Based on past experience, the chances of useful information being
posted via Google Groups is very small. The benefit of avoiding all
the spam and garbage the comes from that source is more than worth the
small risk of missing something worthwhile.
Note that I'm _not_ talking about people posting to the mailing list
using Gmail -- only people posting via the Google Groups web UI.
Your experience is that most GG posts are junk but not
most Gmail posts. And yet someone else posted that Gmail
posts are the junk ones. So I wonder how accurate these
evaluations are.
In either case, while there has been some spam and garbage
posts in c.l.p in the past, I haven't seen very many lately.
And even in the past, they seemed pretty recognizable to me
and easily skipped over.
As for stupid questions, undesired formatting etc, I seldom
look at the message headers so I never noticed whether they
are mostly from GG or Gmail. But then again I never found
it hard to glance at a post and move on if I didn't want to
read it. YMMV.