Keith said:
None of the predefined integer types (char, short, int, long, long
long) have names that specify their actual sizes, allowing the sizes
to vary across platforms. Only minimum sizes are specified.
In other words, the built-in types were roughly equivalent to
int_leastN_t or int_fastN_t. I definitely approve of types that are
allowed to have different sizes on different platforms. I think that
they are, by far, the most appropriate types to use in most contexts.
However, while using english adjectives as keywords to specify the
minimm size seemed reasonable when the number of different sizes was
small, it has become steadily less reasonable as the number of
different sizes has increased. The new size-named types provide a more
scalable solution to identifying the minimum size. Were backward
compatibility not an issue, I'd recommend abolishing the original type
names in favor of size-named types. I wouldn't recommend the current
naming scheme for the new types, however - intN_t should have been used
for the fast types, with int_exactN_t being reserved for the
exact-sized types.
encourages code that doesn't assume specific sizes (though there's
The same benefit accrues to the non-exact-sized size-named types.
days, "all the world's an x86". Introducing a new fundamental type
with a size-specific name would break that pattern, and could break
systems that don't have power-of-two sizes (vanishingly rare these
days, but the standard still allows for them).
You're assuming that the size-specific name would identify an
exact-sized type rather than a minimum-sized type. I would not approve
of that solution any more than you would, for precisely the reasons you