Ban Xah Lee


Larry Gates

That's great, but he trolls like crazy here (

I've seen his posts for years now and in different places.

I'm certain he's the smartest computer guy on his street. He takes these
data to show how he's so influential on the net.

I looked at his site once. I wouldn't be convinced that he knows any of
the syntaxes where he posts; then again, I don't know lisp.

I think we all have a definite opinion on massive crossposting with nothing

I'm happy to hear that c.l.lisp is a cool place. How's that for five eyes?

Tim Greer

Christian said:
Though I think you are misusing the
Usenet. For what you do you should rather write a weblog so people
interested in your monologues could follow them in a place where they
are by definition on topic.

I would agree that is the issue in Xah Lee's case as well. I don't know
that he realizes he's posting in off topic groups in what seems nothing
more than self gratification, but perhaps he's just confused and
doesn't realize that usenet is not the place to just randomly post a
thought or challenge about a topic (especially in irrelevant groups to
his ranting) and linking to his site and not usually following up to
his own posts (like a poor form of self promotion of his articles). I
agree, I think he might just be confused and needs to consider setting
up a blog about his feelings and whatnot, and he needs to understand
that it's not appropriate to do it on usenet. Problem is, I don't
think he's just confused altogether, but he'll probably ignore the
entire topic he started anyway and continue doing what he's doing (he
seems to think the lisc, perl, python, java and ruby groups are his
personal blog medium, so all of his thoughts and feelings are
continually posted in places they don't belong -- and he doesn't care).

Kenneth Tilton

Dirk said:
Almost had me cleaning the screen.

I confess. I moved the window to be sure. But I have an excuse: more
than once I have tried to delete a bit of dried... well, never mind.

hth, kt

Xah Lee

XahLeeschrieb:> Of interest:

IMHO the point that you never reply to responds is what makes it
I have seen 10 or more threads started by you and in not a single one
of those I have seen any sort of second post by you.

Also the other thing that makes you appear like a troll is that the
only posts where you are visible on the usenet are your own!

Usenet is there for discussion. What you do seems to be mostly doing a
often highly intelligent monologue and awaiting comment on it.

Its not the purpose of Usenet. Simply calling you a troll is wrong.
You are after all better than that. Though I think you are misusing the
Usenet. For what you do you should rather write a weblog so people
interested in your monologues could follow them in a place where they
are by definition on topic.


In the article you quoted:

contains this passage:

Some people says that i don't participate in discussion, and this is
part of the reason they think i'm a so-called “trollâ€. Actually i do,
and read every reply to my post, as well have replied to technical
questions other posted. Most replies to my posts are attacks or
trivial (of few sentences) i don't consider worthy to reply.

A few, maybe 10% replies to my unconventional posts, i consider having
some value. But if i don't have sufficiently remarkable opinion on
what they remarked, i don't reply. Also, if all i wanted to say is
“thanksâ€, i tend to avoid posting such trivial posts too. (i used to
reply by personal email in such cases, I still do sometimes now, but
today that can be considered intrusive.)

if you didn't start your message with “IMHOâ€, which indicated to me
that at least you are sincere, i would not have replied. (no offense
intended) Btw, i'm not some kind of saint. You (guys) do whatever
chatty style you want, i write or choose to reply in my abstruse &
ascetic manners. Just don't accuse when my style is not compatible
your drivels. (insult intentional)

I have written quite a lot on netiquette issues in the past decade.
You can find many answers about my reasons or posting behavior here:

• Netiquette Anthropology

Recently i started a blog that is collection of my online posts. If
you need to talk about me, feel free to comment there. I am more
likely to reply there for questions pertaining just me. The url is

If anyone likes me to give answers particular to this thread, or
desire me to reply to all the messages directed to me in this thread,
i'll be more than happy to do so.

Also, thanks to many supporters over the past years.

Truly Your Superior,



Tim Greer

Xah said:

Apparently my usenet filter is broken.
contains this passage:

« ....

if you didn't start your message with “IMHOâ€, which indicated to me
that at least you are sincere, i would not have replied. (no offense
intended) Btw, i'm not some kind of saint. You (guys) do whatever
chatty style you want, i write or choose to reply in my abstruse &
ascetic manners. Just don't accuse when my style is not compatible
your drivels. (insult intentional)

Actually, people take issue with you posting to groups that hold no
relevance to your posts, especially when you post about your personal
issues and problems that don't relate to any single group.
I have written quite a lot on netiquette issues in the past decade.

But you don't follow them?
You can find many answers about my reasons or posting behavior here:

• Netiquette Anthropology

I don't care for your reasons or behavior, but that you've been
repeatedly asked not to post your feelings about LISP in the Python,
Perl, and Ruby groups.
Recently i started a blog that is collection of my online posts.

So, use that instead of posting to random, off topic groups on usenet.
you need to talk about me, feel free to comment there.

You post here, I reply to you here.
I am more
likely to reply there for questions pertaining just me. The url is

Irrevant to your posting here without relevance. I have no desire to
talk to you and say anything else. So, can you stop cross posting to
the same 5 groups every time you post something, unless it's actually
relevant to the group?
If anyone likes me to give answers particular to this thread, or
desire me to reply to all the messages directed to me in this thread,
i'll be more than happy to do so.

Just please stop posting to groups that hold no relevance, as if they
are your personal blog. Usenet is not a blog.
Also, thanks to many supporters over the past years.

I'm sure.
Truly Your Superior,

I'd think anyone superior to me would understand how to use usenet

I'm being genuine and sincere, when I say that I'd like to ask that you
stop cross posting to irrelevant groups. Thanks for your


Larry said:
For me, the worst thing is when I'm programming, and a bug *actually* gets
on my monitor. In real life, I'm this tough person: a rugged tradesmen.
I'm so phobic of bugs that I'll run away screaming like a girl.

I had a smudge on my monitor some years ago. It was on the frame, not the
screen itself, but visible on the side. The person next to me pointed at it,
thinking an insect had crawled onto the monitor, and asked, "Is that a bug?"

I looked, realized it was a baked-in blemish and answered, "No, it's a feature."

I didn't realize what I had done until after I said it.

Larry Gates

Sneezing while eating while programming can be messy.

For me, the worst thing is when I'm programming, and a bug *actually* gets
on my monitor. In real life, I'm this tough person: a rugged tradesmen.
I'm so phobic of bugs that I'll run away screaming like a girl.
larry gates

I dunno. Perhaps you should be happy that I have a policy of refraining
from grumbling about handicapped operating systems. :)
-- Larry Wall in <[email protected]>


I had a smudge on my monitor some years ago. It was on the frame, not the
screen itself, but visible on the side. The person next to me pointed at it,
He said: "I work so close to you we must be telemarketers, does my body odor
bother you?"


Luis Gonzalez

Xah i know is a crazy critic,

Hey, we have standards here!  If you're going to do
psychological diagnoses, you have to quote at least one
Wikipedia article.
not bad guy. Let's respond with critique for a critique, not

Well, First, it's pointless: he pays no attention to either
critics or critiques.  And B) it annoys everybody else.

[I trust that by this point in the thread everybody but the
masochistic or morbidly curious have plonked this thread.]

Why ban anyone here?
C'mon guys, Xha Lee always wins, because fools like you get mad at him
instead of ignoring him.
If you don't like Xha's posts, just don't read them.
It's as simple as that.

By the way:
«I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your
right to say it» Voltaire.

Baning is not useful nor intelligent.


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