Asking if elements in struct arre zero


Mark McIntyre

OK, feel free to ignore my posts.

Like I said, after a decade of posting in
UseNet, I have never had a problem getting any answer to any question, with
top-posting preferred.

then you've not been in any technical group much I suspect.
I do bottom-post when there are multiple points to
address, but in general I find it to read when people top-post (and snip).
If you have a newsreader made after 1991, it is no problem to track the
thread backward.

pardon me, but this is bullshit. How precisely? Do you retain a
complete usenet archive on your PC?


I SAID ignore my posts, including that one and this one. Not "post some
off-topic waste of bandwidth".

Richard Heathfield

Roose said:
I SAID ignore my posts, including that one and this one. Not "post some
off-topic waste of bandwidth".

Since you appear to want everyone to ignore your posts, why not just stop
posting altogether?

(Hint: in the absence of any context whatsoever, it is presumed that you are
addressing the entire newsgroup.)


No, _obviously_ I'm referring only to the people who complain about top
posting. Don't be dense. Or stop trolling.

End this by not replying to this message, and killfilling me. I, on the
other hand, won't killfile anyone because I've made it clear that I tolerate
bottom-posting, even though I prefer top-posting. Even with the stupid
quotes and URLs, I won't killfile anyone.


Richard Heathfield

Roose said:
No, _obviously_ I'm referring only to the people who complain about top

Please quote sufficient context above your reply to make it clear what
you're talking about.


Mark McIntyre

No, _obviously_ I'm referring only to the people who complain about top

How the heck can anyone work out what on earth you#re talking about,
if you remove all context? And don't rabbit on about referring to
archived posts. You are virtually unique in having infinite diskspace
to store them all.
Don't be dense. Or stop trolling.

Pot, thy name is Kettle.


Are you using a newreader made before 1991? Don't you have an option to
view messages by thread? There is a perfectly serviceable one available for
free called Outlook Express, if you use Windows.

What the hell are you talking about infinite disk space? This thread is
only 3 days old, genius. There is enough context for any of hundreds of
messages in any group I read. Even if some of them have fallen off the
bottom, they are old enough not to be relevant to what people are currently

You said you killfiled me already, why don't you go ahead and do that now.
Seriously. ANY replies to this message will be feeding the troll, according
to you, and we all know that feeding trolls is worse netiquette than
top-posting, right?

How the heck can anyone work out what on earth you#re talking about,
if you remove all context? And don't rabbit on about referring to
archived posts. You are virtually unique in having infinite diskspace
to store them all.

Pot, thy name is Kettle.
Mark McIntyre
CLC readme: <>

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See the other post -- just use a newsreader where you can group by thread.
All of my messages have been replies in this same thread, so it is easy to
track the conversation. I just didn't feel like replying to each
obsessive-compulsive idiot individually, but rather I dispatched them as a
group. Even web interfaces like google show who replied to who in a tree.

I find it hilarious that you live in such a regimented, literal-minded world
that you cannot tell that I meant only for top-posting dogmatists to
killfile me. You must be great to have a conversation with.


P.S. If you would have killfiled me already, then you would have never seen
that post, or this one. Just ignore this post, really.

Note that I know that the reason you can't is because you have an obsessive
need to control, as evinced by pretty much every post you have made in this

Sheldon Simms

I find it hilarious that you live in such a regimented, literal-minded world
that you cannot tell that I meant only for top-posting dogmatists to
killfile me.

Oh, so other people are supposed to killfile you too?


Arthur J. O'Dwyer

[Posted and mailed]

It's fairly obvious that you can't get "Roose" to stop posting
random carp to this newsgroup just by asking. So everyone please
take a cue from Tisdale and just ignore it. After all, it's
already said that it doesn't care if nobody reads its posts,
and it hasn't posted anything on-topic, ever (according to *my*
newsreader, which can sort by author).

PLEASE DON'T FEED THE TROLLS (do as I say, not as I do :)


--Original message follows--

Message-ID: <[email protected]>
X-Complaints-To: (e-mail address removed)
X-Trace: 1067393998 ST000 (Tue,
28 Oct 2003 21:19:58 EST)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2003 21:19:58 EST

Richard Heathfield

Roose said:
See the other post

Which other post? Please quote sufficient context above your reply so that
we can know what on earth you're talking about.


Noah Roberts

Roose said:
See the other post -- just use a newsreader where you can group by thread.
All of my messages have been replies in this same thread, so it is easy to
track the conversation. I just didn't feel like replying to each
obsessive-compulsive idiot individually, but rather I dispatched them as a
group. Even web interfaces like google show who replied to who in a tree.

I don't know why my killfile didn't filter your messages, hopefully it
will now.

The problem with your theory is that this requires that I hunt down the
message that contains the text you are replying to in order for your
post to make any kind of sense. If you want your post to make sense it
should contain enough of the origional for your comment to make sense.
I am not going to back up and read the one before just because you
refuse to be courtious.


Which theory? Sort by thread. It doesn't take a genius. Even if I quote
nothing, then you just go to the previous in the thread. There is no


So, have you killfiled me yet or not? Do you plan to?

This is a test.

If not, you're a blithering idiot. I have noticed that in almost thread you
post in, you whine about something being off-topic, about not being C, about
somebody's coding style, about their punctuation and grammar. If you don't
like it, just don't read it. That's exactly what I do, and I admit there is
a lot of abhorrent writing here. Don't fill the newsgroup with garbage.

Have you noticed that UseNet is public and that comp.lang.c is unmoderated?
That means that, sadly, you cannot control it, like so many things in your
life. It is an interesting exercise to consider the psychological
motivation of why you continue to try. I would urge you to consider
starting your own forum about the C language, where you have absolute

Note: that last part was a TROLL, part of the test. This ends the test.

If for some "mysterious reason" your killfile does not work, then please
ignore this and try again. While you're at it, get a newsreader which lets
you sort by thread. It will relieve much of the irritation you get from
top-posting and under-quoted posts.

Richard Heathfield

Roose said:
So, have you killfiled me yet or not? Do you plan to?

It's impossible to determine, from the (absence of) text above this
sentence, what it actually refers to. We told you about this, remember?
This is a test.

You failed it.


No, on the other hand, this implies that:

1) you failed the test, because you saw the message and hence could not have
killfiled me. Although I do commend you for not responding directly to the
troll, it being so witheringly accurate. Bravo!!!

2) rather than obtaining a decent newsreader, you would rather harass the
group with these idiotic messages, claiming you can't make sense of
something that requires no context without lines of quoting. None of my
last few posts requires any quoting, unless you're an idiot.

I'll be happy to continue this exchange as long as you see fit, seeing that
I enjoy watching you writhe and post inane comments in order to get the last
word -- typical of those with control problems such as yourself.

However, please note that you're an utter hypocrite for complaining about
top-posting while feeding who you consider to be trolls. Which of course is
considered even worse netiquette by the Gods of UseNet. I, on the other
hand, recognize that UseNet is a public forum, so people may do as they
wish, including the feeding of trolls like yourself. I know this is bad
behavior, but it is so much fun. I think if I were a bystander it would be
pretty hilarious to see someone get their panties in a knot over
top-posting. Not much else in life for you, is there? Get some
perspective, seriously.

James Hu

On 2003-10-29 said:
Get some perspective, seriously.

Your handle obviously refers to a "ruse", but I don't think that word
means what you think it means. You display about as much guile and
subtlety as a pile of horse manure. You seem to be suffering from
delusions of adequacy, the likes of which has been seen over and over
again, ad nauseum.

In case you don't get the message, allow me to explain in small
words, so you will understand, you wart-hog-faced buffoon. Observing
netiquette is how netizens show each other courtesy and respect,
obviously not high on your list or priorities, worm. Since you ridicule
polite requests to observe netiquette, then you show yourself to be a
mere snivelling whiny tyro wannabe.

Go away, pig, or shut up, you miserable vomitous mass, until you learn
how to get along and meaningfully participate in this newsgroup.

-- James

Irrwahn Grausewitz

even more offending crap not suitable for quoting.

Why don't you just killfile all other posters in this group? That'd be
much easier than to make them killfile you. Maybe it's a good idea to
even killfile yourself. Think about it.

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