[ANN] New Ruby Culture T-Shirts!


Patrick Hurley

I know the t-shirt I want is something Ruby-ish with a Thank You Matz
on it (to wear to RubyConf :). Of course being design illiterate I
will wait around for someone else to create it for me.


William James

Matt said:
Ruby culture t-shirts are available for purchase right now!



Inspired by has_and_belongs_to_none, I decided to make a few shirts
that I thought would be cool to have. I based a lot of the designs on
various things I've heard that struck me as cool. I'm sure I'm missing
lots of great stuff, but this is what a quiet afternoon will afford

All prices are as low as possible: I do not make a profit on any of
these. If there is enough positive feedback, I'd be happy to change $1
more on each and donate that to RubyCentral (or retire early... hah).
Some shirts cost more because there is more to it: more lines of text,
more graphics, therefore making it more expensive to produce. Shirts
will cost anywhere from $12 to $22.


Here are a few notable designs:

* I <heart> Ruby (et al)
* A few region-based designs ("Atlanta Rubyist", etc)
* Quotes (from _Why The Lucky Stiff, etc)
* A few "Pragmatic" shirts
* Code snippets

I see
(1..10).collect {|x| x*x}
This woud be better:
(1..10).map {|x| x*x}

The name "collect" tends to make one assume that it does
what inject does. On the other hand, "map" describes what
it does; it produces a one-to-one mapping.

Furthermore, "collect" in Common Lisp does something
different. OCaml and most if not all Lisp dialects use "map"
as it is used in Ruby.

And "collect" is longer. To me, it seems senseless to use it.

Rick DeNatale

I see
(1..10).collect {|x| x*x}
This woud be better:
(1..10).map {|x| x*x}

The name "collect" tends to make one assume that it does
what inject does. On the other hand, "map" describes what
it does; it produces a one-to-one mapping.

Furthermore, "collect" in Common Lisp does something
different. OCaml and most if not all Lisp dialects use "map"
as it is used in Ruby.

And "collect" is longer. To me, it seems senseless to use it.

On the other hand collect is an old friend to old Smalltalker's like me.

Rick DeNatale

IPMS/USA Region 12 Coordinator

Visit the Project Mercury Wiki Site

Matt Todd

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll make sure to add the #map version as
well. That way both camps will be happy. :) (And you're right, it's
shorter, which is great for shirts.)

Honestly, I'd not realized #map and #collect to be aliased until just
days ago (after I made the shirt) when I was looking for something
else entirely. :)

Also, if you have any other neat snippets, share them and I'll try to
make a shirt out of them.


Patrick Hurley

I also added some 10.method:)+).call(5) shirts :)

While I can appreciate the method to proc oddness, I think expressions
that actual go some where are more fun (quickly contrived):

[19,7,26,32].inject("") {|a,b| a+=(90+b).chr}
[0,24,9,26].inject("") { |b,c| b += (c+95).chr }

I am sure the real golfers can do better, I was just goofing around...

Rick DeNatale

I also added some 10.method:)+).call(5) shirts :)

While I can appreciate the method to proc oddness, I think expressions
that actual go some where are more fun (quickly contrived):

[19,7,26,32].inject("") {|a,b| a+=(90+b).chr}
[0,24,9,26].inject("") { |b,c| b += (c+95).chr }

Better to change those to
... {|a, b| a+....}

no need for the +=

Eric Armstrong

Dirk said:
i would like to see a "Real men use Ruby"...
That got me thinking of "R" expressions. Maybe
one like this:



I dunno. Just sort of thinking out loud.
There might some other good R words lurking about.

Matt Todd

Ruby Is Righteous

(The 80's kind or the holy kind... your pick!)

Anyhow, I was definitely inspired by the little 'nonce' conversation
to make some more t-shirt designs. Check out the 'tokui kurasu'
(singleton class Japanese pseudo-translation), 'pro singleton'/'anti
singleton', and 'got class'/'got klass?' shirts!





Matt said:
In regards to the panda: as you can imagine, it was never my intent to
cause offense. You're right, pandas come from China, and it just
doesn't make sense. I still like the design though. :p

I thought it was a racoon.


Matt Todd

Well, I did go back and make a new design that had a Tanuki (Japanese
raccoon-dog)... so you might be looking at the new ones (I took the
panda shirt off).


Eric Armstrong

Matt said:
Well, I did go back and make a new design that had a Tanuki (Japanese
raccoon-dog)... so you might be looking at the new ones (I took the
panda shirt off).
Good move, that. And the Tanuki really looks good.

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