[ANN] New Ruby Culture T-Shirts!


Matthew Smillie

Why couldn't the mascot be a (ruby) red panda? White bits stay
white, but black bits are red. Just throwing that out there.

One reason is because pandas are from Japan much like penguins are
from the North Pole.

There was a brief discussion on the merits of pandas as a mascot up
the thread a bit that goes into slightly more depth.

matthew smillie.

Matt Todd

Nate, the problem is that Pandas aren't natively found in Japan, and,
not to discriminate against Chinese rubyists, we've decided (or,
really, I was persuaded that) it didn't really reflect the text of the
shirts very well.

Others: I'll try to play around with some designs for origami, etc.
When I upload them to SpreadShirt, they have to go through an approval
process, so they may not be immediately available. I'll work on it
when I get home today.



Matthew said:
One reason is because pandas are from Japan much like penguins are
from the North Pole.

There was a brief discussion on the merits of pandas as a mascot up
the thread a bit that goes into slightly more depth.
Duh, pandas are from China. Sorry, just a little brain-dead today. Ok,
so how about a red Pokemon, it's Japanese! ;^) I am just kidding of
course, trademark issues aside.



Matt said:
Nate, the problem is that Pandas aren't natively found in Japan, and,
not to discriminate against Chinese rubyists, we've decided (or,
really, I was persuaded that) it didn't really reflect the text of the
shirts very well.
Yeah, my bad. But have you heard of a Tanuki? It is a "Raccoon Dog"
native to Japan.

I know, I am just digressing here. I am done.


A. S. Bradbury

Why couldn't the mascot be a (ruby) red panda? White bits stay white,
but black bits are red. Just throwing that out there.

While we're talking about mascots, I think I may as well reference a thread on
the topic from a month ago[1], if only to link again to Chip the talking
coding block[2]. Unarguably the coolest programming language mascot ever.


[1] http://blade.nagaokaut.ac.jp/cgi-bin/scat.rb/ruby/ruby-talk/200056
[2] http://web.archive.org/web/20020703073036/knossos.shu.edu/dblack/chip.html

Chad Perrin

How about have the same panda but another slogan? "Ruby is so easy,
even Pandas can do it" which has a sort of double entendre element to

I like this one: "Just like a panda, Ruby is never a bear (to use)."
Muahahah. Implicit puns. I am t3h r0xx0rz.

Matt Todd

I'll work on that as well. I'm fond of the Tanuki as well. (Has anyone
else seen Pom Poko, a Studio Ghibli film?)



Chad said:
I mentioned raccoon dogs in the same message in which I mentiond the
daikon. I think a ruby-red Tanuki would be a great choice.
Me too. According to wikipedia "Its testicles are notably large, which
figure into Japanese folklore." Doesn't that describe Ruby? [grin]

Honestly, what else would you rather represent you on the cover of an
O'Reilly book?


Luke Kanies

I'd love to have a Ruby shirt that said "Ruby's Big in Japan", or "Ruby:
It's Big in Japan". It feels like an inside joke, even though I'm
pretty sure it's not a joke at all. Still, it's got references to Punk,
Tom Waits, and Ruby; what else could you want?

I've made that comment, half-joking, and sometimes people will break
into wild laughter, and I never really know why.

Chad Perrin

I'd love to have a Ruby shirt that said "Ruby's Big in Japan", or "Ruby:
It's Big in Japan". It feels like an inside joke, even though I'm
pretty sure it's not a joke at all. Still, it's got references to Punk,
Tom Waits, and Ruby; what else could you want?

I've made that comment, half-joking, and sometimes people will break
into wild laughter, and I never really know why.

It's probably because of the song, which is funny in and of itself.

Ruby = :"big in Japan"

Ashley Moran

Some more shirts out of the past RailsConf with Ruby and Rails

Also they state: "A third of the profits will be donated to


This one...
I get. (Although I can't see it being a big seller!)

This one...
I don't.

(And yes I do know the Symbol#to_proc trick!)

What am I missing?


Matt Todd


The Tanuki has been added! Check it out:


The first 6 should be the new shirts. The ones with the tanuki on the
front by itself have text on the back.

If ya'll have any more requests, fire away. I'll work on an origami
one tomorrow or sometime this week.


Victoria Wang

Hey, great shirts, Matt! There are some awesome ideas in there :).

IMHO, I don't think the sexy one is a good way to go...

If Ruby is to be represented in any human form, I'd really love to see
it as Ruby-chan, in a non-sexual manner.

I would be happy to adapt one of my Ruby-chan sketches to something
suitable for a T-shirt design if there is any interest in this:


Victoria Wang

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