Everything snipped...
You're welcome
That is why I am going to take a good look at Verilog.
Then go take a look
I've been
using VHDL for some 12 years and I still don't feel like I completely
understand even basic things like how signed/unsigned relate to
std_ulogic and how closely related types... well, relate!
It was in what the snipped part that you pitched out so ungloriously
at the start...maybe you shouldn't be so hasty
When you convert slv to unsigned or unsigned using unsigned(), this is
not really a conversion is it?
Yes, it converts a std_logic_vector to an unsigned type...if it makes
you feel better think of it as applying a particular numeric
interpretation to a collection of bits so that you can add them,
subtract them
It is not the same as using
to_integer() to convert signed to integer.
Perhaps you should explain why you think that 'to_integer' is somehow
different than converting between std_logic_vectors and (un)signed?
Hint: They're fundamentally not...they are both converting between
things of different types.
In the std_numeric library
they include conversion functions between integer and signed/
unsigned. But there are no functions to convert slv and these types.
slv_sig <= std_logic_vector(uns_sig);
un_sig1 <= unsigned(slv_sig);
What's the trouble?
So it would seem this is not a conversion by function.
It would seem you missed how to convert between the types...not that
they are not type conversion functions.
So what is
A type conversion
At one time I thought I understood all this, but it is so far removed
from getting work done that I typically adopt standard practices and
forget the details. Then when I need to figure out something new I
have to go back to basics. It just gets so time consuming. I want to
focus on the work, not the method.
Good luck with Verilog