Austin Ziegler
ruby.info is "for sale" ...
Yukihiro said:In message "Re: Best ways to accelerate Ruby's popularity"
|It may be that netidentity has nobody actually using the ruby.org
|domain, or at least so few that they might be willing to sell it.
It's no harm to ask them. I had tried for ruby.net before, but the
domain holder did not respond. Maybe I was not too good at
negotiation. Is someone willing to ask netidentity?
Ben said:Yukihiro said:In message "Re: Best ways to accelerate Ruby's popularity"
Hi Matz,
Thanks for spotting my email. (I was afraid that by replying in a
semi-abandoned thread it might get missed).
I'd nominate the people who are behind the Ruby Central Inc. non-profit
(Chad Fowler and/or David Alan Black). I think being a certified
non-profit gives them more clout, and might make netidentity more open
to listening.
While it true that it can't hurt to ask, the lack of hits in your search
merely failed to turn up the way it is being used (I've been a customer of
NetIdentity since the beginning of their existence)...
NetIdentity rents "designer" email addresses. That's why my email address id
curt(at)hibbs.com. I don't own the hibbs.com domain, but I get my email
service through them (as do many of my relatives whose last names are also
Hibbs). NetIdentity hold many thousands of domains.
The fact that you didn't get any google hits is mostly because no one has
renting the associated web space from them (www.hibbs.com).
I think it is unlikely that they would give up the domain, but it still
can't hurt to ask.
It might be better to try to snap up one or more of the newer top-level
Hi Matz,
Thanks for spotting my email. (I was afraid that by replying in a
semi-abandoned thread it might get missed).
Curt said:While it true that it can't hurt to ask, the lack of hits in your search
merely failed to turn up the way it is being used (I've been a customer of
NetIdentity since the beginning of their existence)...
NetIdentity rents "designer" email addresses. That's why my email address id
curt(at)hibbs.com. I don't own the hibbs.com domain, but I get my email
service through them (as do many of my relatives whose last names are also
Hibbs). NetIdentity hold many thousands of domains.
The fact that you didn't get any google hits is mostly because no one has
renting the associated web space from them (www.hibbs.com).
It might be better to try to snap up one or more of the newer top-level
ruby said:Perhaps I've skimmed too much or otherwise missed part of this thread,
but has it been established that the lack of ruby.[com|net|org] is a
real concern?
I suppose if someone just handed over any of these domains for free
that would be nice, but beyond that, how much time and money is this
Given how people become aware of URLs (links from a known site,
Google, on-line or printed articles, word of mouth, RSS, blogs, and so
on), is the actual domain name (remarkably) valuable?
Ben said:In the perfect Ruby world that exists only in my head, www.ruby.org
would be the official Ruby site, and would be a simple page for newbies,
with few links and an easy way to find out what they need to find out
about Ruby.
Of course, in this perfect world, I would be
4m tall and made out of titanium, able to shoot lasers from my eyes and
to bend humans to my whim with mind-control rays... so I wouldn't count
on my perfect world coming into being in the next few months... at least
not until the price of titanium drops a little.
* Ben Giddings said:In the perfect Ruby world that exists only in my head, www.ruby.org
would be the official Ruby site, and would be a simple page for newbies,
with few links and an easy way to find out what they need to find out
about Ruby. In this perfect world, Ruby documentation would be at
doc.ruby.org, files would be availble from downloads.ruby.org or maybe
files.ruby.org (or both). There would be forums at forums.ruby.org, a
wiki at wiki.ruby.org, news at news.ruby.org, etc. In this perfect
world it would be instantly obvious that all the various ruby sites were
all official ruby sites, under the same umbrella, and not just
fan/user/enthusiast sites.
Of course, in this perfect world, I would be
4m tall and made out of titanium, able to shoot lasers from my eyes and
to bend humans to my whim with mind-control rays... so I wouldn't count
on my perfect world coming into being in the next few months... at least
not until the price of titanium drops a little.
why said:This conversation is rubbing off. I'm seeing things. Here's a mockup:
There's some commentary in the post, so I won't repeat it all here,
despite the welling enthusiasm I feel for such a project.
Ben said:Right, but do a google search for "hibbs.com", within the first few
links I find "(e-mail address removed)", "(e-mail address removed)", and RubyTalk entries
from you. OTOH, when I search for ruby.org, and try to get rid of the
Ruby-language related entries I find... almost nothing. Maybe hibbs is
a more common last name, but it seems to me that I should find a few
random ruby.org addresses in there.
Here's a URL for a google search that tries to find "ruby.org" without
ruby-language links:
(i.e. search for ruby.org without "programming", "python", "xml" or "jp")
There are less than 400 of them, and virtually all of them appear to be
related to the language, a few others are links to ruby.org.uk, but I
can't find any bare "ruby.org" links that aren't related to the language.
Curt said:I just posted a comment on you mockup page, but I want to repeat it here
for the benefit of those who haven't clicked through:
"I hesitate to be just another commenter who merely says "this is great"
(which is really is), so instead I'll say that ruby home page would be 100
times better by just adopting this as is, without debate. And then move
forward by tweaking on this excellent start!"
[snip]This conversation is rubbing off. I'm seeing things. Here's a mockup:
OTOH, I think that redesign of the main Ruby sites is more important
(and probably more doable). I think it would be great if they all
shared a unique look and feel, and fulfilled one, and only one role.
For instance, the ruby-doc.org site shouldn't have any non documentation
downloads, and rubyforge.org shouldn't have anything but ruby projects
(and that means it shouldn't host the ruby bug database).
In the perfect Ruby world that exists only in my head, www.ruby.org
would be the official Ruby site, and would be a simple page for newbies,
with few links and an easy way to find out what they need to find out
about Ruby. In this perfect world, Ruby documentation would be at
doc.ruby.org, files would be availble from downloads.ruby.org or maybe
files.ruby.org (or both). There would be forums at forums.ruby.org, a
wiki at wiki.ruby.org, news at news.ruby.org, etc. In this perfect
world it would be instantly obvious that all the various ruby sites were
all official ruby sites, under the same umbrella, and not just
fan/user/enthusiast sites.
Simon said:I got so inspired by looking at your mockup.. that I decided to make a
mockup for a new ruby-doc.org homepage.
This conversation is rubbing off. I'm seeing things. Here's a mockup:
There's some commentary in the post, so I won't repeat it all here,
despite the welling enthusiasm I feel for such a project.
Austin said:ruby.info is "for sale" ...
James said:ruby-doc offers assorted things for download, but arguably all
Off the top of my head, the only except may be the (now outdated )
actual Ruby source code tarball.
There are assorted technical and practical issues with having all site
grouped by a single TLD. A more significant matter, though,is that
every Ruby site is run or maintained by a fan/user/enthusiast.
Classifications and categories are hard to get right, and differ among
users. It is not so much that people must get to the exact site they
need on the first guess at a URL, but that whatever site they are on
makes it easy to get to where they want to be. (And a big part of
that is helping users know where they should probably want to go, and
what they probably need.)
why said:This conversation is rubbing off. I'm seeing things. Here's a mockup:
In my perfect world, you would be 4m tall and made out of titanium as
well. However, your laser glance would be disabled and you would have a
ghettoblaster built into your chest and jacuzzis in your feet. Walking
Also, the cassettes for your ghettochesto would be able to transform
into a gracefully jaguar, a sleek falcon and an ordinary J2EE-compliant
IT director.
Dick said:Well, couldn't that be done with the ruby-lang.org domain? All we need is
15 minutes work on DNS and a few ServerAliases. ruby.org would be ideal, but
the general 'ruby mafia' single domain[0] would still work.
Not exactly what you were looking for, but almost as good.
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