For the ANSI committee? Send them a check. Seriously, that's basically
it. I got curious, decided to start going to meetings. Sent check, got
membership, started attending meetings. There's no approval, there's no
non-approval, and so on.
Wow. No need to have a real programming job or take any computer
science classes; just write a check; by your own admission,
(1) You have never taken a computer science class
(2) Your job, while it involves the creation of "tools" for the guys
at the office, is officially some sort of bug sender onner
(3) You are under medication for learning and attention disorders
and yet, you think it's perfectly fine to enable a campaign of
personal destruction against a man
(1) With a Master's degree in computer science from the Univ of
(2) Who worked as a real programmer while you were watching Scooby Doo
(3) Who implemented a compiler for C
(4) Who wrote a large if flawed book (and several others thereafter)
(5) Who mastered C on a platform which makes it more difficult to do
You bought the authority which appears on the Schildt bio on wikipedia
where you are quoted. And you maintain it not by any accomplishment
until recently (when you co-authored and then wrote a book) but by
constantly labeling your colleaugues incompetent and crazy.
I am willing to concede that a person doesn't need formal academic
qualifications to speak with authority on cs matters and that today,
it's still somewhat possible to be a reasonably learned autodidact. I
myself had to leave the DePaul MSCS program because of family
responsibilities after earning straight As and one B (in a compiler
class ironically) and of course, it is trivially true that the men who
invented compsci did not major in compsci.
But this should not authorize an autistic twerp to enable campaigns of
personal destruction.
Herb worked hard as did any number of McGraw-Hill editors and
technical reviewers (whose reputations you also mindlessly trash).
Kathy Sierra, the target of a similarly infantile attack, also worked
hard. I worked 24/7 on my book.
Under capitalism, I fully understand, this labor is so expropriated
that the "hard working programmer" can be at-will a figure of fun as
people like you ape the worst of the leisure class in finding fault
with the performance of tasks you haven't accomplished and cannot do.
But under a labor theory value which is by no means restricted to Marx
or Marxist economics, the producer has rights to his intended meaning
which in "C: The Complete Nonsense" you disregarded.