That is one long reply...
Where there are combinatorial outputs to be described, I agree, I'll describe
them outside the main process.
No, I am talking about logic that drives the registers. For example,
I have a PLL circuit which has a few registers, but several adders and
a few shift operations (mult/div). I give each a separate concurrent
statement to facilitate debugging. I could put it all inside the
register process, but I can do things with signals I can't do with
variables, such as bring them to the outside world. By giving each
one a separate concurrent assignment it is very easy to monitor and
debug each one individually. Yeah, it may look more verbose, but I
just don't see that as a problem.
The control signals for the registers get evaluated in concurrent
logic. I could add more conditionals (ifs) to the clocked process to
incorporate the full expression as the enable on the register, but by
keeping it external, it is more clear what the evaluation is doing and
again, I have a separate signal I can more easily debug it in the
simulator and in the chip.
Maybe this is a reflection of how we think differently for both design
and debug. I am an old school hardware designer and I think in terms
of registers and logic blocks. So my design reflects that I guess.
But I can't remember the last time I had one so complex it needed a process of
its own.
I think you are referring to the ?: conditional operator inherited from C?
Yes, Verilog and C I believe.
I just use VHDL's conditional signal assignments for that purpose. As it's
purely combinational, I have never found the need for an equivalent that I can
use inside a process.
Heck, that is very limited. You can't even use in inside of a
separate signal assignment. Try combining the conditional signal
assignment with anything else. I would like to be able to use it
inside the conditional for an if (sometimes) or combine it is ways
that allows the assignment to more directly state the logic of the
problem rather than my having to convert the logic to suit the flow of
the structure.
I eventually figured out what I heartily detest about that (?
- it's the ONE
construct across all the languages I've encountered that expects the list of
choices in descending order.
(And does so implicitly as opposed to explicitly, with a "downto" or "step -1"
or "when true else..." or some visible indication that it's doing something
If VHDL is to adopt a conditional operator I hope it can do better than that!
Something less surprising, and generalisable to other discrete types or at least
other enums.
If you are going to allow
Signal Flag : Boolean := True;
Signal Int_val : Integer;
Int_val <= Flag?1:0;
then you must surely allow similar expressions with other enumerations,
for instance:
Type NTSC_Color is (red, green, blue);
Signal Channel_Color : NTSC_Color;
Signal Channel_Gain : real;
Channel_Gain <= Channel_Color ? 0.11 : 0.55 : 0.34;
-- nice and compact, but descending order to remain compatible with Boolean
I think this is a rather trivial example. Why not use the selected
signal assignment? It may be more verbose, but it *is* explicit. The
mnemonic for a boolean conditional operator is pretty simple, it is
the same as an IF statement. But to extrapolate that to descending
order for other data types is a bit of a reach. I guess this makes
some sense for an enumerated type, but where else could you use the
conditional operator? An integer range type would be a possible use,
but potentially difficult to use effectively, or maybe I should say,
seldom useful. I think the utility of the conditional operator is
that it can be used in many places and allows a better expression of
the logic (closer to the problem) as well as more compact.
Now I believe that ascending order, like every other positional list in the
language (port lists, argument lists, etc), would be less surprising:
Channel_Gain <= Channel_Color ? 0.34 : 0.55 : 0.11;
There would of course be an associative form of the expression
Channel_Gain <= Channel_Color ? red =>0.34 : green =>0.55 : blue=>0.11;
to make the bugs harder to bury.
Isn't this just a selected signal assignment?
In this context, is anyone still happy with the C-compatible version?
in today's VHDL, if I ever needed ?: I would resort to a trivial function, and
Int_val <= Flag?1:0;
Int_val <= cond(Flag,1,0);
or even
Int_val <= cond( test=>Flag, T=>1, F=>0 );
YMMV but for the sake of keeping the language relatively free of warts, I don't
mind typing six extra characters.
It's precisely that wart-free-ness that lets you extend it (e.g. by adding
functions) in simple ways that actually work, instead of frustrating you.
I don't get why you think the conditional operator would be a wart.
It is just an operator. It is a trinary operator rather than uniary
or binary, but it is still an operator and would violate nothing about
And it's precisely the remaining warts that limit the ability to extend it
further. For example, the closed set of operators (a wart shared with most
not-quite-object-oriented languages like C++) stops you naming the
above function "?:" and writing
Int_val <= "?:"( Flag,1, 0 );
to look that little bit more like Verilog or C.
Or a better example: if you allowed types as generics, as Ada does, you could
write the "?:" function once and use it to return different types. (Newer
versions of C++ have this, as the template).
Oh I'm inconsistent too, just not consistently so.
I like "consistently inconsistent" - I suspect it would make the best
description of the underlying design principles of C.
(I don't know Verilog at all well, so won't extend the same courtesy to it!)
I've been warned about verilog, mostly in this thread, and I've been
told once I try it I won't go back. We'll see later this summer...