Op 03-Feb-14 7:04, (e-mail address removed) schreef:
One benefit over some of the competition is automating
the creation of marshalling functions. C# and Java
have been ahead of C++ is this area,
You mean like CORBA and DCOM have been doing over 20 years (well before
Java and C# even existed)? Hardly novel or innovative, and also
unrelated to the question what the benefit of online code generation is
for the customer.
but the C++ Middleware Writer goes beyond what those languages
have by being on line.
Again, what is the benefit of 'being online' as opposed to running an
IDL compiler locally?
Since you avoid the question about the user base I think it is safe to
assume that the user base is small or non-existent.
Recall this though from Yeshua (aka Jesus): <snip>
You can quote the bible all you like, but that isn't going to make the
questions and concerns magically go away, nor does it strengthen your
We have taken what was once considered to be an
unusual approach, but is now understood to be the
correct approach? I mean going on line.
Providing services online is hardly novel or unusual; the only unusual
about your offering is that in your case there seems to be no obvious
advantage for the customer to do it online.
Is Microsoft going to abandon Office 365? Don't be silly.
I never mentioned Microsoft, Office 365, or even suggested that
Microsoft is going to abandon it. Why do you feel the need to resort to
strawman tactics instead of just answering a simple question?
The fact that there a quite a few examples where providing online/cloud
services does make sense, doesn't mean it makes sense for what you are
offering. As of yet you still haven't provided a convincing argument for
online code generation.
The person who gives an answer usually learns something
by posting and they get some recognition from others
for contributing something helpful.
Probably true for technical problems. But as far as websites and
documentation goes there are plenty of examples. Don't expect others to
do your work for you.
I don't know what everyone's motives are.
But the Bible encourages us to ask, seek and knock.
The bible expects us to be gullible.
I've done that and have gotten a lot of helpful advice
along the way. Roughly seven years ago we had a web-
based interface to the code generator. That seemed
like the way to go 10+ years ago. Then someone on
a Boost list suggested that it should be something
that could be integrated into build environments. It
didn't take me too long to figure out that was right.
I have a track record of contemplating advice and
taking what makes sense to me and bringing it to
fruition. Slow and steady wins the race.
It seems that your competition is years, if not decades, ahead of you,
if you go too slow you won't live long enough to make it to the finish.
Theremay very well be a niche where you might do better than your
competition. But to identify that niche you do have understand what the
competition is and what their strengths and weaknesses are on one side,
and the needs of your (potential) customers on the other side. You seem
to be quite unfamiliar with either side.
The Statue of Liberty has this: "Give us your tired,
your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."
There are many friendly, intelligent poor people out
there. They don't have much money, but that's fine.
They have the time and the desire to buid things. We're
here to help them.
Quoting irrelevant pieces of text isn't going to convince anyone, it
only creates the impression you are avoiding the question.
I'm mostly familiar with free alternatives. Paid
alternatives have a hard time gaining traction with
the poor.
More money is to be made from those who can afford. That being said it
is not clear to me in what area CMW excels compared to the free or paid
If a company wants to use a binary copy of the C++
Middleware Writer, I'm happy to talk to them about that.
It isn't free though in that case.
Fair enough, don't think anyone is expecting you to give your work away
for free. However based on what I've seen here and on your website, I
doubt you'll convince many to choose your offering over the
alternatives, no matter what you charge.
The company is in better shape than ever. The company has
no debts.
I wonder if your company generates any income at all (the allowance you
get from your mum doesn't count).
Some well known companies have more debt than
Sure, and if you have reasons to believe they might go bankrupt in the
near future you certainly don't want to be dependent on some online
service they might provide.
We have some money for new hardware this year.
Whoop-de-do. You really think statements like that are going to impress
Ebenezer Enterprises has been built from the beginning
with an understanding of the cyclical (Purim, Pesach, ...
Sukkot, Hanukkah ...) nature of reality. I don't think the
competition can say the same thing.
Your competition doesn't have to because because they can provide
specific reasons why to choose their product, rather than resorting to
vague unrelated mumbo jumbo.
See also my previous reply about how we eat our own dog food.
Who is 'we' anyway?
Boost wasn't built that way.
Given the number of people working on Boost I doubt one could make
sweeping statements about how Boost was build. Personally I don't care
how it is build. I care about how well a product addresses my needs,
reliability, active developer and user community, license, support,
performance, memory footprint...etc. The fact is that (parts of) Boost
are used by great many people, and likely has seen more use by more
people than CMW ever will.
Btw. Boost is not your only competitor, certainly not your most
important competitor as far as serialization is concerned.
I look forward to showing otherwise.
I hope you will prove me wrong.