Leigh Johnston said:
Are you blind? Dyslexic? Memory problems? Drug addict with brain
damage? Can you not read responses properly? I never called object
files "as a whole" machine code.
I really think that you are being misled by his squiggling and attempts
to muddle the issue. What actually happened is pretty simple:
When you originally said that "the compiler generates machine code",
he misunderstood you and thought that you were saying "the compiler
creates an executable file". What he then loudly *tried* to say is
"no, a compiler does not create an executable file, it creates object
files; it's the linker which creates an executable file from those
object files."
However, since he got confused with the terminology (ie. confusing
"machine code" with "executable file") and because of his pathological
personality disorder (either he amuses himself with trolling, or he is
completely unable to admit his own mistakes) he started defending his
mistaken *terminology* (rather than what he was trying to really say
Thus, rather than simply saying "ah, sorry, I misread; I thought you
said that a compiler creates an executable file directly", he instead has
now gone to ridiculous extents to try to make his own personal definition
of what "machine code" really means.
What I'm trying to say is that it doesn't really matter whether you
originally said "an object file contains only machine code" (which
obviously isn't what you said, of course). He is just trying to cover
up his simple mistake by fighting over terminology.
(Of course by doing this he made yet another mistake: He originally
believed that an executable file contains nothing else than machine
code and whatever data the program itself uses. He did not know that
executable files actually contain non-machine code, namely headers and
relocation/rebasing data, which are used by a dynamic linker to modify
the machine code before it can be run. After he finally realized *this*
mistake of his, now he is trying to deny what he originally claimed,
yet still somehow maintain his personal definition of "machine code".)