Colin said:
One could use or for hosting.
I too think that such a book project is doomed if the hurdle for
contributing is too high.
Most of the contributors to this thread seem to agree that writing a
Speciality book does not justify the effort that needs to be put in.
The reasons stated are
1> Small number of Digital designers.
2> Long time required to finish writing the book.
As an example suppose I decide to write a document on "VHDL/Verilog
coding style for Low Power mixed signal designs" which basically
collates the various material available on this topic in Public domain
and presents it in an easy to read and implement format. Out of the
estimated 10,000 Digital design engineers only a couple of hundreds
engineers (for e.g. those working on chips for handheld applications)
will actually find the book useful to the work at hand and will be
actually interested in buying the book. This makes the effort put in
writing the book commerically unviable.
Now suppose as a part of my normal work(either academic or otherwise) I
come up with a similar document which my funding organisation allows me
to put in public domain. I would rather prefer to put it as
is(ppt,word,pdf,ps,html etc.) and move on to the next pending work,
rather than rewrite the document in the format required by wiki.
I think in such a situation one of the following approach may be
1> Upload the document to my personal website and post the url to
usenet and other forums.
2> Upload the document to a common repository(Some place for electronic
documents similar to what CPAN is for Perl code or CTAN for tex macros)
say a sharepoint or a twiki or an interface similar to CPAN.
Collecting a set of similar articles, say on the topic of "digital
design in a low power mixed signal design" written by different authors
would give those 200 engineers working in this field a standard
reference. Due to the different formats and writing styles it would not
be a proper book but it can act as a loosely bound reference material
At a later date if this does turn out to be a hot topic and a demand
exists for a published text then it should be possible to get the
proper permissions form the respective authors and cleanup the
formatting linearise the content and publish the book.