C or C++ as a second language?


Chris Croughton

Ubj znal VR hfref jbhyq rira xabj jung jung EBG13 vf jura gurl frr

Zber guna erpbtavfr Jryfu jura gurl frr gung (vg'f shaal jngpuvat gurz
hfr EBG13 naq svaq gung vg /fgvyy/ qbrfa'g znxr frafr!).
Guhaqreoveq vf n terng rznvy ercynprzrag sbe Bhgybbx be BR. Vg vfa'g
fhpu n terng arjfernqre.

Vf vg fhccbfrq gb or? V gubhtug gung gurl fcyvg bss gur arjfernqre

(V hfr zhgg naq fyea, obgu grkg-bayl naq obgu pbzcyrgryl fnsr sebz
nggnpurq yvaxf naq UGZY -- nygubhtu V hfr na rkgreany pbzznaq gb perngr
EBG13 zrffntrf sebz ivz, obgu pna qrpbqr gurz...)

Puevf P


Matthias said:
I use Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (Debian version) and it correctly
associated his message to the right topic.

Sorry, I meant handling rot13. I added the bit about threading after I
wrote about rot13.


Randy Howard

Zngguvnf jebgr:

Fbeel, V zrnag unaqyvat ebg13. V nqqrq gur ovg nobhg guernqvat nsgre V
jebgr nobhg ebg13.


Lbh qb ernyvmr gung cbfgvat jung jnf cerivbhfyl ebg13 rapbqrq va gur
pyrne qrsrngf gur jubyr checbfr, qba'g lbh?

Noah Roberts

I don't understand why all this talk about OE. Plain truth is that the
OP never showed up on my newsserver. Obviously they have better filters
than yours and so you seem to think I must be using OE. Maybe if you
guys were as smart as you think you are you would look in the headers at
the User-Agent and see that I am not.

And for those that think they are so fucking cool and have us
stupidasses all outsmarted:

Gnyxvat penc nobhg crbcyr va pbqr vf sbe chffvrf naq ovgpurf.

If you guys don't like the rest of us then why are you here?

For those that don't know what they are doing:

tr [a-zA-Z] [n-za-mN-ZA-M]

'man tr' if you don't know what that does. I am sure there is a windows
equivelent command for Rot13 (en/de)coding but I don't know it.

To tell the truth though, none of it is worth decoding. Just a bunch of
elitist cowards in the middle of a big back biting circle jerk.

Richard Bos

Victor Bazarov said:
It has nothing to do with filters. You changed the Subject header of
the message, and some newsreaders, like Outlook Express, do not put it
in the same thread.

Then OE is not a newsreader. Film at eleven.


Mike Wahler

Richard Bos said:
Then OE is not a newsreader. Film at eleven.

My OE (v6.0, 'out of the box') retains the threading, even
if the subject line is modified.


Mike Wahler

Victor Bazarov said:
Jump right into C++. Only learn C if you want to learn C.

Obviously. Why you set your follow-ups to photography newsgroups is
still a mystery though. Trolling?

He wants to C through his camera lens. :)


Noah Roberts

Mike said:
My OE (v6.0, 'out of the box') retains the threading, even
if the subject line is modified.

What is really stupid about this whole thing is that I don't use OE. I
use mozilla at home, where the OP never arrived, and google at
work...where it did.

The troller probably thought they would start a flame about C vs. C++.
What is funny is that they started a flame war about a completely off
topic subject without even being off topic.

If all these rot13 bozos want to 'fix' usenet I think this thread shows
that the best way to do that is for them to just leave.

Mark McIntyre

It has nothing to do with filters. You changed the Subject header of
the message, and some newsreaders, like Outlook Express, do not put it
in the same thread.

Then OE is not a newsreader.[/QUOTE]

Several other newsreaders also rely on the subject to thread properly,
Forte Agent amongst them. I suspect you can't claim that this isn't a
newsreader, no matter how rabidly anti-MS one might feel... :)
Film at eleven.

Bandits at 12 o'clock, wingco, roger and out.

Alan Balmer

Several other newsreaders also rely on the subject to thread properly,
Forte Agent amongst them. I suspect you can't claim that this isn't a
newsreader, no matter how rabidly anti-MS one might feel... :)
Agent gives you the choice. In General Options, go to Display->Message
List Pane->Start New Thread if Subject Changes and uncheck it.

Richard Bos

Mark McIntyre said:
Then OE is not a newsreader.

Several other newsreaders also rely on the subject to thread properly,
Forte Agent amongst them.[/QUOTE]

This is extremely unlikely to be true. I use Forte Free Agent, and it
threads perfectly using the References header. I would be flabbergasted
to hear that the commercial Forte Agent has been made a downgrade, by
taking this feature out.
(Hint: Opions -> Message List -> the various threading options.)

(I also note that the premise of that "Then", as claimed by Victor, is
not true, according to several others. The film that was planned for
eleven o'clock has been canceled.)



Noah Roberts said:
To tell the truth though, none of it is worth decoding. Just a bunch of
elitist cowards in the middle of a big back biting circle jerk.

Raise a Black Flag or call the Redd Kross!

Alex Fraser

CBFalconer said:
Victor Bazarov wrote: [snip]
It has nothing to do with filters. You changed the Subject header of
the message, and some newsreaders, like Outlook Express, do not put it
in the same thread. They make it seem that you started another thread.

I didn't realize OE was that bad. So it is too stupid to follow
the references chain?

Since v5 of OE (at least), messages with *different* subjects that *are*
(according to the References header) parts of a single thread are displayed
as such. But messages with the *same* subjects that *aren't* parts of a
single thread are shown as if they were. This has both advantages and

(I think "same" is a case-insensitive comparison, and probably ignores a
"Re:" prefix if present.)


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