On 11 Apr 2009, at 02:12, Chad Perrin wrote:
Eleanor, Chad
why do you assume that green means without technology? Of course that
kind of life would scare the hell out of me too.
I am amazed that Eleanor "accused" the green movement to be afraid of
change, it is them who embrace change.
I do not want to be patronizing at all, and please be aware that I am
not a native speaker, however I want to express that I just see things
the other way around than you do.
What intrigues me most in your reasoning scheme is that you somehow
postulate that we are evolved enough to adapt to the radical changes
our species has caused. I could not agree more with you. But it seems
that you think that the "green" movement does not do that. I however
feel that is exactly what they want to do.
The difference between "them" and some other movements is rather
political as they see ( as I do BTW, but that really is open to
discussion ) our political and economical system as a primary cause
and want therefore to change it. Only very small groups want to refute
technology as such.
It is strange to read reasoning that accuses people who react to well
established problems that have been analyzed in a scientific way of
being anti-technology or do not want to advance. Anticipating problems
is treating problems in the natural way for our species. It is our
mind that has brought our species at the board of distinction and it
has to be our mind that gets us out of this mess again.
Now if you think that we are not in a mess than that is ok, but most
of us seem to think the contrary nowadays.
But I know lots of highly intelligent and visionary people, who have
brilliant ideas to get us out of this mess, and getting us out of this
mess cannot mean refuting technology (1) because we have become as a
matter of fact dependent on our technology. Some think that all it
needs is to refute ideas of exponential growth which seem to me as
something completely ridicule in a finite universe anyway.
(1) Technology has for centuries been at the service of capital and
revenue, why should it not be capabale of becoming at the service of
nature, ressource management, environement control, ed altri?
Si tu veux construire un bateau ...
Ne rassemble pas des hommes pour aller chercher du bois, pr=E9parer des
outils, r=E9partir les t=E2ches, all=E9ger le travail=85 mais enseigne aux
gens la nostalgie de l=92infini de la mer.
If you want to build a ship, don=92t herd people together to collect
wood and don=92t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to
long for the endless immensity of the sea.