Examples of Websites and Graphic Art created by Children


paul watt

1001 Webs said:
Well, the way I see it, Chaddy's attack on my honesty just makes him
look petty and vindictive, specially when he's feigning blindness.

All I'm asking him for now is to please tell everybody which
University he's attending to.
That's a a simple, straightforward and unbeatable easy to reply
question, and I don't understand why he's trying to avoid it.

Thanks, I still don't understand why he says "we" ...

why on earth should he tell you what uni he's at. None of your bloody
buisness mate.

Chad, just killfile this muppet, hes not worth your time

paul watt

KarlCore said:
You think Jerry's bad?
I just searched for myself on that thing, LOL.
(The good news is, there's apparently more than one Karl Groves in MD
cuz 90% of that stuff isn't mine)

only 90% mate?

1001 Webs

READ THIS!!http://www.nfbnet.org/pipermail/gui-talk/2003-May/002424.html
It's a little old as I am now heading in to my third year at
university but I think you'll get the point, unless your as cluless as
you appear to be!.
BTW where not por vonerable people YOU STUPID GIT!

I had a look at that site, frankly, I left before it even had time to
load. I'm only on a dial-up conection and did not want to waste time
waiting for some stupid looking Flash driven web movie to load!!.
If you really want to help anyone with a disability, then you should
just stick with plain old HTML, after all that is what it was created
for, to make documents accessable to anyone who required them.



"paul watt said:
Chad, just killfile this muppet, hes not worth your time

Chad, I kf'd this creep ages ago; so he must be *real* bad...
<g>. So follow the advice rf and paul are giving you.

(just btw, Chad, I always read our posts with an especially acute
ear for anything to do with accessibility, All such things are
greatly appreciated. You should do more of it! And also btw, I
had a blind student once who was the most brilliant of all the
students in that particular year and went on to hold down big
jobs and contribute in big ways to community life in NSW. And a
former partner of mine used to work for the Royal Blind Society
and it is an organization much to be respected. I can barely
stand hearing that web1000 creep talking to you like this!)


only 90% mate?

Yeah. There's an assault & battery on there from 1991. :-(
It was put on the "stet" docket, which means it was basically
dismissed as long as I didn't get in more trouble. I could petition to
have it expunged if I wanted, but who cares at this point. Anyone who
holds a fight I got into 16 years ago against me isn't worth dealing
with anyway.


1001 Webs

This is getting beyond offensive. He is under no obligation to prove
anything to you and if you have any evidence of some wrong-doing, take
it to the appropriate authorities. This attack on Chaddy2222's
honesty just makes you look petty and vindictive.

application of a brain suggests the interpretation "we are not poor
vulnerable people".

"Flash used in it's most common form makes very hard to decrease and
increase font sizes to make for easyer reading for those of us with
low vision. "
Please note how Chaddy says "those of us with low vision".

The following is the World Health Organisation's definition of low
This is widely used internationally.

A person with low vision is one who has impairment of visual
functioning even after:
- treatment, for example an operation and/or standard refractive
correction (has been given glasses or lenses)
- and has a visual acuity of less than 6/18 to light perception, or
- a visual field of less than 10° from the point of fixation (i.e. 20°
- but who uses, or is potentially able to use, vision for the planning
and/or execution (doing it!) of a task



In North America and most of Europe, legal blindness is defined as
visual acuity (vision) of 20/200 (6/60) or less in the better eye with
best correction possible. This means that a legally blind individual
would have to stand 20 feet from an object to see it with the same
degree of clarity as a normally sighted person could from 200 feet. In
many areas, people with average acuity who nonetheless have a visual
field of less than 20 degrees (the norm being 180 degrees) are also
classified as being legally blind.

Approximately ten percent of those deemed legally blind, by any
measure, are fully sightless. The rest have some vision, from light
perception alone to relatively good acuity.

Those who are not legally blind, but nonetheless have serious visual
impairments, possess low vision.


Chaddy is NOT blind.

It's a little old as I am now heading in to my third year at
university but I think you'll get the point, unless your as cluless as
you appear to be!.
BTW where not por vonerable people YOU STUPID GIT!

application of a brain suggests the interpretation "we are not poor
vulnerable people".

So, I repeat my question:
We ???
Is he trying to make us think that he represents blind people ???
Isn't he being a bit misleading?
Does he show any consideration whatsoever for those who are in a worse
condition than he is by producing non-accessible content in a web-site
that claims to "specialise in making websites that are accessible to
the widest range of people possible":?
but then goes on to say that "you will need the Flash Player to *view*
the below content":

Is he not basically asking for compassion, while at the same time
denying accessibility to the people he claims to be helping.?

Perhaps because he knows that he can't get any money out of those

Is there more than a 0% chance that he is what he claims to be. ?

Jerry Stuckle

dorayme said:
Chad, I kf'd this creep ages ago; so he must be *real* bad...
<g>. So follow the advice rf and paul are giving you.

(just btw, Chad, I always read our posts with an especially acute
ear for anything to do with accessibility, All such things are
greatly appreciated. You should do more of it! And also btw, I
had a blind student once who was the most brilliant of all the
students in that particular year and went on to hold down big
jobs and contribute in big ways to community life in NSW. And a
former partner of mine used to work for the Royal Blind Society
and it is an organization much to be respected. I can barely
stand hearing that web1000 creep talking to you like this!)

Oh, he's even worse than you think. How about this email he sent to one
of the organizations I belong to...

I think you should know that your member Jerry Stuckle who advertises as
the MD of JDS Computer Training Corp. at your page:
http://www.icca.org/member/memberpage.asp?id=400 is not telling the
truth. There's no such corporation. The JDS Computer company that
existed was forfeited in 1996. The other company that Jerry Stuckle is
principal of is Smartech, which has been forfeited last year by the
Maryland Taxpayer Services Division: http://www.maryland.gov/ click on
Business Database Searches:

Of course, the first thing they did was call me and ask me who was this
guy. I just explained he's a sociopath who seems obsessed with me.
They know the status of my businesses. And they know where both
corporations are registered :)

He really is a sad case. I hope he gets help soon.

Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
(e-mail address removed)

Jerry Stuckle

I probably shouldn't add that we got a good laugh out of it. But I will

Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
(e-mail address removed)


"1001 Webs" proved
I had a look at that site, frankly, I left before it even had time to
load. I'm only on a dial-up conection and did not want to waste time
waiting for some stupid looking Flash driven web movie to load!!.
If you really want to help anyone with a disability, then you should
just stick with plain old HTML, after all that is what it was created
for, to make documents accessable to anyone who required them.


Point 3; Grandiose Sense of Self


Blind people are very special people. I don't know if you have ever
met any in real life, but they're really special.
They're not half-witted, as Chaddy poses sometimes, but on the
contrary, they have developed all the other 4+1 senses in a way that a
"normal" person would deem impossible.
They live in a world where the kind of attitude Chaddy shows here
simply does not exist, because they are very vulnerable people and
they're perfectly aware of that.
And for that very same reason, they're all very considerate, polite
and respectful, specially towards its kind.

Words/phrases you used:

- "special"
- "normal"
- "vulnerable"
- "they're all very considerate, polite and respectful"

What a load of hogwash, my friend.

Like me, I suspect that most blind or vision impaired people find this kind
of drivel pretty offensive. Vision impaired people do not have superhuman
powers, and would prefer to be treated with the respect afforded other
members of the community, and NOT be subjected to this outmoded patronising
parody of pity which you present above.

....and please, please, please... stop crossposting.

1001 Webs

dorayme said:
Oh, he's even worse than you think. How about this email he sent to one
of the organizations I belong to...

I think you should know that your member Jerry Stuckle who advertises as
the MD of JDS Computer Training Corp. at your page:http://www.icca.org/member/memberpage.asp?id=400is not telling the
truth. There's no such corporation. The JDS Computer company that
existed was forfeited in 1996. The other company that Jerry Stuckle is
principal of is Smartech, which has been forfeited last year by the
Maryland Taxpayer Services Division:http://www.maryland.gov/click on
Business Database Searches:http://sdatcert3.resiusa.org/UCC-Charter/default.aspx

Of course, the first thing they did was call me and ask me who was this
guy. I just explained he's a sociopath who seems obsessed with me.
They know the status of my businesses. And they know where both
corporations are registered :)

He really is a sad case. I hope he gets help soon.

I'll hit you back soon Jerry.
I know you miss me, but please be patient.
All in due time.

1001 Webs

But you're MAD !!!
Those are Chad's words:

That was one of the points I was trying to prove, that he's not the
kind, polite person that he tries to portray himself.
And now you call him a "sociopath" with a "Grandiose Sense of
Self" ?!?
Fine diagnostic you've made there ...

1001 Webs

Chad, I kf'd this creep ages ago; so he must be *real* bad...
<g>. So follow the advice rf and paul are giving you.

(just btw, Chad, I always read our posts with an especially acute
ear for anything to do with accessibility,

I quote the following paragraph, so dorayme doesn't make another
regrettable diagnostic concerning Chad:
"not only is he a stupid git that does not know when decent advice is
biteing him on the arse!
He clearly has trouble reading as well!. "


The line above is a hyperlink, dorayme.
If you click on it, you will get teleported to the offending page ...


1001 Webs said:

I had a look there and it says nothing about 'sticking with plain old HTML'.
I am quoting your words, you are looking to lay into others to relieve
That was one of the points I was trying to prove, that he's not the
kind, polite person that he tries to portray himself.
And now you call him a "sociopath" with a "Grandiose Sense of
Self" ?!?
Fine diagnostic you've made there ...

Has your quack diagnosed you as a sociopath yet? Seeing as he advised you to
take it out on Jerry and therefore the whole of Usenet 'if it feels right'
then he sure ain't a good one.

Point 21; Only rarely in difficulty with the law, but seeks out situations
where their tyrannical behavior will be tolerated, condoned, or admired.


1001 Webs

I had a look there and it says nothing about 'sticking with plain old HTML'.
I am quoting your words, you are looking to lay into others to relieve
No, you're mad as well.
It's right there, in the same thread.
What's wrong with you people, really?
Has your quack diagnosed you as a sociopath yet? Seeing as he advised you to
take it out on Jerry and therefore the whole of Usenet 'if it feels right'
then he sure ain't a good one.
It was Jerry and Chad the ones who took it out on me.
For no reason.
And it is absolutely right, using Jerry's words, to "let the World
know", the kind of CRIMINAL he is.
Point 21; Only rarely in difficulty with the law, but seeks out situations
where their tyrannical behavior will be tolerated, condoned, or admired.
And now who are we talking about?
Law-breaking, Wife-beating, Jerry?
I don't know about you, but I don't think that kind of tyrannical
behavior should be neither tolerated, nor condoned, or admired.
But that's the way I think, not the one you do, obviously.

1001 Webs

Yeah. There's an assault & battery on there from 1991. :-(
It was put on the "stet" docket, which means it was basically
dismissed as long as I didn't get in more trouble. I could petition to
have it expunged if I wanted, but who cares at this point. Anyone who
holds a fight I got into 16 years ago against me isn't worth dealing
with anyway.



Case Information

Case Number: 0602SP019022003
District/Location Codes: 06 / 02
Filing Date: 07/08/2003
Case Status: CLOSED

Complaint, Judgment, and Related Persons Information
(Each Complaint, Hearing, Judgment is listed separately, along with
each Related Person)

Complaint Information

Status Date: 07/09/2003
Filing Date:07/08/2003
Amount $0.00
Last Activity Date: 07/14/2003

Related Person Information

Connection to Complaint: DEFENDANT
Address: 9920 BRIXTON LANE
City: BETHESDA State:MD Zip Code:20817-0000

Connection to Complaint: PLAINTIFF

The public access information above is current as of 5:00 PM on

The complete case file must be obtained from the District Court in
which the case was last heard.

Bone Ur

Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 20:38:37 GMT
KarlCore scribed:
Yeah. There's an assault & battery on there from 1991. :-(
It was put on the "stet" docket, which means it was basically
dismissed as long as I didn't get in more trouble. I could petition to
have it expunged if I wanted, but who cares at this point. Anyone who
holds a fight I got into 16 years ago against me isn't worth dealing
with anyway.

What a coincidence! In 1991 I assaulted a battery, too, but then found out
it was really the bulb the whole time. Small world...


Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 20:38:37 GMT
KarlCore scribed:

What a coincidence! In 1991 I assaulted a battery, too, but then found out
it was really the bulb the whole time. Small world...

And I hope that like me, you realized the problem could have been
solved differently.


1001 Webs

Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 20:38:37 GMT
KarlCore scribed:

What a coincidence! In 1991 I assaulted a battery, too, but then found out
it was really the bulb the whole time. Small world...

Only a "man" of your despicable kind would dare to compare a woman to
a battery.
I would really like to find out whether you'd be so frivolous when
faced by someone your size.

Bone Ur

Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 00:48:37
GMT KarlCore scribed:
And I hope that like me, you realized the problem could have been
solved differently.

Sure. As a matter of fact, I bought a hammer and a new flashlight the same
day. <grin>

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