Yukihiro Matsumoto said:
In message "Re: Array#index block and rdetect"
I'd prefer to keep #each_with_index because that has least impact on
existing code.
I'm really not worried about that, since Array would still have it
(see below). Also, all of this is in the spirit of assuming there
will be backward-incompatible changes in 2.0.
| Array:
| each_with_index # either very similar to, or identical to,
| each_index # the *_counter methods (because that
| # happens to be how arrays work).
No objection here.
| Hash and other enumerable classes:
| In addition to the *_counter methods, each enumerable class
| can have its own, "smart" methods (just as Array does with
| its *_index methods). They can have "index" in the name,
| if appropriate -- but they do not have to. (There are no
| Enumerable#*_index methods.)
Do you have any opinion toward Hash#each_with_index?
Here's my suggestion:
class Array
alias :each_with_key :each_with_index
def keys; (0...size); end
def values; self; end
def to_assoc; inject([]) {|a,e| a<<[a.size, e]} end
class Hash
def each_with_key
each {|k,v| yield v,k}
alias :to_assoc :to_a
Note that I deliberately maintained each_with_index as well as the order
of key and value (first value, then key).
It comes down in part to terminology. I don't like calling array
indexes "keys", even though I completely understand how they relate to
hash keys. It just seems artificial; no one does it.
I also don't like the word "index" for the "dumb counter" in
Enumerable. A lot of the reason we're discussing changes is that the
word "index" is used in different ways, giving the impression that
there is a connection between arguably unconnected things.
Note also, that #to_a is a problem when we want to make Hash and Array
more interchangable: Hash#to_a returns keys and values while Array#to_a
just returns values. That's why I put in #to_assoc. Also #sort doesn't
fit the pattern... Maybe we should rather go with a thin wrapper around
Array (or a sub class) that implements these methods in a Hash compatible
I'm still not happy with the idea of wrappers and such. I think it
should be possible to have arrays and hashes just be what they are.
They have some points of overlap, but they really don't have to be
constrained to be too similar to each other.