Paul said:
thanks for your support, infact I was disappointed by looking at those
posts refering C Unleashed. I have been through that book and I still
feel paricipants in this group can still can come up with an or
another excellent.
I don't think there is much point redoing "C Unleashed". The book made it
into print, which was a considerable achievement, but wasn't financially
very successful. In other words, it wasn't such a disaster as to demand
doing again, but not such a success as to demand a sequel.
The notion is come up with an electronic version, a free download.
just in the way of Bruce Eckel. Print will also be availble to buy.
The Internet is changing publishing. The problem is that you will probably
have to put publishing costs upfront if an electronic version is avialbale
for free, because most publishers won't want to risk capital on a book that
is already available.
-Book will be entirely based on discussions in this groups, all the
articles will be posted and discussed before arriving at a final
version. Earlier discussion when ever available will also be
-Several people can write chapter/articles on same topic, best one or
gist of all after discussion, will be selected to go into final
Terrible idea. The rejected authors will feel resentful and start trying to
sabatage the project.
-The selection may be by majority, but I believe there'll be a natural
Approach would be some thing like this.
Step 01-Topics/Chapters will be identified as first step.
Step 02-Sub topics
Step 03-Participants can post their content on topic and or sub
Step 04-Subsequent discussions may bring up final version.
Step 05-The book in pdf format will be made available as free
Major contributor is considered as author for the topic/sub topic and
all those people who contributed will also be mentioned.
Ideas and approach or open for discussion, I request the visitors to
this group share their thoughts and time
I think you need to read C Unleashed, and the FAQ, which is avialable in
print, and then think what you can do which is C-related, but different from
A few ideas:
"A second book of C". There are any number of C primers on the market, and
quite a bit of advanced technical literature, but there really isn't
anything for the person who has worked through a C primer, knows the basics,
and then wants to move on. This might be a little too close to "C
"Structured programming versus OOP". A discussion of the merits of
structured versus OO approaches, and when to use each. It won't be an
anti-C++ book, since we are too mature for that, but it will defend the
notion that it many circustances straight C is the language to prefer.
"C99 - death of a standard". Write an expose of the C99 debacle, and how
ANSI got into the situation of writing a standard which no-one has
implemented. Quite a hard book to write, since it will demand journalistic
as well as technical skills, but we might well have somebody who could do it