Rene de Visser
Gerry Quinn said:I'm not trolling - this is a serious if nasty question: could it be that
the reason the majority of C programmers reject 'idiomatic Lisp' is
because they see what you call 'idiomatic Lisp' as simply bad
programming practice?
I have programming experience in a number of programming languages including
C, C++ and Common Lisp among others.
I think that there a number of reasons C programmers reject 'idiomatic
a) The formatting. It took me a couple of weeks to get past how Lisp code
looks like because of the formatting and parenthese.
b) Learning curve. I found this to be quite steep. There are a lot of in
built functions and macros, etc in common lisp. At the beginning of learning
C++ versus learning common lisp it was a lot easier for me to read a 30 000
line C++ program compared to a 10 000 line lisp program. To read the
Lisp program you need to know the ANSI standard fairly well, and learn to
pick out the standard stuff compared to the program specific constructions.
Often Common Lisp is more compact. At the beginning this is a learning
disadvantage, at least for working your way into the language with existing
c) In combination of a) and b) above and the lack of strong motivating
reasons to learn Lisp (such as good job opportunities), I think are the main
reasons for the rejection.
I would think that 90% C programmers that reject Lisp don't get far enough
that they could recognize good or bad programming practice in Lisp programs.