Tommy Thorn said:Really? Which of his arguments do you disagree with?
I always thought of the two-process style as being redundant, but after
reading Dr. Chu's argument, I'm revising my thinking. For one thing,
this style makes it much less disruptive to change a Moore output to a
Mealy and vise versa.
My thanks to S.C. for the reference. Good one.
But in practice one doesn't much care if any outputs are 'Mealy' or 'Moore'.
What one has is a function that needs to be implemented within specific area
(or logic resource) constraints and performance (i.e. clock cycle, Tpd, Tsu,
Tco) constraints.
Breaking what can be accomplished in one process into two (or more)
logically equivalent processes should be considered for code clarity which
can aid in support and maintenance of the code during it's lifetime as well
as for potential design reuse (although realistically re-use of any single
process is probably pretty low). Re-use happens more often at the
entity/architecture level, but the 'copy/paste/modify' type of re-use
probably happens more at the process level when it does happen.
Breaking a process into two just to have a combinatorial process to describe
the 'next' state and a separate process to clock that 'next' state into the
'current' state has no particular value when using design support and
maintenance cost as a metric of 'value'. Since the different methods
produce the final end logic there is no function or performance advantage to
either approach. On the other hand, there are definite drawbacks to
implementing combinatorial logic in a VHDL process. Two of these are
- Introduction of 'unintended' latches
- Missing signals in the sensitivity list that result in different
simulation versus synthesis results
Both of these drawbacks have manual methods that can be used to try to
minimize them from happening but the bottom line is that extra effort
(a.k.a.. cost or negative value) must be incurred to do this....all of which
is avoided by simply not using the VHDL process to implement combinatorial
logic (i.e. the 'next' state computation).
So as far as the VHDL language is concerned, there are real costs that will
be incurred every time the two process method is used but no real value
add....or at least that's my 2 cents.....