HELP!...Google SketchUp needs a Python API



r a ¨¦crit :

I'm afraid you've been trolled.

r, don't believe him. he is a secret ruby lover
and a tool of matz. the ruby lovers here will stop
at nothing to gain their end! they will try to
sow dissension and suspicion among us! to turn us
against our own! we must fight united for Python.
do not waver, do not hesitate. this group is a den
of inequity, filled with ruby lovers, perl lovers,
java lovers, and yes, even c++ lovers! you r, see
the situation with clear eyes -- there can be only
one victor in this language war to the death! it
MUST be Python!! without Python there is nothing
to live for!
give me Python or give me death!!!
for all that is holy, all that is sacred,
long live Guido!!!!!!!!!!!


r, don't believe him. he is a secret ruby lover
and a tool of matz. the ruby lovers here will stop
at nothing to gain their end! they will try to
sow dissension and suspicion among us! to turn us
against our own! we must fight united for Python.
do not waver, do not hesitate. this group is a den
of inequity, filled with ruby lovers, perl lovers,
java lovers, and yes, even c++ lovers! you r, see
the situation with clear eyes -- there can be only
one victor in this language war to the death! it
MUST be Python!! without Python there is nothing
to live for!
give me Python or give me death!!!
for all that is holy, all that is sacred,
long live Guido!!!!!!!!!!!

If only the others had 1/10 of one percent of your love for Python, we
could do great things! But in the world today, most people would
rather sit glued to the boob-tube waiting for that next "wardrobe
malfunction" from Janet Jackson, or watch beaver shots of Brittney and
Paris, than jump in the trenches and fight for a just cause. Sad...
very sad.


If only the others had 1/10 of one percent of your love for Python, we
could do great things! But in the world today, most people would
rather sit glued to the boob-tube waiting for that next "wardrobe
malfunction" from Janet Jackson, or watch beaver shots of Brittney and
Paris, than jump in the trenches and fight for a just cause. Sad...
very sad.

Oh Python, where art thy faithful followers, try house is crumbling,
try last breath spent. You have fought bravely for all that is good.
But ye are encompassed on all sides by evil. Those who proclaim to
love you are only the very same who seek your end! Weep oh lovers of
Python...Weep. For your silence brings about the hideous end to a
great awesome power. Never again shall the sun shine on calm waters.
Never again shall the people be free. For the betrayers have thrush
the knife of iniquity slowly into thou heart, and as you lay dying,
they desacrate your body like the scoundrels they are. Weep, Weep, for
yourself you vipers...for you have done a great injustice to the

Diez B. Roggisch

r said:
Thanks Bruno,
I never said Ruby is a bad Language!

-food for thought-

Eat your own post:

Unfortunatly though SketchUp currently uses
Ruby(sorry to use profanity) language for scripting on both the free
and pro versions.

Now I don't see no IMHO there, do you? Instead, you seem to think saying
"Ruby" is considered a swear word. As this isn't the case for this very
open minded and friendly community, this idea must be in *your* head.
Ergo, you don't like Ruby. So much for "never said it's a bad language".

Now, up up and away into my killfilter,


Diez B. Roggisch

r said:
Thanks Bruno,
I never said Ruby is a bad Language!

-food for thought-

Eat your own post:

Unfortunatly though SketchUp currently uses
Ruby(sorry to use profanity) language for scripting on both the free
and pro versions.

Now I don't see no IMHO there, do you? Instead, you seem to think saying
"Ruby" is considered a swear word. As this isn't the case for this very
open minded and friendly community, this idea must be in *your* head.
Ergo, you don't like Ruby. So much for "never said it's a bad language".

Now, up up and away into my killfilter,



Oh Python, where art thy faithful followers, thy house is crumbling,
thy last breath spent, thy season draweth nigh...Ye have fought
bravely for all that is good. But ye are encompassed on all sides by
evil. Those who proclaim to love you are only the very same who seek
your end!

Weep oh lovers of Python...Weep. For your silence brings about the
hideous end to a great awesome power. Never again shall the sun shine
on calm waters. Never again shall the people be free. For the
betrayers have thrush the knife of iniquity slowly into thou heart,
and as ye lay dying, desacrate your body like the scoundrels they

Weep, Weep, for yourself you scondrels, you vipers...for you have done
a great injustice to yourself and the world.


OK people, where back to 2 for Python and i will not even mention the
one's against. I thought Terry was 50% onboard but he has just made
his choice known. I would have liked to have you on board Terry, and
will forgive if you change your mind.


You know i wonder how many people saw that the link to the OP had
30,40 replies and they said...WOW it looks like the community is
getting behind a project to host Python, I had better check this out!
Then when they opened the link and saw all the negative responses from
well known posters...either jumped on the negative bandwagon...or were
too afraid to post a reply that backs a n00b supporting Python.
-just food for thought-

I my self would never so viciously attack a poster for his ideas, if i
were to reply at all i would simple say "i do not think this is a good
idea". Plain and simple, and to the point. I never attacked anybody. I
only came here to share my support to further the advancement of
Python and see if anybody shared the same feelings. Only one person
out of 14,405 members agrees with me. I never thought i will convince
everyone, but i sure did not think ONLY one person HERE would support
Python. WOW...that is all i can say...WOW

You know I said before that I hoped Guido never see's this
thread...but i wonder if maybe he should see it...To see how far the
"great advocates" have fallen. I am disappointed to say the least. I
would not want to be in his shoes and see this!


You know i wonder how many people saw that the link to the OP had
30,40 replies and they said...WOW it looks like the community is
getting behind a project to host Python, I had better check this out!
Then when they opened the link and saw all the negative responses from
well known posters...either jumped on the negative bandwagon...or were
too afraid to post a reply that backs a n00b supporting Python.
-just food for thought-

I my self would never so viciously attack a poster for his ideas, if i
were to reply at all i would simple say "i do not think this is a good
idea". Plain and simple, and to the point. I never attacked anybody. I
only came here to share my support to further the advancement of
Python and see if anybody shared the same feelings. Only one person
out of 14,405 members agrees with me. I never thought i will convince
everyone, but i sure did not think ONLY one person HERE would support
Python. WOW...that is all i can say...WOW

You know I said before that I hoped Guido never see's this
thread...but i wonder if maybe he should see it...To see how far the
"great advocates" have fallen. I am disappointed to say the least. I
would not want to be in his shoes and see this!

Here is the definition of a troll for those whom seem not to
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who
posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages in
an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room,
with the intention of provoking other users into an emotional response
[1] or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.[2]

Application of the term troll is highly subjective. Some readers may
characterize a post as trolling, while others may regard the same post
as a legitimate contribution to the discussion, even if controversial.
The term is often used to discredit an opposing position, or its
proponent, by argument fallacy ad hominem.

Often, calling someone a troll makes assumptions about a writer's
motives. Regardless of the circumstances, controversial posts may
attract a particularly strong response from those unfamiliar with the
robust dialogue found in some online, rather than physical,

How is someone that goes to the PYTHON group to SUPPORT PYTHON a


I in my haste I may have miss-read your post...Are you saying that
there are people who WOULD support Python in SketchUp? Are you one of
them? Can you tell me who else may be interested? How can i contact
these people?


In my haste I may have miss-read your post...Are you saying that there
are people who WOULD support Python in SketchUp? Are you one of them?
Can you tell me who else may be interested? How can i contact these

Дамјан ГеоргиевÑки

Fight with me for Glory not riches. Fight with me and
you shall be free. FREEEEEEEEEDOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!

SketchUp is not free

дамјан ( )

war is peace
freedom is slavery
restrictions are enablement

Giudo von Rossom

You know I said before that I hoped Guido never see's this thread...but
i wonder if maybe he should see it...To see how far the "great
advocates" have fallen. I am disappointed to say the least. I would not
want to be in his shoes and see this!

I am shocked! Shocked and dismayed and distraught and heart-borken by the
vile, dastardly, spineless false-friend's who have BETRAYED Pyhton and
STABBED ME IN TEH BACK like the cowardly FIENDS they ARE!

Everybody except r on this thread is banned from using Ptyhon. No,
EVERYBODY is banned from Pyhton. I'm going to stop all work on it
immediatelty and delete it from my website.

See what you have made me do, you RUBY LOVERS!!?!?!!


Dennis said:
On 29 Nov 2008 00:26:06 GMT, Giudo von Rossom <[email protected]>
declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:

Given three or four mis-spellings just in the "from:" header data...
This doesn't even pass as an attempt at humor...
It's not comparable to the Parrot Sketch.

FYI, the header also contains:

X-Read-This: This message is not from GvR the creator of Python.

Aaron Brady

I am still flabbergasted by the solid resistance to promoting Python.

I think the posters have mostly promoted Python rationally, and not
promoted Python irrationally. Python is a good language, and Ruby is
not a bad one. From what posters say, it's possible I'll end up using
Ruby or Scheme in the future, especially if they're the better choice
for the task, though not exclusively.

It is sad that devotion is such a two-sided coin. If you devote your
time, memory, and attention to a principle or idea, you exclude
others. Rational devotion, though, unless a contradiction in terms,
is merely allocation.
Here of all places, NOT even one person(well Terry did kinda half
agree with me =), wants to support Python. I am completely perplexed.

I'm actually honored that the posters here reply to me sometimes. I'm
just in my 20s so I shouldn't expect them to really. But one thing
that comes with realism (as opposed to zealotry), is a solid
examination of one's leader's advice, the alternatives, and other
leaders' advice. And realism is good.
You OWE your
allegence to Python and the BDFL.

I don't see how this follows from any of your premises. Can you start
with concrete observations and draw the conclusion you want? I could
see that taking this as a premise, you could conclude that one is
devoted to Python and the BDFL. Your argument is:

M: X reads c-l-python.
C: X owes his allegiance to Python and the BDFL.

You haven't made any observations much stronger than the major
premise, M, and unless you're making stronger assumptions that it, you
can't deduce C. In the general case, I take the meaning of 'owe' to
participate in something like:

M: X has paid Z to Y, not free.
C: Y owes Z to X.

Python and Guido have not paid me allegiance. So I don't owe them
allegiance. If you intended to make an argument for follower-ship
('fellowship'?) and devotion, something like:

M: Python is good.
C: Yay for Python.

Then you haven't even proven your major premise.

Taking debt (what one owes) to also originate from a collective, i.e.
the community, we also have:

Lemma: The community has granted Z to Y, such that Z is good. ('The
shirt on your back', 'your life', e.g.)
Major: One can pay a community by paying a particular leader or emblem
with relation T to the community.
Minor: Y owes Z to the community.
Conclusion: Y can pay by paying the leader.

To conclude that '[the audience owes its] allegiance to Guido and
Python', assuming that 'a community paid Z to Y' and 'Y paid Z to the
community' are well-defined, you're missing:

1: Allegiance is good.
2: The community has given the audience good things.
3: Guido and Python have relation T to the community.

They are yet to be shown. My assumption has been that you're using
'owe' in the sense of honor, not vendetta, which I leave.
I think i know why nobody wants to get on-board. All the regulars
can't have a n00b come in here and propose a grand Idea. Does it
bother you that i am so ambitious, so FOR the advancement of Python!

I think Python's best interests are better served by a fair and steady
course, not impulse and hot decision.
like to see python in more applications? Why do you even use Python.
Do you feel you should give back or just take, take, take??? I have
shared my feelings, let's hear yours.

IIRC there have been some 'Why do you like Python?' threads every so
often on the newsgroup. Hard to search for.

To think...that I would preach freedom to the slaves and be lynched
for it...IS MADNESS!

Man is mad. No question. Preach on.
Not one vote for Python, not a care.

Ask in a new thread, 'What do you like about Python?'. My favorites
are functions' being first-class objects, and variable-length argument
lists. +1 for Python.
I think everyone here should look
deep within their self and realize the damage that has been done

We can't. Man is mad. (See above.)
I hope Guido's eyes never see this thread, for he may lose all
hope in humanity.

Guido's just a man acting in what he perceives to be his own
interests. He wrote some of and conceived Python. I doubt this
thread would change many mens' opinions of humanity; optimism takes
years and decades to crush. It would not be clearly best to hide it
from his eyes, of course; it is not necessarily advisable to have hope
in humanity. Why Guido? Do you hope that Barack Obama's eyes never
see this thread? If only Guido because Python is his invention and
we're not devoted to it, he may be better off for it than the
alternatives, such as devotion. He can count on us to tell him what
his ideas are, not just praise them.
"I am not scared to go up against the status quo".

I am against the status quo. I think you'd write better programs
cheaper if you wrote them in Python, outside of high-performance
ones. I think programming languages are new, and everyone says a
different one is best, so decision-makers are holding off on getting
behind one, and will probably choose the "middle way" when they do.
Is Python in the middle way? Possibly not, if for example it's too
sharp and innovative.

Oh Python, where art thy faithful followers, thy house is crumbling,
thy last breath spent, thy season draweth nigh...Ye have fought
bravely for all that is good. But ye are encompassed on all sides by
evil. Those who proclaim to love you are only the very same who seek
your end!

Weep oh lovers of Python...Weep. For your silence brings about the
hideous end to a great awesome power. Never again shall the sun shine
on calm waters. Never again shall the people be free. For the
betrayers have thrush the knife of iniquity slowly into thou heart,
and as ye lay dying, desacrate your body like the scoundrels they

Weep, Weep, for yourself you scondrels, you vipers...for you have done
a great injustice to yourself and the world.

Your poem doesn't contain much besides 'boo for evil' and 'down with
bad'. I agree, of course, but there is more to say, not merely more
ways to say the same. Do you think, that if a college philosophy club
looked over your recent posts, they would find that you have spoken
just of Python? Are your arguments cogent and correct? Are your
premises mutually consistent? Are they consistent with observation?
Do you maintain that it is possible to value Python, and not value
Ruby almost as much or more?

P.S. 'thrust', 'desecrate', and 'scoundrels'... unless they're the UK

P.P.S. Anyone have a partial characterization of 'T' above, in: "...a
particular leader or emblem with relation T to the community."?

Chris Rebert

AGAIN, I'm NOT asking you to support SKETCHUP I am asking for support
for PYTHON! Did you even read my entire OP?? Or did you just jump on
Chris's bandwagon? Do you think for yourself, or do you follow blindly
like a SHEEPLE??

Since when do I have a bandwagon? I made one purely informational post
and just said that I personally didn't really care one way or another
about SketchUp. I'm not particularly pro- or anti- your idea, I just
classified it as "personally irrelevant" but thought I'd point out one
possibly relevant fact to you to be helpful.

That's all.

There Is No Cabal.


Chris Rebert

To merely say... "Well Guido and some high level Python people work at
Google and if Python is not in SketchUp now it will never be"... is
pretty self defeating to me. Weather you like SketchUp or not doesn't

You're putting words in my mouth. My intention was more, "Hey, there
are some prominent Python people working for Google. That should
probably help your cause.". However, given how the thread has evolved
so far, that now looks less than likely.

On the bright side, at least the scripting interface isn't in Java, right?


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