Hmm.. So my comments are negative simply because I happen to agree
with a point of view.. Interesting.
I posted that I AGREE for two reasons:
1- Because I do agree that C and C++ do suck for game programming,
2- To show my support of opinion no matter how old the thread.
And it IS an old thread. There was a long and extensive thread to the
original silly post by a Lisp fanatic. Who, like most, has never
produced even a shareware game.
C++ is not "sacrus selectus" either . I have a Right to dissent and
to be myself. This should be a place for discussions, not for fights,
I believe. You C plusplusmongers make it sound like there's no life
outside of C. Oh brother.
There certainly are games outside of C/C++. Very few of them are in
Lisp, though, although they are not completely unknown (there was one
discussed recently here). And reading down, very few are coded in
assembly nowadays, though I don't doubt that the odd inner loop still
What irritates some of us is the frequent assertion by Lisp-ers that
they are somehow superior to the common herd, coupled with the somewhat
modest ouevre of games - and other software - actually produced using
what is quite a long-established language with a vociferous crowd of
[Cue, no doubt, presentation of The List, with about ten programs on it
from all fields, some of which have been re-written in other languages
Some C++ users I've known sound to me much like GW Bush when one
happens to disagree with their point of view. If C++ is so great, why
the anger and insults towards anyone who happens to disagree with
I always wonder at the mentality of the US left-wingers who regularly
screech the vilest abuse while still taking great offence if anyone on
the right makes a civil observation that hurts their little feelingses.
I've heard Bush can be a little tetchy when provoked, but that is
hardly something confined to any particular shade of political opinion.
I don't recall him directing a stream of insults at anyone just for
having a different opinion. Still, off-topic here.
I could give you many technical reasons for why I don't like or use C
(or C++, I don't care which), but I just don't have the time.
Besides, it seems to me that it all boils down to a matter of beliefs.
Incredible isn't it, how a high level "neat and bubbly" programming
language has managed to turn into some kind of sect.
Uh... which language are you talking about here? Because of the three
languages mentioned so far, C, C++ and Lisp, only one looks anything
like a sect from where I sit. [Reading a thread started by a Lisp
prosyletiser who shows the usual signs. Note the name 'NeoLisper'
which shows identification with the fictional superhero Neo who through
his intuitive understanding of virtual reality code can bring about
miracles simply by desiring a particular end. This is of course an
expression of the Lisp-AI fantasy of, I don't know, twenty years ago,
in which users believed that if they used a sufficiently self-
referential language, AI would appear by magic. Evidently some people
still believe that, or something like it.]
Certainly C-ers and C++-ers often criticise each others' language
vigorously. But both somehow manage to Get Stuff Done. You rarely see
somebody posting unprovoked all over usenet about how C or C++ is the
best thing since sliced bread without actually having developed some
non-trivial program using it. And I've often been involved in
arguments about how to use C++. If C/C++ is a sect, it's a fissiparous
Either way, a fact is a fact. It's true that C plus plus is used
widely over the industry, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's a
good language because of that. Another fact is that C p p as a
language is wasteful and obscure at best. Those are facts too.
I'll stick to hardware and machine language in the mean time.
Like I said, my opinion is my opinion and I have a right to it, so
move on with your life and be content with whatever it is that you do,
Hardware and machine language. Read - modern programming languages are
too complicated and I'm frightened. If you've actually produced a
worthwhile distributable game (even a simple freeware one), I withdraw
that comment. Otherwise, I'd recommend you at least try one of the
game-related Basics, if you want to produce an actual game.
- Gerry Quinn