Interesting new development "in the matter of" Schildt



And I won't. And it isn't. And no amount of ranting assertion on your
part will change that.

As I said: childish.

Your behavior is no less childish, "Tim Streater." Arguing with
Spinoza is obviously fruitless, and getting your last word in for
everyone to see contributes nothing.


Seebs, please consider whether even a reasonably witty comment like
yours above actually improves the signal-to-noise ratio. Thank you.

Probably not. However, I think in some cases, a bit of friendly chatter
which does not in and of itself improve the signal-to-noise ratio, can
nonetheless improve the sense of community which tends to lead people to
act in ways which improve the signal-to-noise ratio.


Peter Nilsson

Seebs said:
... I think in some cases, a bit of friendly chatter
which does not in and of itself improve the signal-to-
noise ratio, can nonetheless improve the sense of

The same way test pattern and elevator music substitute
when services are down.


The same way test pattern and elevator music substitute
when services are down.

Not really. For the most part, humans tend to view themselves at least
partially in terms of memberships of groups. Some people are dominated
by this; look at Kenny's obsession with "regs". Very few people, though,
don't have at least some sense of "I know these people and ought to act
in ways compatible with their well-being". In general, a community which
rejects any kind of personal chatter will be unhealthy, because people
won't view themselves as personally engaged with the community, and they
won't have any particular desire to support the community or its members.

In short, for an interactive discussion medium, the most effective way to
have a healthy culture in which people can communicate effectively and keep
the community's discussions topical, is to allow certain *kinds* of
digressions or chatter, because they form what is essentially a carrier for
the signal. Take away the carrier, and you lose the signal.


Nick Keighley

On Thu, 3 Jun 2010 04:01:51 -0700 (PDT)

Perhaps he shouldn't have churned out books with such broad and obvious
errors that lead the people who read them to be bad and puzzled
programmers, then?

perhaps if he'd accepted criticism with good grace early in the
proceedings he'd have avoided this. I really don't see his problem.
He gets to keep the money.

Nick Keighley


Your notes about "Yankee" above, expanding my knowledge (thanks), remind
me of the moment in IIRC "Flash for Freedom" where Flashman's companion,
in  a bar in mid-19thC Houston, calls a local "A damned Yankee
pipsqueak". Flashman leaves in a hurry to avoid the ensuing brawl.

I recall a cartoon of Jimmy Carter visiting somewhere (Isreal?) where
the walls were daubed with "Yankee Go Home" and Jimmy Carter wailing
"it's the "yankee" that hurts!"


Probably not.  However, I think in some cases, a bit of friendly chatter
which does not in and of itself improve the signal-to-noise ratio, can
nonetheless improve the sense of community which tends to lead people to
act in ways which improve the signal-to-noise ratio.

And you have to leave room for people to have different personalities
as well. Keith seems pretty melancholic to me; analyzing the faults
of post content that if heeded would likely improve the quality of
content generated on clc. To some people, it appears as if he's the
local forum sheriff. Others might simply take it as a friendly

.... carefully takes time to delete the signature ;-)


Which is Nilges' technique: he takes offence on behalf of blacks at
the phrase "a coon's age". He takes offence on behalf of Muslims when
the "Bangladeshi students" who post inane questions and never follow
up are made fun of. He takes offence on behalf of Jews if he is called
a troll (don't ask). And of course, he takes offence at an negative
review of "C the Complete Reference" written 14 years ago, because
Schildt's  "family have been seriously offended and wounded".  

Yeah, isn't that strange, you redneck son of a bitch?
All or any of these he believes gives him the licence to call anyone
whatever filthy name he can think of, and to abuse them in this and
any other venue he can use, because that's "self defense",  as he has
appointed himself the all-purpose class action vigilante and is
Fighting The Good Fight For Decent People Everywhere.

Well, I ain't fighting for people like you.


More importantly, if he really found it "wounding", why the hell did he
fix exactly one of two identical copies of a claim, that being the one
listed in the 3e edition of C:TCN?  He clearly *knew* that his book was
full of errors.  Why was he unwilling to put even the most basic effort
into fixing them?

He did, jerk face. He published four editions, each of which was a lot
of work (you are not capable of this work, it's clear from your
pathetic code). You have admitted that many of the issues you pointed
out after he knew about them were fixed.
That said, I do not have any evidence supporting the theory that Nilges
has any information at all about Schildt or his family.  Nilges is a habitual
liar; Schildt is an adult human.  It seems more likely that Nilges is lying
than that Schildt is "seriously offended and wounded" by easily verified
criticisms of something he clearly doesn't care to put effort into.

You keep claiming this. It's because I've got the facts on you. Peter,
I recently resolved a similar case of online bullying at work and I
will resolve this case, not in your favor.

It is also unclear what "this" is.  Nilges is sufficiently non-rational that
if he got outraged letters from Schildt demanding that Nilges shut the ****
up and stop making him look so bad, he'd just file it under "Schildt is
indeed upset, this means I should push harder."

The actual facts are none of your business and wildly at variance with
what you're claiming. I am not at liberty to describe them.


As this entire thread is clearly "noise" in the clc informational
sense, I think it does no harm.  For those not interested in
flamewars, gossip, etc., I recommend skipping any thread with
"Schildt", "Dweebach", etc. in the subject line.  FWIW, it made me
laugh.  Maybe if a loon spends enough time raging in an ot thread, he
has less time to corrupt more signal-based threads.

People who are, like most of the regs here, systematically and by
design incompetent at highly factored corporate jobs are anhedonic and
for this reason unable to find the humor in almost any situation save
the primitive insult.

Richard Bos

Peter Nilsson said:
The same way test pattern and elevator music substitute
when services are down.

Worse. Elevator music does not get in the way of the services being


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