and you're not always right.
Not that I care if you can't accept that, until you fight with me for
no good reason. You're just going to have to accept that I won't put up
with your attempts to bully me. You're a joke.

I'm promiscuous with syntax, so I'll drift in and out of groups. Uri is as
constant as the tide when it comes to caustic remarks, personal attacks,
being unhelpful and imflammatory.

And then you've got polesmokers like A Sinan Unur to pile on, again, with
no pretense to help. It reminds me of childhood games of "smear the
queer." Finally, these 120-pounders get to throw around their weight,
because they have more experience with perl, and they can stand between you
and your programming goals.

It is clearly contrary to perl culture to abuse those who are still
transitioning from other languages. Peer review is a huge part of any
attempt, and with their dynamic of
1) insult first
2) read perldoc everything before you repost
3) insult more
4) pile on once they've pissed you off enough for you to tell them to get

makes me disinclined to acquire more perl reference to work through.

I really wonder what uri's first language is. I bet he thinks his english
is perfect.

A brief digression on whether that suspicious-looking mole is actually
cancer. ... Take this simple test called the ABC test. 'A' is for age. What
is your age? Is it over thirteen? If so, it's cancer. That's how the ABC
test works.
~~ Al Franken,

Eric Pozharski

exit [ keel => pos ];

And why shell's I<$?> is 16 then?

{73537:129} [0:0]$ perl -Mstrict -wle 'exit [ keel => pos ]'
{73564:130} [0:16]$

The return value is unlikely to be consistent across executions and
environments because it will be the least significant byte of the
anonymous array ref constructed above:

$ perl -Mstrict -wle 'print [ keel => pos ]'

$ perl -Mstrict -wle 'exit [ keel => pos ]'

$ printf '%x\n' $?

That just means that C<ARRAY(0x10023d48)> is numeric for B<exit>.
However said:
I think this is more expressive:

$ perl -Mstrict -wle 'no attributes -to_like => exit [ keel => pos ]'

Didn't get it.

p.s. After looking at B<Devel::peek::Dump>'s output, B<exit> picks it
from I<RV>, right? As integer.

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