Ok, I'm going to respond to this briefly. This is almost entirely
off-topic, so everyone is encouraged to ignore this if they choose.
(I considered either replying by e-mail or ignoring it, and perhaps I
should have.)
Mabden said:
You need to realize that you are responding to my posts with negative
comments. You are the mostly the FIRST poster. Why can you not just wait
a day or three, and let others post first. I am not writing personal
messages to you on the newsgroup. It's OK to ignore ones you don't like.
Let some others post before you chime in and "poison the well" with your
negative comments, please.
Yes, I'm well aware that I'm responding to your posts with "negative
comments". I've done so only when I think it's appropriate. If
something you write calls for a response, it shouldn't matter who
responds. I see no reason to wait for someone else to chime in.
If you post something that's technically inaccurate, I'll post a
correction if somebody else doesn't beat me to it. When you recently
posted a followup that I felt was extremely rude, and that didn't add
anything to the discussion, I responded because I didn't want to
reinforce the perception that this is a hostile newsgroup. When you
posted a flurry of silly followups in one day, most or all of which
were entirely off-topic, I called you on it; discussions of topicality
are traditionally considered topical. When you rudely dragged my
name, or a variant of it, into an otherwise irrelevant discussion, I
asked you to stop.
After this, if I respond to anything you write it will only be for the
benefit of others, probably to correct errors. You've made it clear
that you're not willing to accept criticism, so I won't bother. I'll
ask you one last time not to drag my name, or variants of it, into
irrelevant discussions.
Consider the fact that none of the responses to your rant have
supported your point of view. The relative lack of responses is
probably due to two factors: most people are sick and tired of this
whole thing, and most of the regulars have probably killfiled you, so
they never saw what you wrote.
I'm done here. Feel free to have the last word.