Examples of Websites and Graphic Art created by Children


Bone Ur

Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 01:00:04
GMT 1001 Webs scribed:
Only a "man" of your despicable kind would dare to compare a woman to
a battery.

Oh, but there're a lot of similarities between them. Both have a positive
side and a negative side, and both can give you a jolt under certain
circumstances. The battery, however, probably has the edge when it comes
to efficiency.
I would really like to find out whether you'd be so frivolous when
faced by someone your size.

Why? Would it satisfy some deep, inner paranoia you might possibly have
over size issues or what?


Only a "man" of your despicable kind would dare to compare a woman to
a battery.
Rubish. I reckon it's a great term.
After all if you turn them on the good brands last for ages.

1001 Webs

Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 01:00:04
GMT 1001 Webs scribed:

Oh, but there're a lot of similarities between them. Both have a positive
side and a negative side, and both can give you a jolt under certain
circumstances. The battery, however, probably has the edge when it comes
to efficiency.
There are other similarities.
None of them are taxonomically similar to you.
Rats and cockroaches are closer to your DNA composition.
Why? Would it satisfy some deep, inner paranoia you might possibly have
over size issues or what?
Well, there's only one way to find out about that, isn't there?

1001 Webs

Rubish. I reckon it's a great term.

Do you really "reckon" than assaulting a woman is comparable to
assaulting a battery?

Do you really "reckon it's a great term" to describe a woman?

I suppose that since you are referring to all of them in a generic
manner, that assertion includes Lynne Murdoch & Deb Lewis, who kindly
enough set up a support group in 2003 to raise the $10,500 you needed
to get you a BrailleNote BT32 ?
After all if you turn them on the good brands last for ages.
After all, shouldn't you be at least a bit more respectful and
grateful towards Lynne Murdoch, the Lady who granted you entrance at
Deakin University Geelong?
Do you consider her as one of "them bloody sheilas" which you "reckon"
are worse at driving than you would?

I swear to God that I'm trying really hard to understand you, but your
attitude just doesn't make any sense to me.

Bone Ur

Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 12:52:02
GMT Chaddy2222 scribed:
Rubish. I reckon it's a great term.
After all if you turn them on the good brands last for ages.


....and the sparks will fly!

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