David A. Black
Hi --
The trailing comma, and the sense that it's impossible to just iterate
purely over the elements, is bad -- but other than that, I think I
like the idea.
You could send a "last item" flag (Hal, are you reading? Also you
could have 1-originating indices.
Let me propose yet another alternative. (More general than my last one.)
Let .each yield(item, *more) and make all methods provided by Enumerable
pass on *more.
This would allow Hash#each to do this:
class Hash
def each
loop over key => value pairs do
yield(value, key)
include Enumerable
hash = {1 => 2, 3 => 4}
hash.each { |value,| puts value }
hash.map { |value, key| [key, value] } # from hash to assoc array
hash.inject(0) { |state, value, key| state + [value, key].hash }
and Array to do this:
class Array
def each
0.upto(size - 1) do |index|
yield(self[index], index)
include Enumerable
array = ["hello", "nice", "world"]
array.find_all { |item, index| index > 0 }
array.each { |item,| p item }
I still dislike the trailing comma that is needed if you don't want to
use the extra information. This could be fixed by doing an arity check
on blocks and not yielding the extra information when the block only
wants a single argument.
The trailing comma, and the sense that it's impossible to just iterate
purely over the elements, is bad -- but other than that, I think I
like the idea.
Also note that this means we won't have to deal with all the
#map_with_index and so on trouble any more, Hash wouldn't need to
virtually overwrite any method provided by Enumerable and that we can
even easily make Enumerables that yield other information. (Is anybody
able to think about a good use for that feature?)
You could send a "last item" flag (Hal, are you reading? Also you
could have 1-originating indices.