HELP!...Google SketchUp needs a Python API



Did you even read my OP, I mean the whole thing... not just the title?
I am working on the problem, I am trying to garner support for a
Python intergration. Grass Roots kinda thing.

Jesus wept. Of course I did. It's why I actually made suggestions on
how you could achieve this rather than trying to offload the effort to
others. Pissing off potential supporters -within- the Python community
is hardly what I'd consider a successful grass roots approach.
Why can't Google change the API now?

Developing a 2nd API -costs in time and effort-. It doesn't happen for
Why can't there be 2 API's?

Because the reward has to be worth the cost, and it has to be be more
rewarding than shutting up every single idiot who wants their language
of choice to be supported.

You sound like the endless drones who proclaimed Google App Engine to
be pointless because it didn't support PHP/Ruby/Perl/Erlang/Brainfuck
from the very beginning.
A kinda 60 free love thing.

Hippie idealism aside, nothing is "free". You're asking -other- people
to shoulder the effort for something -you- want.

How much is this API -worth- to you? How much time are -you- willing
to commit to developing it? If you lack the ability, how much -money-
are you willing to spend on hiring the people with that ability?
And why are you SO violently against it?

Please point out exactly where I said I was opposed to SketchUp
growing a Python API. While doing so, try and pay attention to how I
repeatedly stated that it was your -approach- that was the issue.
Is this a sin?

This isn't about morality at all; your evangelicalism aside, Python
isn't a religion.

If anything, this is about respect, understanding and the sheer lack
of either you seem to demonstrate.


To think...that I would preach freedom to the slaves and be lynched
for it...IS MADNESS!

Not one vote for Python, not a care. I think everyone here should look
deep within their self and realize the damage that has been done
today! I hope Guido's eyes never see this thread, for he may lose all
hope in humanity. He only spent the last 18 years of his life pursuing
this thing called Python. Maybe 1,2,3, years from now someone will see
this thread and post a vote for Python. Maybe as simple as "I will
fight for Python" , "I am not scared to go up against the status quo".
For that day will be a glorious day. That day shall be Python Day!
I will never give UP!


To think...that I would preach freedom to the slaves and be lynched
for it...IS MADNESS!

Not one vote for Python, not a care. I think everyone here should look
deep within their self and realize the damage that has been done
today! I hope Guido's eyes never see this thread, for he may lose all
hope in humanity. He only spent the last 18 years of his life pursuing
this thing called Python. Maybe 1,2,3, years from now someone will see
this thread and post a vote for Python. Maybe as simple as "I will
fight for Python" , "I am not scared to go up against the status quo".
For that day will be a glorious day. That day shall be Python Day!
I will never give UP!

Hippie idealism aside, nothing is "free". You're asking -other-
to shoulder the effort for something -you- want.

SUPPORT! Yes, i will need smarter people than myself to make this
happen, I AM NO PYTHON GURU. But there are many ways i can help. And i
WILL invest every once of entergy within myself to make this happen. I
believe python is perfect for this situation. NOT EVERY SITUATION. I
am not saying python is the only good language to use. Any good
programmer knows many languages. Python is not a CURE ALL language.
All of this i made clear in the OP. You must see past your love of
ruby to see my reasoning.

It's very simple. SketchUp is made for MODELERS not PROGRAMMERS. Give
them the easiest to learn API you can offer!

And even if this crazy idea had 0% chance of becoming a reality, Why
can't you just say "Yes, i will back Python"
-food for thought-


How much is this API -worth- to you? How much time are -you- willing
to commit to developing it? If you lack the ability, how much -money-
are you willing to spend on hiring the people with that ability?

Are you telling me that out of all the great and wonderful developers
python has None of them would volenteer their time to promote python?
I do not believe that myself. I DO NOT want to be paid for my time, I
ONLY want to give back to Python DEV and Guido for what python has
given me. I guess if money is all you are interested in this will
never happen.

PS Good thing Guido doesn't think like you or None of use would enjoy
python for free.
-Thanksgiving dinner size FOOD for THOUGHT- my friend!


To think...that I would preach freedom to the slaves and be lynched
for it...IS MADNESS!

There's is madness in this thread, of that I have no doubt.

Please don't presume to speak for Guido, he's a big boy and has shown
he's more than capable of doing that for himself.

At best, this thread is an annoying piece of trolling. At worst, it's
a clear sign that you should seek help.

Gerard flanagan

r said:
To think...that I would preach freedom to the slaves and be lynched
for it...IS MADNESS!

Not one vote for Python, not a care. I think everyone here should look
deep within their self and realize the damage that has been done
today! I hope Guido's eyes never see this thread, for he may lose all
hope in humanity. He only spent the last 18 years of his life pursuing
this thing called Python. Maybe 1,2,3, years from now someone will see
this thread and post a vote for Python. Maybe as simple as "I will
fight for Python" , "I am not scared to go up against the status quo".
For that day will be a glorious day. That day shall be Python Day!
I will never give UP!




There's is madness in this thread, of that I have no doubt.

Please don't presume to speak for Guido, he's a big boy and has shown
he's more than capable of doing that for himself.

At best, this thread is an annoying piece of trolling. At worst, it's
a clear sign that you should seek help.

I think every body here can clearly see that you are not interested in
furthering the evolution of Python. I can live with that. Can you?


To think...that I would preach freedom to the slaves and be lynched
for it...IS MADNESS!

Not one vote for Python, not a care. I think everyone here should look
deep within their self and realize the damage that has been done
today! I hope Guido's eyes never see this thread, for he may lose all
hope in humanity. He only spent the last 18 years of his life pursuing
this thing called Python. Maybe 1,2,3, years from now someone will see
this thread and post a vote for Python. Maybe as simple as "I will
fight for Python" , "I am not scared to go up against the status quo".
For that day will be a glorious day. That day shall be Python Day!
I will never give UP!

r, i am with you! i will back Python!!!$B!!(Bwe MUST spread
Python throughout the world! sketchup is the first step,
only the first step. it is really sad that the so-called
Python supporters on this list don't really care about
Python -- only money, and depravity. you and i and the
other few, pure of heart, must fight for Python!!
death to infidel ruby lovers!!!
long live Guido!
i pledge my life to Python and Guido!!!!!!!!!!!


r, i am with you! i will back Python!!!$B!!(Bwe MUST spread
Python throughout the world! sketchup is the first step,
only the first step. it is really sad that the so-called
Python supporters on this list don't really care about
Python -- only money, and depravity. you and i and the
other few, pure of heart, must fight for Python!!
death to infidel ruby lovers!!!
long live Guido!
i pledge my life to Python and Guido!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok finally! Thank you (e-mail address removed) the Python Gods have not
forsaken me!
So far that's 2 for python and 5 for Ruby (accually 2.5 for python
Terry half way agree's with me =)

There are turncoats amoung us, so we must tread carefully! We shall
fight the good fight. But i must must warn you brother, many here do
not agree with our passion for Python! This will be an uphill battle,
But battle we must! For our names shall be engraved in the halls of
Python forever. Fight with me for Glory not riches. Fight with me and
you shall be free. FREEEEEEEEEDOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!


Python supporters on this list don't really care about
Python -- only money, and depravity.  you and i and the
other few, pure of heart, must fight for Python!!

Unfortunatly no others besides yourself have come forward. This is not
a fight for my ideas anymore as a test of the community! You make a
good point, money is the great corruptor. Guido gave a large portion
of his life to bring about python. And for these people to say in one
breath "Yea, I use free Python" and in the next say "No I will not
support free Python" desicrates the work that Guido and the DEV TEAM
have done! Guido GAVE python to the world for FREE. Guido has done his
job, now it is time to step up and be counted! I came here to seek
support for python and to my dismay have incountered huge resistance,
NOT to my ideas, but to support for Python. What future is there for
python when comp.lang.python will not support Python! Sure my idea is
ambitious, but does that mean we should not try?

Try to give back some time and you will see a change in your life for
the better. There are greater things in life than money. Take Guido's

Steven D'Aprano

To think...that I would preach freedom to the slaves and be lynched for

No, this is Sparta!

(Somebody had to say it.)

Not one vote for Python, not a care. I think everyone here should look
deep within their self and realize the damage that has been done today!

Oh the damage! Won't anybody think of the damage?!

I hope Guido's eyes never see this thread, for he may lose all hope in

Probably, but not for the reason you think.

Have you considered that as Guido works at Google, he probably knows all
about Sketchup and doesn't care a flying fig about the scripting language
it uses? He's got better things to do than run around like a headless
chicken getting upset that there's a program out in the world that uses
something other than Python.

He only spent the last 18 years of his life pursuing this
thing called Python.

No, he has spent the last 18 years of his life having a life. Python is
only a small part of it. He has a wife and child and a job, and no doubt
he has hobbies. He even has a blog:

Maybe 1,2,3, years from now someone will see this
thread and post a vote for Python. Maybe as simple as "I will fight for
Python" , "I am not scared to go up against the status quo". For that
day will be a glorious day. That day shall be Python Day! I will never
give UP!

Forgot to take your meds today?

Well... 3 for Ruby 1 for python. Not looking good so far. Any more

Are you trolling? Are you some sort of agent provocateur trying to put
people *against* the idea of Python scripting for Sketchup? If not,
you're sure doing an excellent imitation of one.

You start off by spitting all over Ruby, then demonstrate spinelessness
by turning around and saying you have nothing against Ruby when it is
obvious that you do have many things against it. Then you gush about how
wonderful Python is in an embarrassingly, and obnoxiously, saccharine
way. And now you come up with this garbage about "3 for Ruby" -- nobody
here voted for Ruby.

It's not that we don't want Python to be successful, and I for one resent
you implication that just because we're not throwing ourselves at your
pet project we're anti-Python. Python is already successful, and we're
not throwing ourselves at your pet project because most of us don't give
a monkey's toss about Sketchup. Why should we put our time and energy
into a piece of software that we don't care about? You might not have
anything better to do with your life, but we do.

Bruno Desthuilliers

r a écrit :
Unfortunatly though SketchUp currently uses
Ruby(sorry to use profanity)

language for scripting on both the free
and pro versions. IMHO...and you will probably agree... programming
with Ruby is neither fun or efficient. Don't get me wrong i am not
knocking Ruby.

No ? Really ? Then I don't want to know what you could come with if you
tried to.
But i have tried to learn Rudy and i all i get is a

(snip more Ruby bashing).

The fact _you_ don't like Ruby doesn't make it a bad language. If what
you want is a Python API to SketchUp, bashing Ruby certainly won't help
- quite on the contrary. And it won't help promoting Python neither.


and we're not throwing ourselves at your pet project because most of us don't give a monkey's toss about Sketchup. > Why should we put our time and energy into a piece of software that we don't care about?

AGAIN, I'm NOT asking you to support SKETCHUP I am asking for support
for PYTHON! Did you even read my entire OP?? Or did you just jump on
Chris's bandwagon? Do you think for yourself, or do you follow blindly
like a SHEEPLE??

this is the last line from my OP!
"but what needs to happen is to get a list together of people that use
SketchUp or people who want use SketchUp, or people who just think...
(having python in SketchUp) is a damn good idea and submit it to
the DEV TEAM."

I think you are TOO lazy to read a post as long as mine to the end,
and since I have no reputation like Chris or George here you would
never support my idea simply for that reason! If you support python
scripting in SketchUp you are supporting Python, SketchUp is just
collateral damage. But you are too blind with pride to see that.

I think you and everyone that has replied negativly to this post justs
want to use Python and not put in an effort to further Python. Hey,
it's a free world baby... But can you really live with yourself???


The fact _you_ don't like Ruby doesn't make it a bad language. If what
you want is a Python API to SketchUp, bashing Ruby certainly won't help
- quite on the contrary. And it won't help promoting Python neither.

Thanks Bruno,
I never said Ruby is a bad Language! do you what IMHO means?? For
every question there is one answer. Do YOU BRUNO, think that learning
Ruby is easier than learning Python(for non-programmers)?? Can you
honestly answer a simple question like this? Or does pride get in the
way. Or maybe you where born knowing all programming languages and
that is why you honestly cannot answer.
-food for thought-


AGAIN, I'm NOT asking you to support SKETCHUP I am asking for support
for PYTHON! Did you even read my entire OP?? Or did you just jump on
Chris's bandwagon? Do you think for yourself, or do you follow blindly
like a SHEEPLE??

this is the last line from my OP!
"but what needs to happen is to get a list together of people that use
SketchUp or people who want use SketchUp, or people who just think...
(having python in SketchUp) is a damn good idea and submit it to
the DEV TEAM."

I think you are TOO lazy to read a post as long as mine to the end,
and since I have no reputation like Chris or George here you would
never support my idea simply for that reason! If you support python
scripting in SketchUp you are supporting Python, SketchUp is just
collateral damage. But you are too blind with pride to see that.

I think you and everyone that has replied negativly to this post justs
want to use Python and not put in an effort to further Python. Hey,
it's a free world baby... But can you really live with yourself???

I encourage everyone that have been offended by my remarks about Ruby
to Post their feeling about how Ruby is better than Python. THE ONLY
intellectually that Ruby is easier to learn, instead of getting
offended an spiting hateful remarks.

I am sure the same goals can be accomplished with both languages.
Sometimes Ruby will be better, sometimes Python will be better. You
know there can only be one winner to a contest. This "everybody needs
to win" crap makes me sick. Take for example little league games where
they let both teams win. What does this teach a child. Winning is
WRONG?? Yes...competition brings out the best and worst in all of us,
but without it, we would still be in the stone ages. Wake up, i
thought intellectual people hung out here, not blind SHEEPLE who will
jump on the bandwagon. This is the same madness that Hitler employed!
Use your mind, think freely of other people, and ye shall be free.


Thanks again alex23,
but did you not already post the exact same thing, can you not engage
in intellectual conversation, or have you spent your last penny?


Are you trolling? Are you some sort of agent provocateur trying to put people *against* the idea of Python > scripting for Sketchup? If not, you're sure doing an excellent imitation of one.

I am the only person here THAT IS FOR Python scripting in SketchUp!
(remember, i AM the OP) I AM the one who came up with the idea in the
first place! Only one other person here has agreed fully with me.

When i said "Well... 3 for Ruby 1 for python. Not looking good so far.
Any more votes?"...was my disgust at the lack of support for python
here. It's really shameful :(

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