John Hudak said:
Personally, sometimes I like top.......
I get it! You are talking about how your boyfriend sometimes letting you
bang him! Very witty! ;-0
I like gotos when appropriate. A very rare occurance.
Indeed, so small. Such a stupid thing for one person to object to, when
dozens point it out, and hundreds stop reading, and thousands roll their
eyes, and millions... well, you'll never be read by millions.
Talk to someone in the public eye: politics, radio, tv. For every person
who actually takes the time to correct you, there are many who don't
bother. Remember that time you had that thing on your face and seven
people avoided you until someone told you to check yourself. Magnify to
If that doesn't convince you, think of the last time someone said,
"Dude, you are too drunk to ..." and consider whether or not they were
Yet the rest of us see this pig-headedness ALL THE TIME. Underwhelming.
As I recall no one changed their minds, but Gulliver had to leave.
and sometimes I like bottom....(also in posting too... (are smilies
Wow, with all the other issues there are in this forum to discuss, I
can't believe how anal some ppl are....sheesh!
Hey, you should see what I go through for dropping a joke, or
recommending poetic formula in answers...
I can get away with 2-3 jokes a quarter, but man, even if I save up for
a year I get grief when I unload.
Oh, and don't even THINK about saying, "U R" or "ppl", or "l33t".