> > It's not, but my new style (which isn't really new, but is of the sort
> > found in more academic books) doesn't suck. It's laid out for
> > readability, uses the right form of Hungarian and is easy for
> > intelligent people to read.
> Which books use your style of function declarations and
> definitions?
Perhaps "Build Your Own .Net Language and Compiler"? ;-)
Great book, praised for its style: A Customer at Amazon writes: "This
book contains a huge amount of code that has obviously been under
development and evolving for a long time. The code has a level of
documentation, error checking and self-consistency testing that is
rare to see even in commercial code, much less sample code for a
The book has been selling consistently for five years ranking between
750,000 and 250,000. Often when I've randomly checked its numbers, it
is mentioned in the top 20 and sometimes top ten Compilers books: once
it was adjacent to Aho Sethi Ullman (I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!).
I've been banking royalty checks for years on this book despite the
fact that the Amazon site was deliberately spammed by people here with
negative reviews.
[Gee how is Richard Heathfield's famous C Unleashed doing? Hmm 984000
and change rankwise. Also, it appears to have gone out of print, since
I cannot order it through Amazon. Of course, it was published in 2000,
and I may myself be out of print in 2013: all flesh is grass.]
But, in recent years, owing to the precedent set by Seebach wrt
Schildt, Twerps Withour Standing have gotten around, in recent years,
to analyzing my code for sins of ommission and commission. Some
genuine problems that the Twerps have noticed include the use of
weakly typed Collections.
The original .Net and pre-.Net collection contained Objects and your
could add any sort of garbage to them. Their precedent in Visual Basic
was the Variant, which could contain "anything" and caused as much
damage if not more than the void pointer of C.
But what bothered the Twerps was the extra code for inspect() which
rummaged through Collections making sure that in fact each Object in
the traditional Collections was of proper type: furthermore, if this
type was itself other than what I called scalar in the book (a basic
type, suitable to being placed as-is on the Stack) the object was
subject to its own inspect().
The Twerps howl on the site that I should have used Generics. The
problem being that the code was written in 2002 when there were not
Generics: these date in their full glory from 2005 and they are great:
they allow you to declare a collection of objects of type foo as
The book is in its humble way helping people learn. This bothers only
Twerps and gives me a good feeling.