Öö Tiib
Other serialization libraries are also focused on C++.
Corba takes language neutral approach. Is it thriving?
I tend to think it is stagnant and dying.
If someone asks for C++ solution for serialization then he
gets lot of answers like protocol buffers, jsoncpp,
codesynthesis xsd, tinyxml, boost serialize, and so
on. Like you see all are capable to serialize into language
neutral formats. Other languages have same or
different tools for serialization since what matters is
the format.
My approach is to focus first on C++. After dust
settles, I hope to provide support for one or two other
languages. C++ is most important language for services,
so good place to start.
Lot of network services are not written in C++. I trust majority.
Don't hold your breath if you have requests for some
libraries. The maintenance can be very thin.
I speak of experience. Boost tends to have lower amount of
defects than other C++ libraries. If there is a defect then it is
usually fixed soon and also workaround is found. Anyway if
it looks too complex for me to fix it myself then I avoid it.