Wojtek Lerch
Eric Sosman said:Does the Standard require that the 1's bit and the
2's bit of an `int' reside in the same byte?
Or is the
implementation free to scatter the bits of the "pure
binary" representation among the different bytes as it
pleases? (It must, of course, scatter the corresponding
bits of signed and unsigned versions in the same way.)
Of course.
If the latter, I think there's the possibility (a
perverse possibility) of a very large number of permitted
"endiannesses," something like
(sizeof(type) * CHAR_BIT) !
(CHAR_BIT !) ** sizeof(type)
Argument: There are `sizeof(type) * CHAR_BIT' bits (value,
sign, and padding) in the object, so the number of ways to
permute the bits is the factorial of that quantity. But C
cannot detect the arrangement of individual bits within a
byte, so each byte of the object divides the number of
detectably different arrangements by `CHAR_BIT!'.
But of course you can detect the order, at least in cases where padding bits
don't obscure the view. Take a look at the representation of a power of
two. If there are no padding bits, only one of the bytes has a non-zero
value, and that value is a power of two as well. And of course you can
easily detect which power of two it is.
If you assume a clear distinction between padding bits and value bits, the
correct answer is
( sizeof(type) * CHAR_BIT ) !
( number_of_padding_bits ) !
But if you don't, things can get a little fuzzy. For instance, imagine an
implementation that requires that for any valid int representation, the top
two bits of its first byte must be either both set or both unset. It
doesn't matter which one you choose to consider a value bit and which one a
padding bit; but my formula counts those two choices as two distinct