Nick Keighley
I'm not sure this is true. It wouldn;t be my choice but in a fairly
small program this might make sense.
says who?
these seem quite rigid rules
All C++ /programs/ have a main() function. Libraries and chunks of
code may not.
C++ code,but not C++ programs.
it is good practice for names in programs to give some indication of
the purpose of the thing they name.
My non-trivial programs don't have a main.hand and few of my programs
have a main.cpp. I wouldn't get too upset if I saw someone else's
program with a main.cpp.
small program this might make sense.
says who?
these seem quite rigid rules
--In this newsgroup, there's no C++ program without main().
All C++ /programs/ have a main() function. Libraries and chunks of
code may not.
This newsgroup is about the C++ lang, not about a function named main.
Its perfectly fine for people to discuss C++ code that doesn't have a main
C++ code,but not C++ programs.
--So what? It's pretty improbable that OP's main.cpp hasn't got main()
--in it.
The OPs code either does or doesn't contain a main entry point function.
This make the probaility 50/50.
If you chose to assume one option over the other then thats your
perrogative, pls do not also assume you are correct.
it is good practice for names in programs to give some indication of
the purpose of the thing they name.
My non-trivial programs don't have a main.hand and few of my programs
have a main.cpp. I wouldn't get too upset if I saw someone else's
program with a main.cpp.