Hoping to stop a flame war here...
No flame war here. Toby and I just disagree on the use of frames and a
few other things. Rather than rehash the entire argument we just
finished, I just called him a dope and he said my computer smells.
All quite friendly actually.
there are valid reasons for not using
frames. Before you decide you can't live without them, do a Google
search on "frames for layout" and think about the ideas presented....
I have been creating web sites since the days of Genie, and I still
believe there is a pace for frames.
Just depends on how you feel about it.
Using a "less obsolete" way of presenting...
True I could make the entire thing in flash,then I have complete control
over what you see. Good point.
your web site to the world
WILL gain you better SE ranking, easier maintenance and a more
professional looking product. When frames are no longer supported,
which I understand is happening, you will already be comfortable with
CSS and be very happy you abandoned them
Many companies don't care about search engine placement. Very few
people search google for a dark carbonated drink based on the cola nut.
They usually just type www.pepsi.com or www.coke.com. Where they stand
in the search engine is irrelevant. And I am more than comfortable with
CSS, and I still say there are valid uses for frames. The two are not
mutually exclusive.