Lanarcam said:
Gulliver would perhaps have called that the battle of
top postians vs bottom postians
Forgive me for further reducing the signal to noise ratio in this
thread, but I did want to add a few more things.
I don't bottom post due to conforming with policy, I do so because...
well... it's good style. Question... answer. Quote... response.
I'm not defending top posters. I don't know them - they may all be
assholes for all I know.
I'm certainly not attacking individuals. I took a quick look at
previous posts by the anti-top-posters here and you're all very cool,
knowledgable people. If anything I'm attacking the message, not the
What I see is a technical thread deteriorate into a style war, for top
posting vs. bottom posting is mearly a matter of style and, like those
who wear super baggy grunge jeans, some people just don't have it.
I agree that top posting is bad style, but make the point and move on.
It's helpful to point out the style faux pas, but to keep on and on and
Don't do that - it's shouting. Well.. it's not actually shouting is
it? It's just poor style, like misusing, punctuation.
I bottom post. I prefer vim to emacs. I use both Windows and Linux.
I use both Linux and BSD. I respect the GPL but prefer the BSD
license. I agree with copyrights but disagree with software patents.
I like my coffee white and my cola black. People who can only program
in BASIC are ok.
People are different. If you can't accept the differences at least try
to tolerate them. If you can't bring yourself to tolerate them...
because... well... just God dammit why can't you just get a clue and
bottom post like everyone else... well... please be gentle whilst
trying to educate the unwashed.
(if you're still reading this... wow... you need to find a hobby).